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London riots spreading through UK

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Some first-hand reports suggesting that youth from across the city have bandwagoned onto this stuff in Tottenham. Easy to see how a spark like this could cascade into something larger, meaner, uglier and less representative of the original idea. It's happened enough.

zomgbbqftw said:
I never once set foot in a youth club. I don't burn shit and riot. That isn't an excuse.

Not an excuse. Scum are scum. But if you occupy the kind of people with a propensity to do this sort of thing, there's less chance they'll do it and there's a further chance they could integrate meaningfully into society at large.


It's a typically English Chav thing to do - have anger bottled up, see an outlet (a protest or spark of a riot) and jump onboard just to vent and cause damage.

One good thing though: There's one less Aldi in the world :)


The guy who was shot was a leading gang member. His relatives and "co-workers" must know plenty of people up for a fight.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Why is it so easy to hate and break stuff? Can't we just live to better ourselves and not do these stupid things?


kinoki said:
Why is it so easy to hate and break stuff? Can't we just live to better ourselves and not do these stupid things?

I don't think there's anything even so coherent as hate driving these riots. It's just for the sake of it.
These youth gangs are not really meant for the active gangsters but rather to give the younger ones an alternative to [being drawn] gang culture. It's not going to change the rate of gang violence obviously but its hoped that at least some kids won't get caught up in it.


kinoki said:
Why is it so easy to hate and break stuff? Can't we just live to better ourselves and not do these stupid things?

Nobody must know my name
For nobody would understand,
And you kill what you fear,
And you fear what you don't understand.

Yo Gotti

RobbieNick said:
Clearly you haven't been to a Lakers Championship.

I have actually. Have you? While people do get loud, the large majority of people were celebrating and having fun. Hardly justifies the excessive amount of force they use on the street at those games.

What you don't see of the riots on TV is the police on the ground instigating the fuck out of the crowd. Dozens of cops saddled up on horses, hundreds more on the ground and in cars armed with riot gear and rubber bullet shotguns. The goddamn horses were wearing armor and riot gear.

People didn't actually start any sort of rioting until the police showed up and started herding people around like sheep.

Still had one of the best times of my life out there.
Windows were smashed at a Barclays Bank and pictures on Twitter appeared to show the building being looted. There were also reports that youths had stormed McDonald’s and had started frying their own burgers and chips.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2023254/Tottenham-riots-Double-decker-bus-set-ablaze-mob-violence-hits-London.html#ixzz1UKs6H4q2

They better not to have taken all the apple pies


CaramaC said:
Selfish pricks! They could've found a JJB.
do they have those dahn sarf?

Dude Tottenham's north. I am not joking i feel so safe at home, in Hackney. This is some bullshit, what really pisses me off is these idiots will probably be the first to bitch about no jobs, crime etc. urhhh. I didn't realise it was this bad.
Tim the Wiz said:
Some first-hand reports suggesting that youth from across the city have bandwagoned onto this stuff in Tottenham. Easy to see how a spark like this could cascade into something larger, meaner, uglier and less representative of the original idea. It's happened enough.

Not an excuse. Scum are scum. But if you occupy the kind of people with a propensity to do this sort of thing, there's less chance they'll do it and there's a further chance they could integrate meaningfully into society at large.

youth clubs don't run 24/7. they are free to pillage and plunder after hours.


Paris 2005, London 2011 ?

Maybe some Fox News guy will blame the muslims aswell. Anyway, I believe riots happen for a reason.


Yo Gotti said:
I have actually. Have you? While people do get loud, the large majority of people were celebrating and having fun. Hardly justifies the excessive amount of force they use on the street at those games.

What you don't see of the riots on TV is the police on the ground instigating the fuck out of the crowd. Dozens of cops saddled up on horses, hundreds more on the ground and in cars armed with riot gear and rubber bullet shotguns. The goddamn horses were wearing armor and riot gear.

People didn't actually start any sort of rioting until the police showed up and started herding people around like sheep.

Still had one of the best times of my life out there.

they instigated them? so we should get rid of the police force so as to not provoke the citizenry?


G.O.O. said:
Paris 2005, London 2011 ?


Not even close, this 'riot' was tiny, yes there was a few dramatic pictures of fires in the night but it was contained to a very small area with very few people.

Its a bit much to say londons burning when it only involves 0.003834% of the population there.


Gold Member
The only positive prospect is that the whole shitty area burns into ash, unfortunately many decent people are affected too.

