Ray Wonder
Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
Episode IV: A New Hope
Although I knew exactly how this ends (How could you not). Filling in the blanks, and getting to know the characters does a lot to really get you into the Star Wars feel. I already find myself looking to make time for EP V. It's silly, because I think I know the big plot twist in that one (Either V, or VI has it), but nonetheless the giddiness still there. I can see how, If I saw this as a kid, I could be a huge fan. It has all the bells and whistles of a truly great space action movie. What I can say is, I can't wait to get caught up. I'm going into the rest with an open mind, Including 1-3, and I'll make up my mind on each one whether I like it or not. It was a little weird watching a movie in a series that I've never seen, while knowing so much about it. Luke kissing Princess Leia multiple times is weird, as well as the way Obi-Wan tells Luke how Darth Vader killed his father and got sucked into the darkside made me say "welp".
Oh, and I fucking love R2-D2. C-3PO is cool too.
Is the scene in the bar with the Jabba bounty hunter and Han the one where the "Han shot first" came from?
Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
Ok, first off.. The fucking sets man. Those sets were so intricate and beautiful. Actually the detail throughout the whole movie is pretty mind blowing when you pay attention to it. I can tell they had a little extra $ to play with. Unlike A New Hope, I didn't see a shot that pulled me out of the immersion with shitty CG. Everything was acceptable, and at the very least, it kept me engrossed. The most jarring thing was that Yoda is Grover. Like exactly Grover. I got over it pretty quickly because I liked the puppetry. It was definitely good.
Favorite scenes:
Imperial Walkers scene, although I remember seeing this part before, It's still really cool. Just because of the action. Flying around the walkers, tripping them with ropes. Luke Hookshotting up one, lightsabering the bottom and blowing the walker up. It was pretty great. Also, It was pretty easy to ignore that they looked like stop motion toys after a few seconds.
The Asteroid belt chase was great. The hyperdrive failing, the Asteroid cave/Beetlejuice sock puppet worm, C-3PO freaking the fuck out. All quality.
Chewbacca fighting off the junkers, saving C-3PO, then having C-3PO on his back for like 30 minutes afterwards. Pretty great chemistry there. A+
What the fuck is "No, I am your father"? Why, for the past 25 years, i have heard every damn person that ever said it say "Luke, I am your father". Shit baffled me. I was like a person pretending to know a song, trying to sing it but fucking it all up.
LUKE, wait.. Fuck. what.
Oh yeah, Where the hell did Darth Vader come from when the walkers were getting close to the rebel base? I didn't see a shot of him at all in a Walker, then poof, he's in the base.
So, yeah. This is the better film of the two. In my eyes.
Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
This one, I had no idea what to expect. The spoilers from this movie somehow avoided me. The only thing I knew is that there was another Death Star, which was revealed to me in this thread --- So, I am definitely biased on how much I liked it. So far it's my favorite. Once again, beautiful sets, except for the painting of the Millennium Falcon when Han is talking to Lando. It was as clear as day it wasn't actually there, although by itself it was a cool painting.
The Jabba Rescue was pretty great. I had a "Goku returning from the hyperbolic time chamber" feel from Luke. Came in, confident in everything that he had planned, and executed. Leia was a badass, choking out Jabba. One thing that felt really bad was the fucking Boba Fett death. The dude got jipped on a decent death. Flopped right on in the pit with a single pop to his jet pack. I was like, " Oh. That it for him?"
Luke in the emperor's place with Vader was awesome. Keep in mind this is the first time there has been a moment where I literally had no idea what was going to happen. The only thing I knew is Luke lived. I didn't know if he would be converted, if Vader died, if the Emperor died, but damn.. Vader "Andre the Giant" flung the Emperor over the ropes. I loved it.
I liked the exchange between Leia and Han that reversed the "I Love you".. "I Know" lines. Thought it was cute.
I dug the Ewoks, they were god damned adorable. I agreed with whoever in this thread was saying that Star Wars was lighthearted, all the way up until they showed the two Ewoks get blasted. One lifelessly adjusted from the gravity settling him into his final resting place, while the other twitched in agony. Finally he gets up and notices that one of his own died in the same blast he survived. That shit was sad.
I was kinda upset when Yoda died, as I realized that when he "There is another" that he meant Leia. I mean that's kinda cool, but I thought he was predicting the future, not saying "Luke it's your sister". Oh well.
