A desolate mountain, riddled with ancient dungeons...
Four prisoners must survive where countless others have fallen...
Welcome to Mount Grimrock, prisoner. Enjoy your stay.
Legend of Grimrock
Developer: Almost Human
Genre: First-person dungeon crawler RPG
PC Release: April 11th 2012 at GOG.com, Steam and direct at Almost Human
Linux, Mac, iOS, Droid Release: To be confirmed. Developers are looking into these platforms and have interface designs
Price: $14.99
System Requirements said:Minimum
OS: Windows XP Service Pack 3
CPU: Dual Core 2GHz Intel or 2.8GHz AMD
Memory: 2GB
Graphics: ATI Radeon X1600 or NVIDIA GeForce 7600 or better (512MB graphics memory or more. Shader Model 3.0 needs to be supported). Minimum supported resolutions 1280×720 and 1024×768.
DirectX: 9.0c
Disk Space: 1GB
OS: Windows Vista or Windows 7
CPU: Quad Core 2.66GHz Intel or 3.2GHz AMD
Memory: 4GB
Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 2900 or NVIDIA GeForce 8800 or better (512MB graphics memory or more. Shader Model 3.0 needs to be supported)
DirectX: 9.0c
Disk Space: 1GB

Combining an old-school heart with a modern execution Legend of Grimrock aims to bring the classic dungeon crawler to a new generation of adventurers while staying true to the stalwarts who have enjoyed the genre since the days of Dungeon Master. Forming a party of four prisoners, players must descend and escape from Mount Grimrock while surviving devious traps, solving forgotten puzzles and conquering the less than friendly denizens of the dungeons. As a group of four, the party marches together utilizing protective formations that safeguard vulnerable members of the team. With sturdy warriors in front, the mages and rogues of the player's escape party avoid harm until one of their protectors fall.
That doesn't mean the guys at the back are helpless, however. Rogues use archery and throwing weapons to take down powerful opponents with mages casting spells using a system of runes that allow for interesting combinations...as long as one has been learnt by the player. Combining the fire and physicality runes can create a fireball, for instance.
Noble or commoner, brain or brawn, guilty or falsely accused, only skill will see the prisoners to victory.
- Make your great escape with a heroic quartet of your own design: Fighters, rogues and mages.
- Meet your inevitable demise sooner rather than later: Selectable difficulty settings for rookies and veterans alike.
- Grow from novice to master in your quest for freedom: Build your party with the races, skills and traits that will lead you to victory.
- Pen and pencil are relevant again: Utilize Grimlock's automapping system or go it alone using printable graph paper available with pre-orders.
- Think like a general, fight like a Spartan. For realsies: Real time combat tests your ability to plan ahead, manoeuvre and battle the creatures you will face. Attacks can be dodged. Arrows can be sidestepped. Cover can be taken. Take that, Gears.
Pre-Order/GOG.com Bonuses
Purchasing the game direct or at GOG.com gives you access to:
- The game's title theme.
- The official manual and world map.
- Printable grid paper.
- Wallpapers and concept art.
- A lovely photo of the dev team.
Update: Check your Steam installation for an extras folder containing these above benefits. Thanks Hawk xSx!

Prospective explorers are strongly recommended to see the game in motion. A lot of work has gone into some very smooth enemy animations.

Never played a first-person, real time dungeon crawler like this? Feeling a little intimidated or looking for something to delve into before Grimrock hits? This section's for you.
A word of warning...
Like a lot of its genre, the dungeon floors in Legend of Grimrock are not randomized. Instead, each one is hand designed for puzzles and combat encounters. Going into the dungeons blind is without a doubt the most satisfying way to play (according to top scientists) and is highly recommended. If you are new, give the first floor of the dungeons a good going over a few times to gain confidence.
- Practice moving and timing attacks.
- In open spaces allow enemies to chase you by circling and sidestepping.
- The step by step movement also applies to your enemies.
- Strike foes when they are engaged in moving animations.
- Discretion is the better part of valour.
- Experiment with party structures.
- Feed your prisoners only when they are starving.
- Have your back row prisoners use missile/thrown weapons in every encounter to ensure they gain experience before spells are learnt.
- Have fun!
If you are still having trouble with Level 1 and would like a visual demonstration of how I personally conduct combat, I have recorded a video for YouTube. Enable annotations for some tips and the party structure. There's even a secret you might not have found...
Level 1 - Youtube by Songbird
Amateur dungeon director? Submit your clips to me by posting here or sending a PM and I'll post them here.

