ChatGPT 0.001

Breakpoint is a quality third person shooter but its not a great game, the thing is they couldn't surpass their Wildlands success, they forced a region, story etc. that's not how you follow up Wildlands, you got to try and build on Wildlands success, I think they believed their were taking risks and took their chance with Breakpoint's story, world etc. its the second game in the PS4/Xone franchise.

The customization, equipment is a lot better in this game but casual gamers aren't worried about switching out beanies, or characters boots.
I believe he (Jon Bernthal) was a great villain but he didn't have enough help, the drones were incredible but he's not a vilian you jump out of your chair for, after a while you just tune out the enemies in the game.
After all that said its still the best third person shooter on PS4 with a solid open world foundation, but at the end of the day they didn't capitalize on Ghost Recon Wildlands' Boliva, drug cartels etc.
Remember this?

The villain tree is something a lot of gamers liked from Wildlands.
The overall feeling from the game is Ubisoft/Tom Clancy went for a much smaller crowd to live off of rather than what could have been Call of Duty levels of success.
Let me here your takeaways from my review/LTTP, and what you thought of Ghost Recon BREAKPOINT.