I fucking died when Admiral Ackbar.. "IT'S A TRAP".
I have a feeling I'm going to miss this motley crew when I go to the prequels.
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
Well. Here we go.
The CG was hit or miss. Most times I had no problem with it, until they showed something organic, like Jar Jar. Then it wasn't good at all. I eventually adjusted to it. And begin to be able to ignore it completely. I didn't even think about it for the second half of the movie.
The Viceroy guy and his buddy were horrible. Their voices, their costumes, everything. I really couldn't bring myself to take them seriously as the villains of the movie. They seemed like they were just.. there.
The way they told R2-D2 that he did a good job. I can live with them getting on that ship, and him saving the day. That seems logical, and would seem to lead to why he was trusted by Leia. If it was any other R2, maybe that one would be the one that has R2-D2's story. I liked that I saw how he got included into the story. Just not that they took the time out to present him with some stupid award or whatever. Just seemed REALLY forced.
The only person on that damn planet that had the part they needed somehow could resist the mind trick. bullshit.
A couple things about the podracing.
The guy who pulled the thing off Anakin's racer was a little dickhead, and I didn't like how he was written. It was frustrating. There's what? 25,000 people sitting in the stands, focusing on the podracers? This dude is supposedly the favorite to win? Not enough people saw that he yanked that off of Anakin's racer? Didn't like it. Seemed extra lazy and dumb.
The fucking announcers. The most useless application of CG in the movie. They looked absolutely terrible. Put someone in an alien costume, or put a human announcer. Problem solved.
Anakin is annoying in parts. What're gonna do, kid acting.
The story was underwhelming. Taxes, oh boy.
Oh, I should say that I fell asleep last night while watching this one. I may have had a few drinks, but still. The attention grabbing wasn't fully there for me.
Actually got to see the lightsaber cut something instead of hiding the cutting.
Podracing was pretty dope. It finally provided some much needed action in the movie. And besides the announcer, was really good looking. Oh, and the sound design was awesome.
Darth Maul fight. *Doors slide open* *Music plays* *Darth maul looks up* I was like oh shit. Let's fucking go. (I knew about the double lightsaber so that didn't really get me.) It was the best saber fight so far in Star Wars for sure. Once my homie Qui-Gon got stabbed (Caught me off guard, I didn't know stabbing was a thing with lightsabers considering they cut through just about anything like butter) I was literally smacking my chest like "Get him Obi-Wan!!" I wanted him to fucking destroy Darth Maul. The flip over, and chop in half was the worst part, and then seeing his, clear as day, super bad CG body bounce around was dampening, but didn't make me dislike the fight.
Seeing Palpatine before he was the OT Palpatine was cool. He seemed like a cool dude. I'm hoping to see more of how he changes.
Jar Jar Binks was pretty funny. The worst part about him is that he's CG. Other than that, If you're not taking things too seriously, I found him to be so ridiculous that he was likable. Fucking "Exsqueeze me"? Misa didn't think Jar Jar was bad.
That Anakin made C-3PO, and seeing C-3PO and R2-D2 meet for the first time. Pretty cool.
Overall. It's not as good as the OT. For damn sure. It's not bad though.
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones
I'm going to do this one a bit different. As I watch the movie, if I see a part that I want to comment on, I'll pause and talk about it.. Each separate part will be in a separate quote... This idea came when I saw the first scene:
I didn't really like this one. As you can probably tell from above. I can say that was a fairly bad movie. Not enough Jar Jar. I'm joking. Hopefully EP III is better than this.
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
This movie came a long way from Episode II's failed, cringeworthy jokes and acting. Anakin is SO MUCH BETTER in this one. He seems like he's actually comfortable with the people around him.. Him, Obi, and Padme have so much more chemistry. Much more convincing acting from every one of them. That little bit extra really went a long way. Even at the very beginning, while they were trying to rescue Palpatine, the way Obi and Anakin interacted was a sigh of relief. I found myself chuckling at R2, early. It was some of the best R2 in Star Wars, IMO.
The CG is way, way better as well. Everything looked not only acceptable, but good. They made it well enough that 10 years didn't age it too much. I found myself looking at things more like "wow that looks pretty damn cool" rather than it distracting me from watching the movie like Episode I & II did.
The saber fights in this were great. Grievous not only looks badass by himself, but with four lightsabers? Fuck yeah. I dig him.
