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LTTP: Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order is Respawn's finest game yet

So this game launched like a year ago and it had some frame rate issues on base machines. Ended up missing out on this gem back then. Saw it go on sale and picked it up. After 27 hours the story concluded and I had the biggest smile. Full disclosure this is my first ever proper star wars related experience (haven't seen any of the SW movies except portions of Phantom Menace and Last Jedi).

Stig Asmussen, Jason De Haras and the kick ass team which he formed together comprising of former veterans from Sony Santa Monica, Naughty Dog and Insomniac Games over at Respawn, knew exactly what they were doing with the game. The game is oozing with passion. It's the perfect game to bring in both fans of SW and newbie such as myself into the universe. It's Uncharted meets Demon's/Dark Souls meets God Of War 3. The bonding between BD-1 and Cal was so damn good, even managed to top that of the bonding between Jack Cooper and BT7427 from TitanFall 2 for me. So many memorable and goosebump moments in this game. The visuals are top notch, Respawn have mastered the Unreal Engine 4 with this game, the Art Direction is strong with this one. There were so many moments where I felt like I'd been transported into the strange desolate planet we're exploring. Runs like a dream at 60fps over on the PS5. Highly recommend this game. I can't wait for the sequel, hope it gets a sequel!

-Story, voice acting and music.
-amazing set piece moments.
-combat and Dark/Demon's Souls type approach to traversal/exploration and combat.
-Visuals are outstanding, from beautiful snow capped mountains, underwater segments to battleship type locations.
-Character interaction with NPC's was good. Greez and Merrin became my favorites along with BD-1.

-Loading can be brutal in this game, especially during death and respawn. Doesn't matter if it's running off of the internal storage or external HDD, takes a while :(
-Ran into weird glitch across one particular planet where the locations certain indoor prop wouldn't have loaded, preventing me from progression. Fortunately closing the game and loading the save back fixed it.
-Weird audio glitch where all game audio would just mute by itself and no I didn't accidentally mute via the controller's mic button.
Finally getting round to it, running on PS5

I'm really enjoying it for what it is. Some of the vistas are superb and the sense of exploration gave me little hints of feelings I had when playing the OG Tomb Raiders.

Special callout to Dathomir - the art and sunset on that planet gave me great vibes of 70s sci-fi art styles


I liked it a lot more than I expected after reading a lot of bad words about it when it released.

My biggest dislike was the maps which were a bit too difficult/complex to navigate.
It looks great, story is good so far. The controls on XsX are pretty bad/jumpy. The combat timing is clunky to me also. The level design is annoying.


Its good but has a whole bunch of issues and the combat had alot to be desired. No interactive worlds and NPC to explore, wasted opportunity. Felt rushed.

Enjoyed the story, some puzzles and the last 3 planets. The first 3 quarters was a drag

As ok as titanfall 2 is Respawn is an overrated studio.
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Can't see it all, the combat has tons of issues and can't compare to Souls at the best of times. The locations never feel real, you run into stormtroopers and enemies in places that make no sense all the time (animals that live on a tiny ledge in the middle of no-where is normal for some reason), it still has major bugs they never patched out, and the story is predictable and the game has some real tedious progression. The story also at times feels unfinished, like the chewbacca world where it seems some cutscenes and parts of the story are missing completely.

The main character also looks weird as hell. And those allies on the ship, while cool and well-acted, just stand up and down with no life to them, and has some weirdly disjointed story archs like when Greez suddenly becomes sad out of nowhere.

It's alright but needed more development time to iron out the kinks in my opinion.


I play this on Series S, looks good and runs decent at mostly 60fps.

The opening is not great, but there is some good in here. Though i'm not entirely sold on the combat yet.


have to say the lack of a fast travel system in this game really makes it a chore, I really like this game and nearly 100% it, but when you see you missed something of the far side of the map and have to go through all the level to get there is a bit much. its even worse when you realise you have to do all that again to get back to your ship.

other than that its an excellent game


No it's not.

Unless being one of the most derivative game ever made with a star wars coat of paint is now considered a magnum opus...

I liked it, but it's an honest to god 7/10 game, a little more if you like star wars.

Tf2 is still their best game.

The good news is that they have gigantic margins of improvement for the sequel.
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I really wish I had waited to play it as the performance issues kind of spoiled it a bit for me.
Still I finished it on base PS4 and still mostly enjoyed the game, despite its issues!
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Gold Member
The game is good, the combat feels ok, however it requires some management to cheat the system, since parries are not 100% accurate.

