Junior Member
So I'm fresh off from finishing Final Fantasy VIII, and I have to say, while there were a couple foibles and dumb moments, I thought the game was pretty great and met my expectations of what I expect from a Final Fantasy game. There will be spoilers by the way, so beware.
Story: I thought the story was good, up until a certain point. Disc 3's portion of the story just seemed confusing by the end. Rinoa was in a coma and the party had to use Ellone's time abilities (how did she get those?) to go to the past and find out why. That made sense, in the context of the story, and that whole sequence of going to space and stopping Lunatic Pandora was cool, but after Adel and the Lunar Cry was released from the moon, why didn't that have a noticeable effect on Earth? Esthar was somewhat shitty, but why was everywhere else fine? They set Lunar Cry up to be like an apocalypse level event. I'm just rambling now, lets move on to the characters.
Characters: So yeah, I get Squall is supposed to be a stick in the mud, no fun allowed character who doesn't care about anything, but by the time you reach the end of Disc 3 where he realizes his feelings for Rinoa, I don't feel like he has any substantial change in character than Squall from earlier in the game. Now he's just talking about Rinoa instead of ignoring her. The other main characters were fine, too. I thought Zell and Selphie were my favorites due to them making up for Squall's of enthusiasm about anything, and I liked Quistis and her position in the group as the mentor type character who thought things through for the group. Irvine was just there, tbh. He didn't leave an impression on me too much, but I enjoyed his scene with Squall when they had to assassinate Edea. That was a great moment in hindsight. I didn't care for Rinoa very much at all. I feel like she was all over Squall for no good reason and they had no real reason to like each other. Seifer was cool, but I feel like he got off scot-free in the end.
Gameplay: Junctioning GFs. JUNCTIONING GFS
That shit was confusing as fuck when it was first explained to me, but like anything in this world, practice makes perfect. Still need to get Bahamut tho.
I wasn't a fan of the magic system due to how much maintenance it required due to the magic that you could equip to yourself also being the most useful magic in the game, resulting in you using them up faster. Meltdown the GOAT status spell.
The Limit Break system in this game is so easily cheeseable. All it took was for me to cast triple and...
my way to victory. Suck on that Ultimecia.
So what did you guys think about the game? I already posted my thoughs on the orphange reveal in an earlier thread, and while that was the dumbest moment in the game, I still enjoyed it. Next is Final Fantasy IX. Will this thread become a fruitful discussion of the game weighting its pros and cons, or will it be another FF ranking thread? Either way...
Story: I thought the story was good, up until a certain point. Disc 3's portion of the story just seemed confusing by the end. Rinoa was in a coma and the party had to use Ellone's time abilities (how did she get those?) to go to the past and find out why. That made sense, in the context of the story, and that whole sequence of going to space and stopping Lunatic Pandora was cool, but after Adel and the Lunar Cry was released from the moon, why didn't that have a noticeable effect on Earth? Esthar was somewhat shitty, but why was everywhere else fine? They set Lunar Cry up to be like an apocalypse level event. I'm just rambling now, lets move on to the characters.
Characters: So yeah, I get Squall is supposed to be a stick in the mud, no fun allowed character who doesn't care about anything, but by the time you reach the end of Disc 3 where he realizes his feelings for Rinoa, I don't feel like he has any substantial change in character than Squall from earlier in the game. Now he's just talking about Rinoa instead of ignoring her. The other main characters were fine, too. I thought Zell and Selphie were my favorites due to them making up for Squall's of enthusiasm about anything, and I liked Quistis and her position in the group as the mentor type character who thought things through for the group. Irvine was just there, tbh. He didn't leave an impression on me too much, but I enjoyed his scene with Squall when they had to assassinate Edea. That was a great moment in hindsight. I didn't care for Rinoa very much at all. I feel like she was all over Squall for no good reason and they had no real reason to like each other. Seifer was cool, but I feel like he got off scot-free in the end.
Gameplay: Junctioning GFs. JUNCTIONING GFS

That shit was confusing as fuck when it was first explained to me, but like anything in this world, practice makes perfect. Still need to get Bahamut tho.
I wasn't a fan of the magic system due to how much maintenance it required due to the magic that you could equip to yourself also being the most useful magic in the game, resulting in you using them up faster. Meltdown the GOAT status spell.
The Limit Break system in this game is so easily cheeseable. All it took was for me to cast triple and...

my way to victory. Suck on that Ultimecia.
So what did you guys think about the game? I already posted my thoughs on the orphange reveal in an earlier thread, and while that was the dumbest moment in the game, I still enjoyed it. Next is Final Fantasy IX. Will this thread become a fruitful discussion of the game weighting its pros and cons, or will it be another FF ranking thread? Either way...