Thanks UncleSporky for the spell list!

Dungeon Master The challenge of the Firestaff.
In 1987 FTL Games released Dungeon Master on the Atari ST, followed closely by a versions on the Commodore Amiga and a variety of other systems. While Dungeon Master was inspired by games of the era such as Wizardry and Ultima, the real time gameplay and unorthodox design choices became popular. For instance, the Elder Scrolls games are heavily influenced by dungeon crawlers such as DM and Ultima Underworld with skills advancing through their use, reaction driven gameplay and large viewports with Arena's rows of buttons evolving into the streamlined UI of Skyrim.

The legend pleases you? You accept the challenge of the dreaded Firestaff? Give these modern recreations of DM a try, take a look at the encyclopedia and try not to die by walking into a wall.
The Dungeon Mater Manual
Dungeon Master Return to Chaos
Dungeon Master Dungeon Strikes Back!
Chaos Strikes Back for Windows (and Linux, MacOS X, Pocket PC)
More recommendationsStoppedInTracks said:Here's a list of some of the old First Person RPGs. I have finished all except one mentioned below. I did not post about the most famous ones (M&M3-5, Wizardry, EotB etc.) as everybody knows them and has played them
I hope Grimrock joins these classics!
Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss
Ultima Underworld II: Labyrinth of Worlds
http://www.abload.de/img/underworld016fb5l.jpg http://www.abload.de/img/underworld02eqxmb.png http://www.abload.de/img/underworld03dia1u.jpg
Best first person dungeon crawler ever. Challenging, deep, mature and totally revolutionary at the time of release with very good music and unprecedenced atmosphere. First game in history where you could fly, swim and move your head 360 degrees around including up and down. This game PRE-dates Wolfenstein 3D yet Wolf3D is hailed as the first free-movement FPS game ever. There was much doubt about UW1 and UW2 around the time of release, people were saying "First person Ultima game? So dumbed down!" After getting critical acclaim and almost perfect scores all the haters were shut.
A true classic that no RPG aficianodo should omit.
Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos
Lands of Lore: Guardians of Destiny
http://www.abload.de/img/landsoflore2_0171yi1.gif http://www.abload.de/img/landsoflore2_02nuyz9.jpg http://www.abload.de/img/landsoflorebvz3e.png
Another classic and his sequel, both very high rated (80-90) games. A "modern" at the time of release version of Eye of the Beholder series. To be frank I liked them more than EoB series, they were more "casual" but still somewhat hardcore. LoL1 sports typical DOS era graphics which are however way nicer than those found in EoB. Puzzles are easier as well. LoL2 is a next-gen title: 3D acceleration, texturing, special effects, full 360 degrees movement. Same vein as for example Might and Magic 6 onwards.
Bonus: a 2012 pic of the game from my collection.
Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven
http://www.abload.de/img/mightandmagic6_0183l1i.jpg http://www.abload.de/img/mightandmagic6_02u6zgc.jpg
The second best dungeon crawler ever created. Calling it a dungeon crawler is a bit much as the overworld in this game is HUGE. Better to call it... the 1998 version of Skyrim. This game is absolutely AMAZING. It can take up to 100 hours to finish. It is not a DOS game anymore (so no 320x240 8-bit VGA graphics like previous Might and Magic titles) but a full 65k colours Windows title. You can fly in this game! Fly in the overworld! How cool is that? You can also teleport to ANY place you want even in the middle of a dungeon (Lloyd's Beacon spell). Might and Magic 6 overwhelms you just as Baldur's Gate 2 does. There is just so much to do. The whole world is a sandbox - you can go EVERYWHERE you want any time you want. Wanna try tackling those Titans with 3000 damage points attacks while you're party has an average of 260 HP? Go on. They will more than kill you... they will ERADICATE you where not even a Resurrection spell can help! I could go on and on about this game for hours... It has the perfect amount of challenge right until the very last dungeon where things start to get a little bit on the easy side cause you can shoot laser weapons then. Don't be confused: sci-fi ending is a staple of Might and Magic series. One last thing: dungeons in Mandate of Heaven are second to none.
If I were to recommend ONE game from this list, ONE game for all you old-school RPG maniacs this would be Mandate of Heaven. For me personally this is the best RPG ever created. Better than Fallouts, Baldur's Gates, previous M&M entries, even better than Ultima 7.
Bonus: a 2012 pic of the game from my collection.
Arx Fatalis
http://www.abload.de/img/arxfatalis01keakv.jpg http://www.abload.de/img/arxfatalis02yvlky.jpg
Arx Fatalis is the most faitful sequel to Ultima Underworld 1&2 ever created. It is Ultima Underworld 3 much like Dead Space is System Shock 3. A true spiritual successor. Game has new-age graphics (bumpmapping, selfshadowing etc.) but still retains the absolutely amazing atmosphere of the old Ultima Underworld games. You are alone in strange caverns. There are different races living down there, they inhabit different carved in stone castles, villages, dungeons. The magic system is very interesting: you have to actually draw runes to cast spells. Imagine drawing runes in pre-Wii era with your mouse... kinda awkward. The difficulty spike near the end of the game is ENORMOUS. There is one species of heavily armored enemies that simply cannot be defeated without using quick-save/ quick-load cheating. And you want to defeat them cause they sport the very best armor in the whole game. Last boss design looks ridiculous and breaks the otherwise perfect whole game.
If you loved UW1 and UW2 you will love Arx Fatalis. I think there is even an Xbox version!

