There be unmarked spoilers in this thread, don’t read below if you haven’t seen the show, and don’t want to be spoiled! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
I remember when I was younger, I would watch cartoons on kidsWB, and one of my absolute favorites was Teen Titans. It seemed to me that it eclipsed other cartoons in a great many ways, from great action sequences, to amazing character interaction, and fantastic villains. I never caught the entire series, just quite a number of select episodes, but from what I saw, I loved it.
Recently, I finally got around to watching the entire series, the movie, and the lost episode. I confirmed the suspicion that I had about the show, which is that it is amazing. That’s not to end of t say it’s perfect, so I suppose I should list some of the faults I found of the show, along with some of the things it does great.
Some Pros
Character Interaction
This is probably the biggest reason anyone watches the show; it’s just fun to watch Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Beast Boy, and Raven interact. They are all completely different characters, and on their own would probably not be entertaining, but as a whole they work so well. My favorite character dynamic is between Raven and Beast Boy, which I think is wholly underappreciated. Despite their contrasting personalities, and the fact that they fight all the time, it is clear they both care for each other a lot. They also have some of the deepest moments in the entire series, and really bring the tone above some high school drama show.
The Season Arcs
Despite most of the episodes being monster/villain of the week type deals, I found each of the seasons to have an interesting arc featuring one of the members of the titans. In particular I found season four to be standout, with Raven struggling against her father and her inner demons being the central theme of the season. It also contains my favorite episode of the series, “Birthmark”, which I consider to be a top 20 episode from any western cartoon, period. Everything about this episode was pitch perfect, which is something I don’t say altogether too often. On the flip side, I found season three to be rather lacking, which is a shame, because there was so much of Cyborg’s character to explore, from the way society treats him, to his struggles to accept himself and what it means to be different, but it seems they only did a surface level analysis of him.
Some Cons
Really, Really Wants to be Anime
Teen Titans came at a time in the early 2000’s when many shows were trying to emulate popular anime. Some of it I didn’t mind, such as the way the fight scenes were orchestrated. Others, especially them including chibi in most episodes, became very grating. Usually, it was sporadic, but some episodes took it way, way over the top. That's not to say I dislike anime, and inspiration from different sources is great, but when said inspiration is used too frequently and voraciously, a show can loose it's identity, which I feel happened to Teen Titans a bit.
Too Many Monster/Villain of the Week Episodes
I feel like the show had some amazing season arcs, so it’s a shame it chose to ignore most of them until the end of the season, and instead focusing mainly on episodes entirely unrelated to one another. Season two was especially bad, as Terra’s betrayal would have been so much more effective if she had spent the majority of the season with the team, instead of just 3 and a quarter. Season four, and especially season five seemed to improve on this dramatically, I just wish the first three seasons were the same.
Overall, it was a great series, and it’s sad it didn’t get a sixth season focusing on Starfire, but five seasons was pretty good for old CN. The movie was ok, I suppose. It’s nice they finally actually did something with Robin and Starfire’s relationship, instead of hinting at it for the ten millionth time.
I really wish more action shows like it would come back to CN. Not that I have a problem with comedies, but they are vastly overrepresented in the current lineup. If you haven’t seen it I highly recommend it!
What are your thoughts of the show?

I remember when I was younger, I would watch cartoons on kidsWB, and one of my absolute favorites was Teen Titans. It seemed to me that it eclipsed other cartoons in a great many ways, from great action sequences, to amazing character interaction, and fantastic villains. I never caught the entire series, just quite a number of select episodes, but from what I saw, I loved it.
Recently, I finally got around to watching the entire series, the movie, and the lost episode. I confirmed the suspicion that I had about the show, which is that it is amazing. That’s not to end of t say it’s perfect, so I suppose I should list some of the faults I found of the show, along with some of the things it does great.
Some Pros
Character Interaction
This is probably the biggest reason anyone watches the show; it’s just fun to watch Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Beast Boy, and Raven interact. They are all completely different characters, and on their own would probably not be entertaining, but as a whole they work so well. My favorite character dynamic is between Raven and Beast Boy, which I think is wholly underappreciated. Despite their contrasting personalities, and the fact that they fight all the time, it is clear they both care for each other a lot. They also have some of the deepest moments in the entire series, and really bring the tone above some high school drama show.

The Season Arcs
Despite most of the episodes being monster/villain of the week type deals, I found each of the seasons to have an interesting arc featuring one of the members of the titans. In particular I found season four to be standout, with Raven struggling against her father and her inner demons being the central theme of the season. It also contains my favorite episode of the series, “Birthmark”, which I consider to be a top 20 episode from any western cartoon, period. Everything about this episode was pitch perfect, which is something I don’t say altogether too often. On the flip side, I found season three to be rather lacking, which is a shame, because there was so much of Cyborg’s character to explore, from the way society treats him, to his struggles to accept himself and what it means to be different, but it seems they only did a surface level analysis of him.
Some Cons
Really, Really Wants to be Anime
Teen Titans came at a time in the early 2000’s when many shows were trying to emulate popular anime. Some of it I didn’t mind, such as the way the fight scenes were orchestrated. Others, especially them including chibi in most episodes, became very grating. Usually, it was sporadic, but some episodes took it way, way over the top. That's not to say I dislike anime, and inspiration from different sources is great, but when said inspiration is used too frequently and voraciously, a show can loose it's identity, which I feel happened to Teen Titans a bit.
Too Many Monster/Villain of the Week Episodes
I feel like the show had some amazing season arcs, so it’s a shame it chose to ignore most of them until the end of the season, and instead focusing mainly on episodes entirely unrelated to one another. Season two was especially bad, as Terra’s betrayal would have been so much more effective if she had spent the majority of the season with the team, instead of just 3 and a quarter. Season four, and especially season five seemed to improve on this dramatically, I just wish the first three seasons were the same.
Overall, it was a great series, and it’s sad it didn’t get a sixth season focusing on Starfire, but five seasons was pretty good for old CN. The movie was ok, I suppose. It’s nice they finally actually did something with Robin and Starfire’s relationship, instead of hinting at it for the ten millionth time.
I really wish more action shows like it would come back to CN. Not that I have a problem with comedies, but they are vastly overrepresented in the current lineup. If you haven’t seen it I highly recommend it!
What are your thoughts of the show?