Alright, never mind.
Def Jam is the best fighter of the PS2 console generation. Customization, music, stars, and gameplay above all else. I still play it faithfully to this day.
Well, I do think VF4 beats it on a technical level, this is still the best Single Player fighting game ever made. And multiplayer wasn't a slouch either. I loved when my friends would bring over their pre-made characters and we would duke it out. So great.
Busta bitching about his car followed by me wrecking it, by throwing him through the windshield.
Henry Rollins as the trainer, perfect.
Getting ready to fight Warren G, expecting to run all over him and getting my ass kicked. I mean it was Warren G, that should not have happened. Guess I didn't realize he was A tier.
Final fight with Crow.
And being able to create a badass gangsta version of myself. Yeah I'm a fat white guy, so what, I will still destroy you!