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I’m surprised this game isn’t talked about outside of the games forums and here’s my lttp hot take.
You’re fighting demons, high dragons, templars, mages, elves etc. dragon age inquisition passes all the tests for an open world RPG. There’s an elite way of developing armor, and weapons.

The idea of dragon age inquisition is “closing fades” (portals to another dimension) and defeating the big bad boss Corypheus.

Corypheus represents a dope boss, he is the main villain who you meet early on and is very interesting.
You spend a lot of time farming plants, furs and stones for upgrading potions, I’m pretty sure it’s a kill and loot game.

I think there’s an animosity towards dragon age inquisition’s open world. Todays open world games let you go directly to different locations than there’s inquisition which hosts a bunch of locations but can’t even connect them correctly, having to load between cities and houses is a hard pill to swallow for many.

This is Skyhold, fairly easy to navigate. Either you’re at skyhold to get your next main mission, or upgrading your weapons. It’s like a hub, and I would imagine will return in the next dragon age, dread wolf. I think the atmosphere of skyhold is game of thrones, you can “judge” enemy fates, send them to prison or hang them. There’s a lot of detail to skyhold even down to the banners, windows you can customize but again to “leave” you have to teleport in a sense to the next camp, or level.

There’s 11 main quests known as the inquisitions path, the Wrath of Heaven kicks off the quest and it offers an opportunity to meet your first squad mate Cassandra. There’s pride demons, despair demons, most you can knock out in a hit or two, nothing shocking and really light enemies, you'll lose some health but the good news is Haven is the perfect starting area to begin.

Taking the combat, and location out the game exists somewhere in the knights and dragons and kings and queens age. I was intrigued by the species, the elves, dwarves, witches etc. the moment I took down a high dragon I knew this would be a memorable game.
When it comes to DLC, all of them are pure enjoyment.
The decent is a good time in the deep roads with dwarves.
Jaws of Hakkon is more of the same but good material overall.

I want to begin Trespasser but have just been enjoying going around closing rifts, socializing with merchants, getting my character as strong as possible, I could play this game for hours straight.
The game is a powerhouse of originality and is apart of three console generations, I hope this leads to dragon age dread wolf releasing later this year, and it’s a real pleasure to play.
What did GAF think of inquisition?