Pre-ending is fantastic, but the actual ending is a disaster...if they leave the series there that is.


It's a great game with a bit of an identity crisis, it doesn't know if it wants to be a Souls-like or an Uncharted/Tomb Raider type of game. The more you go through it, the more it tends towards the latter and becomes better, the last two planets in particular are amazing (not the final part though).

I really don't get the complaints about the parry timing and combat, it worked fine and the game even allows you to change the parry window in the option, a fantastic idea for players who don't have good reflexes. The game also allows you to parry from the back and most enemies are fairly easy. Compared to, say, Sekiro the game is a walk in the park except maybe the final boss.

What really didn't work in this game is the target lock, you couldn't make a worse one if you tried. Most of my deaths were because of the lock system switching suddenly to another enemy 30 meters away or one behind me.

But overall I think this game deserves more recognition and I think it will eventually get it.


Go Go Neo Rangers!
Good game but it lacked polish. Was a very bumpy launch. It wasn't anywhere near the polish of Titanfall 1 or 2.


I disagree. Fallen Order is an amazing star wars game, but Titanfall 2 is in my opinion their best game yet. Of course its comparing apples to oranges, but I felt if we just look at the story telling side of these 2 games, TF2 was better paced.


ChatGPT 0.001
Im glad they were able to launch the Jedi game because you hear a lot about delayed or canceled Star Wars game, I’ll play this one sooner rather than later especially with those sales.


Have you seen Titanfall 2?

You gotta be huge into Star Wars, otherwise the game falls apart.
Read the actual original post again boys. He's played Titanfall 2, and this is basically his first Star Wars experience.

I have only played a tiny bit of this game, taste tested it with Gamepass. I will say, the game looks gorgeous in terms of art direction, and it played really nicely which is what I'd expect from the makers of Titanfall and Call of Duty 4. I'm a little weary of Star Wars right now, but I definitely plan to play it fully.
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Have you seen Titanfall 2?

Most painfully underrated game of this past gen. Best FPS in a decade.

I disagree. Fallen Order is an amazing star wars game, but Titanfall 2 is in my opinion their best game yet. Of course its comparing apples to oranges, but I felt if we just look at the story telling side of these 2 games, TF2 was better paced.

Very few things will ever top the time travel sequence in the old research lab in TF2.
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I liked Titanfall 2 better but Fallen Order is great.
Yeah it's derivative but no every game need to re-invent the wheel. I enjoyed the combat on higher difficulty options, and the locations and exploration were much better than I expected.

The only thing I didn't like (aside of some weird stutters on my PC) was the story. The main character is really boring and bland and it's hard to care about the main story when you basically know they'll fail (because it's canon and their objective is too grand for it to not be mentioned in events that happen later)


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
Fallen Order was meh. If there was no Star WArs IP in it it would have been a bad GoW ripoff. The combat is janky. Even with Star Wars you feel so powerless, Stormtroopers take so many hits and force powers are weak. The main char is a charasmaless ginger. The graphics and environments are good, but in the end it was no fun to play and I traded it in half way through.


I found it super forgettable.
It's not bad, I had fun at some points, but overall it's just very mediocre, nothing really stands out, it's not something I will remember foundly.

I hated how bad the progression was. The "metroidvania" design didn't work, it was super frustrating having to do much backtracking, because it was never for interesting / well made things. And the gameplay only becomes better super late in the game, there are some upgrades that make the game a lot more fun but you only unlock them like, in the last one or two hours of the game...

I think the game would have been a lot better if it directly started with all the gameplay available from the start, without all the backtracking, and therefore with all the level design being made accordingly using the full range of gameplay features from the start.
It kind of reminded me of Ori and the blind forest, where I had the same frustration, the gameplay became amazing only at the end of the game, and then it was over and you couldn't make any use of that great gameplay, the game ends when it starts to become good.

The combats were also pretty bad, especially with how the Lightsaber just felt like random stick, having to strike multiple hits without cutting anything didn't feel like a Lightsaber, I think Jedi Academy worked a lot better for this, all basics ennemies were killed with single strikes, but the game was made with this in mind, so it wasn't too easy either, there were just more ennemies being more powerful, but it made you feel like a Jedi with a lightsaber.


Not even a star wars fan by any means but oh man the ending! I got to agree, Respawns finest and it dethroned TF2 for me thanks to the cast, some of the best camera work I've seen in setpieces too.
The only major problem is lack of fast travel.
I really didn’t like it, dropped it after about four or five hours. Wanted to like it, but just found it boring and annoying in equal measure.