This is the sort of kids we in London are (not) dealing with:

10.50am: As the map shows, the violence and looting was not confined to Tottenham – spreading to Wood Green, some two miles west.

Paul Lewis was reporting from the scene4am:

There was still no police presence at Wood Green high street at 4am, even after dozens of stores had been smashed and raided, setting of multiple alarms.

Around 100 youths sprinted around the highstreet, targeting game shops, electrical stores and high-street clothe chains such as H & M.

Glass windows were smashed and the looters, mostly young men masking their faces, swarmed in.

They emerged with handfuls of stolen goods. "I've got loads of G-Star," said one teenager, emerging from a clothes shop. Others came out clasping shopping bags stuffed with goods.

Three teenagers ran down the street with suitcases filled with stolen clothes. Around ten young men stood outside a smouldering Carphone Warehouse, the windows smashed. The theft was casual and brazen, with looters peering into broken shop windows to see if items of value remained.

There were shocking scenes in the suburban back-streets, where residential front-gardens were used to frantically sort and swap stolen goods.

A teenage boy, who looked aged around 14, drove an stolen minicab erratically down a side-street. On the adjacent street, a man who emerged from his home to find his car burnt-out remonstrated with other young men, who ran past carrying clothes.

Passersby, including people returning home in the early hours from nights out, were stunned to discover the lawless mayhem on the streets.

With no sign of any police, buses refused to take passengers through Wood Green high street, and traffic was brought to a standstill.


CaramaC said:
Kinda funny how we get riots when the tories are in office.

I just said the same thing to my GF's dad.

Miliband will use that in the commons for sure. It's true.


Salazar said:
And you are of course going to be so good as to expand on this belief.
It's just that one man, or maybe a few men can be entirely responsible for acting like idiots. When you deal with hundreds of people, it's not the same scale, you can't move everyone without a good reason, or what feels like a good reason at a larger scale than the interest of a few.

I don't support riots but my point is that they need a context. Once it's there, it's just bound to happen.


G.O.O. said:
When you deal with hundreds of people, it's not the same scale, you can't move everyone without a good reason, or what feels like a good reason at a larger scale than the interest of a few.

I think the precise opposite is true. Rational motivation decreases in importance (and loses its capacity to regulate conduct) as the scale of a crowd grows.


Salazar said:
Jewish ?

How is he getting that from riot footage ? Are they wearing sandals ?

Obviously they were all wearing kippahs.

Anyway, I didn't realise that Tottenham was that much of an impoverished area. I'd always assumed that being relatively north it was quite well-off, but apparently it has the highest unemployment rate in London.

Funky Papa

Salazar said:
Jewish ?

How is he getting that from riot footage ? Are they wearing sandals ?
Well, looking at the videos there are bunchs of kipa'ed fellows dressed in black and white, but they seem content to watch from the sides. I don't think they are going all Hasidic ninja on the cops.


I think the precise opposite is true. Rational motivation decreases in importance (and loses its capacity to regulate conduct) as the scale of a crowd grows.
Anyway, I didn't realise that Tottenham was that much of an impoverished area. I'd always assumed that being relatively north it was quite well-off, but apparently it has the highest unemployment rate in London.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
gerg said:
Obviously they were all wearing kippahs.

Anyway, I didn't realise that Tottenham was that much of an impoverished area. I'd always assumed that being relatively north it was quite well-off, but apparently it has the highest unemployment rate in London.
Explains everything.


justjohn said:
i understand black, but how did he manage to shoe in jews into this?

Tottenham are seen as a Jewish team. One of their nicknames is the Yids.
Both Jewish and non-Jewish fans of Tottenham Hotspur F.C. adopted "Yid" (or "Yiddo") as a nickname and "Yiddo, Yiddo!" as a battle cry and often identify themselves as "Yid Army". While such usage remains controversial, for the overwhelming majority of Tottenham supporters, it is used with pride.[3] Some Jewish Tottenham supporters use it with a political consciousness of the club as a bastion against racism and antisemitism. Others use it simply because many of the fans and owners of the club are Jews. However, the name was first given to the supporters as an insult, due to the large Jewish following at the club which is based close to the Jewish communities of North London.

jamieson87 said:
Anyone else think it will kick off again tonight?

Probably not. Good job the footie season starts next week really.

Plus we have the Eastenders omnibus on today as well. People just don't have the time.
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