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June Wrasslin |OT| When you lose, you're a jobber, when you win, you're Cena.

Weird I always thought Orton was a HHH guy. Also kind of explains why they haven't done anything meaningful with him since like, last summer. Well, I guess the Barrett feud had some juice there for a while. I kinda wish they did write him off though, just to put someone over. I mean, as horrible as the Miz has been lately wouldn't he have gotten some instant credibility back by taking out Orton for two months? Or something similar.

Also, I guess maybe Punk really was jabbing at Orton on Monday when he was saying how he's glad there's an actual WRESTLER on the cover of a wrestling videogame.


Sorry if this is old...

Defiant Cleveland closer Chris Perez has thrown some gas on the simmering rivalry between the Indians and Kansas City Royals.

The animated Perez angered Kansas City's Jarrod Dyson for a gesture he made after striking out the Royals outfielder in the ninth inning of Cleveland's 8-5 win on Monday.

After fanning Dyson on three pitches, Perez walked off the mound and waved his hand in front of his face to mock Dyson, who was unaware of the gesture until seeing it later on videotape.

"It's just terrible," Dyson said. "Nobody told me about it. As soon as I got done with my at-bat, I went down to see where the pitch was because I felt like the pitch was in and I saw him do that and it (ticked) me off even more."

It's the latest incident involving Perez, who recently criticized Indians fans for their lack of support and was fined earlier this season by Major League Baseball for an inappropriate tweet after the teams had a contentious series in Kansas City.

Perez said teammate Tony Sipp, who is friends with Dyson, had told him the Royals weren't happy with some of the comments and they were "coming for me."

During Monday's game, Perez promised his teammates in the bullpen that if he struck out Dyson he would make the "you can't see me" gesture popularized by pro wrestler John Cena.

Perez said before Tuesday's game that the gesture was in response to what Dyson told Sipp.

"That's the only reason I did it," Perez said. "I said, 'All right, you're coming for me, I'm coming for you. If I strike you out, you're going to get the can't see me face.'

"What happened? Three pitches. You can't see me," he said.

Dyson said he was already looking forward to his next matchup against Perez, who leads the majors with 17 saves.

"I can't wait to face him again," Dyson said. "I want to beat him. That's the good part of this game, you get to go back and try to beat a guy, beat a team. If I had seen it, I would have said something, probably jumped out of character. Usually, that's not me. Though that's not how our organization is.

"But that's the game. When you win, you can say what you want," Dyson added. "They beat us. We lost. We have nothing to say. You lose, you shut up and go out and try to beat them. Then you can have something to say."

Perez wasn't troubled that Dyson didn't appreciate his actions.

"If he took offense to it, oh well," Perez said. "It happened and it's the same as when a hitter hits a home run and they come back to the dugout and do all their hand-slapping stuff. We see that as pitchers and we don't take offense to it because he just hit a home run."

Dyson chalked up Perez's antics to "him just being him."

"I think that's just the way he is. That's just him. If he needs that to get motivated, whatever. It was a little bit of disrespect," Dyson said. "I guess he felt good striking me out. It's not like he struck out Albert Pujols."

Perez has been known to let loose with a primal scream after getting a save or pumping his fists in celebration. While it may annoy and even anger some of his opponents, the rebellious right-hander said he does it to motivate himself.




What an interesting situation this is. Randy Orton is in a very delicate position and the WWE has to handle with care.

It is true that the best case would be too release him since he isn't on the good side of anyone backstage, but he is still a huge star, and releasing him is giving TNA a very welcomed boost. I'm sure most people backstage understand this and will probably acept him coming back in two months.

However his standing within the company has to change immediately, and the Randy Orton character should literally get destroyed and job him until his contract runs out, so by the time he leaves, no one will care about him.

I liked him back in 2008-10, but his face run has been shit. Good riddance anyway.

We should make a June OT2

All in favor?



Randy Orton is only good as a sadistic, predatory heel. He sucks as a babyface and you can tell by how he just goes through the motions when he's generally not interested in what he is doing.
Randy Orton is only good as a sadistic, predatory heel. He sucks as a babyface and you can tell by how he just goes through the motions when he's generally not interested in what he is doing.

Maybe you mean in his promos? His wrestling has been soooo much better in 2011 and 2012. He went from Blandy Boreton to being an interesting guy to watch wrestle against just about everyone he was in the ring with.
Face Orton was so fresh when he first turned, the new found energy put into his matches and the removal of the chinlocks made it very worthwhile. Plus they led us to such greats as Viper motions/spasms, SCOOP SLAM powerslams, the goofy looking Lou Thesz Press and the patented Orton body thrust clotheslines.


That gif is so amazing. The crowd loves him!

This something that the WWE has to change (not Bryan's reactions lol). They have to change the face/heel as absolutes ends of the spectrum.