Yes it’s a fine game. Just finished it on PS5. Took me awhile to warm up to the metroidvania backtracking, but got accustomed to it once more and more shortcuts opened up. Was playing on second hardest difficulty, and raged at the end boss. Nocked it down a notch to finish the fight.

Now playing Control, which I believe has an edge over this, but that’s personal opinion as always.


I enjoyed the game as a Star Wars fan, but the game felt unpolished to me. It chugged at times running on PS4 Pro, occasionally freezing for a few seconds (presumable to load the next area), before continuing on. Other areas just felt like the framerate dropped well below 30 before catching back up. Though I had a friend that played it on PS5 and said that it ran really smooth.

I also found the traversal mechanics leaving a lot to be desired. Every so often I felt like I had a good jump towards a rope, and yet I would fly by it when it looked to be within arm's reach. This issued got resolved with later force powers but it was still frustrating to deal with at times.

Otherwise I enjoyed the story and the characters really grew on me. Didn't quite expect the ending we got, but it got my heart pumping a bit. Overall it was a good game, and with a bit more time/polish I felt as though it could've been great.

The Alien

Jedi's a great game. Star Wars needs more like it. That being said, it still isn't as successful as Titanfall.


Bad combat with nothing original of its own. Does everything worse than the games it rips off and the story sucks. I've never been so bored playing a game except for monopoly.


Gold Member
I really liked JFO quite a bit. But I think TItanfall 2 is their best game. Absolutely tragic how EA handled that release. It deserved more play than it got.


Tried this on GamePass. I did not like it well enough to keep playing it beyond about 3 or so hours. I just got done with Squadrons, and that game felt like Star Wars. This game almost feels like Star Wars was tacked on after the fact. It has a Star Fox Adventures feel to it. I hate anything that is Souls Like and this game helps prove that. I hate the souls gimmick of resting and having everything respawn. It isn't realistic and it pulls me out of the experience. I also felt the combat wasn't that great. I should not have any difficulty as a Jedi killing some critter and yet I did. Storm Troopers were easy to take down, but not some small 4-legged creature. The levels are laid out like big puzzles and combat is tossed in for filler. Felt like I was in one big Zelda boss level, another series I have grown tired of. Wall running, climbing and jumping? I enjoyed the pacing of Uncharted games and the recent Tomb Raider games. I was not expecting that here and it wasn't as fun. I thought I would enjoy a Respawn game since I did enjoy Titanfall 2 single player. I guess that game just happened to click, and this game everything feels like a gimmick. Maybe later in the game when you get more abilities it could be more fun, but I could already tell they were wanting me to come back to areas later after getting more Jedi powers to unlock areas to get something. Like what? So far I did not get the impression anything I was getting in chests was worth my time. Why come back later to get another chest? I enjoyed the Forced Unleashed games more. I loved the Jedi Knight games. I was looking forward to some decent combat and instead got a puzzle and exploration game.
The game was super boring and the protagonist was the most blandest, generic, white savior kid I've seen in a long time. (just my personal opinion, of course)

Fare thee well

It's crazy to think this is the first EA title I've bought since Bad Company 2. And I watched a ton of letsplays and researched it before I did. It's wild to play a solid Star Wars game like that now.


A Fucking Idiot
I tried getting in to this game three times now and keep giving up after a few hours. I really tried hard to like it but the combat is just not what I wanted and the levels feel too big and complicated. A lightsaber can cut through rock, plate steel, and pretty much anything else with no effort but in this game I have to hit people and animals 4 times or so to kill them. It just sucks. I feel like it's a good starting point and a sequel could be something very special with just a few tweaks kind of like Uncharted 1 to Uncharted 2.


I got pretty deep into this game on PC but the awkwardly positioned dodge button stopped me getting much past the tank'y boss on kasshyk.. i have tried to start again on ps4 pro and now ps5 but it just hasn't taken.. it's a fantastic game, for sure.
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It might be good! The problem is that I can't look at it. The animations are WAY to cringey and reminds me of something like Fortnite.


Nah I wanted to like it so much because I found out it was metroodvania souls game and what's my jam but god no..

Very poor manly controls and performance for me. Didn't care much for the level design in general.

It's not awful just meh couldn't get fully into it. A Jedi character should be flying around the screen and be able to control light not overly heavy like this game.
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