On the surface, KUF looks like a more competent version of Dynasty Warriors with a D&D theme replacing Koei's ancient China, but after playing KUF for a few hours today, I assure you that the game has an incredible amount of depth.
Though combat is filled with lovely button-mashing glory, there's actually a lot of tactics involved in Kingdom Under Fire. You don't merely drop into combat from level to level, instead you are placed on large maps where you will move in search of enemies or to complete objectives. You tell your men where to move and you can adjust how tight your unit moves. If you are loose, you travel faster (and louder), but if you travel very closely, you are better protected and also move slower and more quietly. The problem with moving closer together is that one well-placed mortar round can end you.
A few hours in, Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders is looking mighty dandy. There are some troubling issues, though. For one, when you enter combat mode, there's an invisible wall that shrinks the available space on the map, to keep you confined. However, you will often fight near other combating troops and their combat sometimes spills into your area, but there's no way for you to go into their space without hitting "the wall." Sometimes enemies will also try and back up and go through this invisible barrier so that you can't get at them.
That issue aside, I'm loving KUF. It's got a little bit of RPG, a little bit of RTS, and a lot of button-mashing loveliness. Playing as the Dark Legion is definitely more interesting, thanks to being able to use orcs and ogres to fight your battles, but as the human side, you'll get to slice up orcs and dark elves, so it all evens out.
Sounds sweet !