
So I've made a trip to a tabletop games shop today to see what they could recommend. It's been on my mind for a few months now but I didn't know where to start at first, so I just spent some time researching and watching YouTube tutorials. Ultimately I wanted to get the Command Edition starter set since it has the rule book, lore book, and terrain board included, plus two full armies with some example battle scenarios - basically everything you need to actually play the game. Sadly, however, they didn't have it at the store. Therefore, I went with a more basic army set. They had a bunch of different factions but Adepta Sororitas is my favorite one so I went with that. First I'm just gonna give this whole painting thing a shot and we'll see how it goes from there.
The guys at the shop were good sports too. Super enthusiastic about the hobby and eager to just casually chat about it, you could tell they were doing this stuff for years. We shot some shit for a while (naturally we had a laugh about Space Wolves being furries and Tau being OP space commies), and they even offered to invite me for some games to introduce me to the actual tabletop gaming side of the hobby. I'll take them up on their offer eventually but for now I just wanna see how my first army painting is gonna go.
Pretty psyched for this!