ChatGPT 0.001

I don't ever remember ever liking a super hero game until this Batman game, Arkham City, and knight are top 10 super hero games but I still think asylum is one of the greatest, the atmosphere is just different.
You got great villains and in that aspect alone it’s a great game, from the villain standpoint you have the Joker who can matchup with anyone in marvel, loki, thanos, sinister six etc. Joker’s tactics and skill sets is just insane.

Jack Oswald White aka Joker.
Harley Quinn does anything the joker asks her to do, scarecrow

(psychic terrorist) and thanks to Rocksteady they show you Batman side scrolling through a terrifying level.
Bane, Killer crocodile

Those are great villains.

It appears to be linear but Arkham island shows you to be semi open world, I think they grew on this with knight and city.

I absolutely loved the map design, the world has real chemistry and everything just fits into place.
The stealth eccentric, 3rd person super hero vibe, mature Bruce Wayne with Batman and his gadgets, collecting riddles, upgrades all of it made me really enjoy this one.
What did Neogaf think of Batman Arkham Asylum?
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