Criminal Upper

It was totally business as usual at San Romero high, just another regular BLAH-ISH monday! I was on break between classes while hardcore GUSHING on my boyfriend Nick, when...OMG, FUCKING ZOMBIES! Where did these smelly losers come from? Me and Nick got like, seperated when everything just broke out in a total riot! Friends getting chomped on! Cars overturned! My skirt got slightly ripped! I then turned and saw my beloved Nicky getting dragged under by a bunch of dead-heads! Fortunately, I had my chainsaw handy and fought my way to him! But...he'd been bitten. Daddy taught me enough about Zombies that I knew Nick didn't have much time left! So I did what any level-headed girl would do! I sawed his head off to save him from the nightmare of being turned into a drooling cannibal!
But what was like, going ON? I mean, R U 4 REELZ? Zombies? Where did they come from? I think it might have something to do with the creepy art student, SWAN! At first I thought he was just emo, but now he's suddenly gone aggro on everyone at San Romero high! With Nick, my two sisters and my pop, I'm gonna cut my way to the heart of this ABSOLUTELY UNCOOL undead apocalypse!

At it's core, Lollipop Chainsaw is a hack n' slash brawler action game similar to Suda 51's No More Heroes in terms of basic functionality, but the fighting system has been expanded greatly to support more depth, options and modifiers for your zombie killing enjoyment.
You have your weak and hard chainsaw attacks, a bevy of navigational flips, rolls and dodges, but you also have a whole host of cheerleader attacks to choose from. These are melee strikes Juliet performs that are much quicker than using the chainsaw and are best used for multidirectional crowd control. But there is also a variety of subsystems available! Such as:

Sparkle Hunting: This mode triggers when 3 or more zombies have been killed at the same time with a single attack. If Juliet can keep the kills going in a successfull chain, her score will multiply even higher! Points accumulated during this can go towards buying things in the Chop to Shop store!

Nick Tickets: During battle, Juliet will earn "Nick Tickets" which she can then redeem for different subweapons involving Nick's head in some way. These will be temporary and can vary from a grenade launcher to explosive soccer ball kicks!

Nick Toss: With the Nick Toss, you can whip your boyfriend's head around with extreme prejudice! Damaging zombies within a wide radius!

SOS: Periodically, Juliet will arrive just in time to help save fellow students from the undead hordes, she will have to overcome many obstacles to get to them in time! Don't give up!

Chop 2 Shop: A perpetual mall-on-demand for Juliet and all her spending desires! Here you can buy health and perk upgrades, new moves to add to her arsenal, artwork, music, and lots more!

An army of undead bosses await to stop Juliet from ruining Swan's plans! Each one represents a different musical style, and each are a spectacle to behold!

(click to enlarge!)

CG Announcement Trailer/Japanese Action Trailer

Zom-B-Gone Trailer/Behind The Voice Acting Trailer

Akira Yamaoka Music Trailer

Famitsu: 9/9/9/9
Destructoid: 9/10
Geekrevolt: 9/10
GamingUnwrapped: 9.5/10 A-
Frictionless Insight: 3/5
GamesRadar: 6/10