Bryan's has heel antics but he is a fan favourite, that's enough, there's no need to talk shit to the crowd, to get cheap heat by insulting the local town, etc. The notion of a heel being booed and a face being cheered, has to go. People can cheer or boo whoever they want, a character is made not by how they get cheap heat from people, but how they perform with heel antics in their promos and matches.

I always hate when anyone cuts a promo and panders to the crowd directly by insulting/cheering the city they're in, pandering to the crowd by catch-phrases is ok to me. I think there's only 3 people in WWF/E that I have liked how they went against the crowds to gain heat and those are Bret's heel turn, Rock in 2003, and Jericho's best at everything he does pre-2012. Punk's SES was great for feuds, but I felt it was inferior when he pulled the Jericho on the crowd.

Maybe you mean in his promos? His wrestling has been soooo much better in 2011 and 2012. He went from Blandy Boreton to being an interesting guy to watch wrestle against just about everyone he was in the ring with.

It's true that his 2011 matches were great, but his heel matches were very well crafted, they weren't short of skilled, they were full of heel antics to get people to boo him just by slowing down the match and keeping it at its own pace, that wasn't lack of skill by any case and that was one of the things that made Rated RKO a great combination, since Edge and Orton were like opposite types in the ring.
I kept telling you guys Orton sucked, but no one wanted to listen to me.

I wonder who the rumored mystery third wellness policy failure is...
Weird, I just got around to watching Over The Limit and it was the first time ever that I've felt Randy Orton's presence has improved the quality of a PPV match. Oh well, nothing lost and nothing gained I suppose
"Former WWE star Cliff Compton aka Domino is backstage at the Impact Zone and is slated to wrestle tonight in some fashion. Not sure if he's coming in or if it's a dark match. "


How do you push a guy that's already at the top? What more can he do, it's obvious he's gonna be holding on to the WHT for a while...have him mow through any and all competition Cena style?

Just have Sheamus to his schtick with main eventer heels, bring all those new guys from FCW, and maybe, just maybe, have decent feuds built around the US or IC title, whichever is the one used in SD.


If they had someone big they would probably hide them before show time in Dixie's dressing room or in a trailer somewhere. I don't think we found out about Jeff Hardy or Flair before showtime back in 2010 did we?

I wanna say Jeff Hardy was known before he debut'd on TV, but Flair was a surprise. I know we saw the nWo before the show in the line to get in the Impact Zone.


Just have Sheamus to his schtick with main eventer heels, bring all those new guys from FCW, and maybe, just maybe, have decent feuds built around the US or IC title, whichever is the one used in SD.

The problem is you have to build main event heels for that to work, right? This would be a perfect time to push Cody and Ziggler into the title scene. A Sheamus/Rhodes feud for the title would be pretty good I think. Right now, our main event heels are Big Show, Daniel Bryan, and Alberto Del Rio. There's Jericho too, but he's still on suspension and the E has been slowly killing interest in Jericho with all the losses he's taken since his return, and I suppose Kane is a tweener talent (both in being heel/face and mid-card/main event).
Look at it this way either you get a good show tonight or a train wreck which is still entertaining. Dixie is announcing a surprise on the show, Jeff Jarrett will most likely be back, and Batista or Morrison should be there. Only thing that has me worried is they didn't mention the big surprise on last week's show making me think something might have fell through.
I get a terrible feeling Live TNA is going to like when Vince tries to "fix" Live Smackdown x 1,000

I personally though TNA was decent last week (the first time I watched in ages). Tonight will likely be nothing like that :/


You know a good way to suspend Randy is how D.Brine too beat the shit outta him and make him tap out.

Yeah, that way you can actually set up a feud upon his return as well. Hell, didn't even have to be D.Brine, it could have been Rhodes or Ziggler too to help elevate them to be perceived as legit main event threats by the crowd. It was dumb to just announce the suspension and not have a kayfabe reason to write him off. Orton getting suspended isn't good news for the WWE, but they gotta realize that sometimes you've gotta make chicken salad out of chicken shit.
I get a terrible feeling Live TNA is going to like when Vince tries to "fix" Live Smackdown x 1,000

I personally though TNA was decent last week (the first time I watched in ages). Tonight will likely be nothing like that :/

We will get a tv title match between Devon and Jeff Hardy, the gutcheck judging for Joey Ryan, there's a taped segment from James Storm's farm, there will probably be an Austin Aries match, more on the AJ/Dixie drama, Sting vs. Roode in a lumberjack match, and more between Joe Park ESQ and Bully Ray. Only concern might be Brooke Hogan and if there is too much Hogan on the show.
maybe they'll just shame him by just not kayfabing the suspension and also making him do "don't do drugs" PSA's when he's about to come back.

.... naaahh .....
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