JackFrost2012 said:Do we know the US MSRP? (I can't read IGN at work)
Noooooo!FortNinety said:I just want to know if the music will be at all touched.
FortNinety said:I just want to know if the music will be at all touched.
Dragona Akehi said:They are SO going to rape the soundtrack. :\
FortNinety said:I just want to know if the music will be at all touched.
SolidSnakex said:As long as it isn't licensed then it should be fine. I'm pretty sure everything was composed for the game so it shouldn't change.
bobbyconover said:I think he was probably talking about the Japanese vocals in almost every song.
http://www.us.playstation.com/games.aspx?id=SLUS-21008Wario64 said:But it hasn't been official till now, and I don't remember anything saying a Sept. release or budget price
BuddyChrist83 said:http://www.us.playstation.com/games.aspx?id=SLUS-21008
that page has been up for at least two weeks.
still, always good to hear more confirmation. from what namco said at E3, katamari should be a budget title.
Ill Saint said:PAL?
shibbs said:
bobbyconover said:Quit whining and learn to appreciate your Beatmania, Bishibashi Special, Kuru Kuru Kururin, Mr Driller 2, Poy Poy 2, Doshin the Giant, and Ico Limited edition, AKA the nicest packaging of any game.. ever!!
Ill Saint said:If those games listed above are out in PAL territories, they must have come in under some drastically different names... care to point them out for us common folk?
Seriously? I've never once come across any of those names... I usually scour websites for the more obscure Japenese games that might come to PAL land, but none of those are familiar. But if I've somehow missed them, I'd sure as hell like to track them down!bobbyconover said:Nope, those are all the actual Euro release names. Honest!
MetatronM said:They said the whole localization was done already for the E3 version, and I don't remember anybody saying anything about soundtrack changes (though I imagine it might be difficult to hear on the E3 show floor).
Well, that's what I seem to remember people saying back when the game showed up at E3. I think it was 1up.com that said the localization was complete, but I might be wrong.bobbyconover said:Huh? Yes, the version on the show floor had the original music, but I think the "done already" bit is a stretch. I talked to the Namco rep at some length about the game, and he gave me a look like I was completely insane when I suggested that they leave the music alone, saying that as long as it's in Japanese something will likely have to be done. I'm not saying that'll necessarily happen in the final version, but he certainly seemed to think it would.
Also, all this budget-game talk is kinda getting out of hand. Has anyone actually said anything to suggest that it'll happen? I could see $40, sure, just like the Japanese release, but assuming $20ish is a bit premature.
See, the pessimist in me thinks "Creating music requires time and money to be invested. Is the game even important enough for Namco to consider re-creating all of the tunes? They'll just replace them all with total generic crap."dark10x said:Creating music requires time and money to be invested. Is the game even important enough for Namco to consider re-creating all of the tunes? It seems to me that they are fully aware of how crazy this title is (as we can see by the lack of a name change) and would probably keep the original soundtrack.
Kobun Heat said:See, the pessimist in me thinks "Creating music requires time and money to be invested. Is the game even important enough for Namco to consider re-creating all of the tunes? They'll just replace them all with total generic crap."
JackFrost2012 said:Katamari Dragulacy
SolidSnakex said:You know it'd also have to have "Rollin'" by Limp Bizkit. That'll be its new theme song.
Which now works on your good old' US console. See my thread here, for detailsand Ico Limited edition, AKA the nicest packaging of any game.. ever!!