Printable squared paper!
- Official website
- Official game faq (outdated)
- Official store faq
- Rock Paper Shotgun: 11 Things I'm Looking Forward to in Legend of Grimrock
- Gamebanshee: Almost Human Games Interview
- Kotaku: Legend of Grimrock is Everything I Wanted in a Modern-Day Dungeon Crawler
- TotalBiscuit: WTF Is... Legend of Grimrock? (must watch if you don't mind spoilers!)
ElderGeek video review (positive)
Gamebanshee review (positive)
In short, Legend of Grimrock represents a return to form for a genre that has been ignored for far too long, and, frankly, is simply a good RPG that most dungeon-crawling fans absolutely won't want to miss out on. Now that they've made a game that can stand with the classics, I'm eager to see where Almost Human will go next.
NeoGAF's Ohmwrecker (positive)
I just beat the game, Steam says I played for 16 hours. I know there was some stuff I missed, although I was pretty anal about exploring every nook and cranny of every level.
Reviews are embargoed at the moment, so I can't say too much. I could hardly stop playing for two days and nights straight though, if that means anything to you.![]()
Rock Paper Shotgun: Wot I think (positive)
Does it directly compare to Dungeon Master, living up to those memories? Do you know, Ive no idea. I played it when I was 10. But independently of its obvious spiritual father, it stands alone as a really great game that gripped me from top to bottom.
GamingTrend review (positive)
If you are a fan of classic Dungeon Crawlers then there isnt a whole lot to complain about with Legend of Grimrock. This is a tribute to games like Dungeon Master, Eye of the Beholder and Ultima Underworld. The free moving battles and challenging monsters offer a level of difficulty that isnt seen in a lot of todays games, but at the same time the game never feels cheap. Careful strategy, clever use of your environment, and proper preparation will win most battles and give you a sense of accomplishment.
Reviews thread
Thanks very much to Joseph Merrick and StoppedInTracks for compiling such a good list of relevant games in the previous thread.
Thanks also go out to A Twisty Fluken for pointing me in the direction of Dungeon Strikes Back! Cicero is thanked for Chaos Strikes Back and a link to the original manuals.
Image resolutions and indenting style shamelessly cribbed from alr1ghtstart.
Thanks a bunch to Orcastar for the subtitle.
Lastly, thanks to you for reading my first |OT|!
This post will evolve over time. If a question is asked frequently I will add a FAQ. When members contribute videos and screenshots of the game I'll also add them here.