
Available now as part of the Killzone Trilogy or seperately on the Playstation Network Store ($15).
Originally released for PlayStation 2 in 2004, Killzone tells the story of Jan Templar, an ISA Captain whose home planet comes under attack from a Helghast invasion army. Together with a hot-headed sergeant named Rico, a deadly Shadow Marshal known as Luger, and the half-human, half-Helghast spy Hakha, Templar must attempt to reactivate the Orbital Defense Platform and drive the invading forces from his planet Vekta.
This rip-roaring introduction to the Killzone universe has been remastered in HD. Featuring a single-player campaign with four playable characters and an offline multiplayer mode against AI opponents, Killzone HD has received a thorough audiovisual overhaul: the game boasts 720p graphics at a steady 30fps, with MSAA filtering, sharper textures and higher quality sound effects.
Developer interview: Part 1 Part 2
Reviews: Metacritic
Trophy list (possible spoilers):
Bronze - Captain - Complete all levels on the easy difficulty
Bronze - Toothpick Master - 20 kills with the M32 combat knife
Bronze - Backstabber - 20 kills with the FSK-7 Fury
Bronze - Bullheaded -20 headshots with the M4 Semi-Automatic Pistol
Bronze - Tripletapper -Get 3 headshots in one magazine, using the secondary fire on the IvP-18 Tropov pistol
Bronze - 3 Birds With One Stone - Kill 3 Helghast with one cooked M194 Percussion Grenade
Bronze - One For You And One For You - Kill 2 Helghast with one Double Shot from the M13 Semi-Automatic Shotgun
Bronze - Disproportionate Force - Kill 1 unfortunate Helghast soldier with 3 rockets from the BLR-06 Hadra
Bronze - Eco-Warrior - Hit 15 Helghast soldiers without reloading, using the secondary fire on the M66 SD Submachine gun
Bronze - Call Of The Siren - Kill 25 Helghast soldiers with the VnD-10M Siren
Bronze - Explosive Consequences - Kill 5 Helghast soldiers with one grenade using the attachment on the M82-G Assault Rifle
Bronze - Right In The Jewels - Use the M224-A3 Heavy Support Weapon to melee 20 Helghast soldiers
Bronze - Designation: Demolition - Destroy 3 Towers using the BDL-23 Dohvat
Bronze - The Reds Of Their Eyes - 10 headshots with the STA-52 SLAR Sniper rifle
Bronze - 2 For The Price Of 1 - Kill 2 Helghast with 1 shot from the BP-02 Pup launcher
Bronze - Beep Beep Beeeep - Kill 10 Helghast with the secondary fire on the M327 Grenade Launcher
Bronze - Get Out Of My Comfort Zone - Kill a Helghast within 1m with the M404-MAW M. Anti Tank Weapon and dont die.
Bronze - Artillery Artist - Kill a Helghast from 200m+ away with the Pnv-3 Siska
Bronze - Covering Fire - Kill 10 Helghast with the M224 Mounted Machine Gun
Bronze - Something Borrowed - Kill 20 Helghast soldiers with the VnS-10 Scylla Mounted Machine Gun
Bronze - Short Controlled Bursts - Finish a level above 50% hit ratio
Bronze - Economical Soldier - Finish a level above 75% hit ratio
Bronze - 1 V 50 - Kill 50 Helghast soldiers without dying
Bronze - Brouhaha - Kill 30 Helghast soldiers in under a minute
Bronze - Burn Baby Burn - Destroy your first enemy APC
Bronze - Tanks For The Good Times - Destroy 2 Helghast Tanks attacking the Industrial level
Bronze - Elite? HA! - Take down your first 2 Helghast Elite
Bronze - That Got Their Attention - Destroy the Missile launching APCs in the Misty Waters Firebase
Bronze - Theyre On Our Side Now - Switch allegiance of Helghast Sentry bots as Hakha
Bronze - Anti-Air Specialist - Bring two Dropships crashing down in the Mist Waters Firebase
Bronze - Bounty Hunted - Kill the IFO Bounty Hunter
Bronze - Abridged Bridge - Collapse the Helghast bridge in the Jungle Valley
Bronze - Supply And Demand - Blow up the ammo dumps in the Forward Logistics Base
Bronze - Generally Better - Kill General Lente and his bodyguards
Bronze - Orbital Strike - Take down General Adams with a melee attack
Bronze - Helghast Assault - Complete Chapter 1
Bronze - Vekta Evacuates - Complete Chapter 2
Bronze - New Allies - Complete Chapter 3
Bronze - Strange Company - Complete Chapter 4
Bronze - Escape - Complete Chapter 5
Bronze - Misty Waters - Complete Chapter 6
Bronze - Hunting The Traitor - Complete Chapter 7
Bronze - Forging A Path - Complete Chapter 8
Bronze - Hidden Pasts - Complete Chapter 9
Bronze - Onwards And Upwards - Complete Chapter 10
Bronze - Hope - Complete Chapter 11
Bronze - Rapid Reaction Force - Complete Chapter 1 to 11 playing as Templar
Bronze - Shadow Marshal - Complete Chapter 3 to 11 playing as Luger
Bronze - ISA Regular - Complete Chapter 4 to 11 playing as Rico
Bronze - Field Operative -Complete Chapter 5 to 11 playing as Hakha
Bronze - Helghast Champion - Win a battlefields game playing on the Helghasts side with the enemy Ai set to hard
Bronze - ISA Saviour - Win a battlefields game playing on the ISAs side with the enemy Ai set to hard
Bronze - Twos Company - Win a battlefields game with another player in split screen
Silver - Scavenger - Pick up 10,000 rounds for the STA-52 LAR rifle
Silver - 4 X 4 X 4 - Kill 4 Helghast in under 4 seconds with the EAW-25/4 Chimera
Silver - Nobody Hides From Me - Finish a level above 90% hit ratio
Silver - Colonel - Complete all levels on the medium difficulty
Gold - General - Complete all levels on the hard difficulty
Platinum - Platinum - Collect all trophies in Killzone