This movie moves along well, always something being done, and always some kind of action. It helps a lot that 50% of it isn't horny Anakin having temper tantrums, and trying to get in Padme's pants.
Forgetting how they ended up together.. The story of Anakin learning the darkside to save Padme makes me like Anakin a lot more than what I thought was going to happen. In Episode II, I was under the impression he was just a dickhead, and would slowly turn without some noble motivation.
This movie was very successful at making me hate Palpatine. Extremely successful. Order 66 really had me feeling some type of way. All those Jedi. All the wookies. Killing the Jedi younglings. Holy shit yo.
Yoda vs Palpatine: I didn't like as much as I wanted to. I wanted it to be more of an all out war between them. It was just some floaty chair throwing, and DBZ kamehameha power battles. Sorta disappointing, when compared to everything else.
Now Obi-Wan vs Anakin. That was fucking awesome. Anakin losing his mind to hurt Padme. That really pushed the point of how far gone he was. The fighting was great too. Floating over lava, swinging off of shit while battling. Felt big. The cockiness of Anakin leading to him disobeying Obi, and attempting to attack him on high ground. Felt right. Didn't feel forced like a lot of PT parts. And oh my god was I happy to see Obi win that fight. I liked Obi's character.
The whole cut back and forth from Padme giving birth, and Vader being constructed. That was sick. Vader raising up through the smoke with the music playing gave me a bit of the chills. I really liked how they handled that.
Vader "NOOOOOO" lol
I can understand not liking Ep I & II, but III? This has got to be one of my favorites.
I guess it's time to rank them from most favorite to least. I'm probably gonna break some hearts here.
I really do believe there are 4 great Star Wars movies.
I'm going to watch the animated series, but I won't update this as often. Maybe after each season. This has been an awesome experience, that I'm very happy I went through with. Star Wars has always been something that I've looked from the outside, and thought "That looks pretty damn cool", but was deterred by the OT being old, spoiler ridden movies, as well as all 6 being pretty long movies. After these 6, I genuinely am a fan now. Thanks for coming along my little journey with me! Let me know what you think of my order.
Please use spoiler tags for any information that is not in any of these movies:
Episode IV: A New Hope
Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
Episode I: The Phantom Menace
Episode II: Attack of the Clones
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
Although I knew exactly how this ends (How could you not). Filling in the blanks, and getting to know the characters does a lot to really get you into the Star Wars feel. I already find myself looking to make time for EP V. It's silly, because I think I know the big plot twist in that one (Either V, or VI has it), but nonetheless the giddiness still there. I can see how, If I saw this as a kid, I could be a huge fan. It has all the bells and whistles of a truly great space action movie. What I can say is, I can't wait to get caught up. I'm going into the rest with an open mind, Including 1-3, and I'll make up my mind on each one whether I like it or not. It was a little weird watching a movie in a series that I've never seen, while knowing so much about it. Luke kissing Princess Leia multiple times is weird, as well as the way Obi-Wan tells Luke how Darth Vader killed his father and got sucked into the darkside made me say "welp".
Oh, and I fucking love R2-D2. C-3PO is cool too.
Is the scene in the bar with the Jabba bounty hunter and Han the one where the "Han shot first" came from?
Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
Ok, first off.. The fucking sets man. Those sets were so intricate and beautiful. Actually the detail throughout the whole movie is pretty mind blowing when you pay attention to it. I can tell they had a little extra $ to play with. Unlike A New Hope, I didn't see a shot that pulled me out of the immersion with shitty CG. Everything was acceptable, and at the very least, it kept me engrossed. The most jarring thing was that Yoda is Grover. Like exactly Grover. I got over it pretty quickly because I liked the puppetry. It was definitely good.
Favorite scenes:
Imperial Walkers scene, although I remember seeing this part before, It's still really cool. Just because of the action. Flying around the walkers, tripping them with ropes. Luke Hookshotting up one, lightsabering the bottom and blowing the walker up. It was pretty great. Also, It was pretty easy to ignore that they looked like stop motion toys after a few seconds.
The Asteroid belt chase was great. The hyperdrive failing, the Asteroid cave/Beetlejuice sock puppet worm, C-3PO freaking the fuck out. All quality.
Chewbacca fighting off the junkers, saving C-3PO, then having C-3PO on his back for like 30 minutes afterwards. Pretty great chemistry there. A+
What the fuck is "No, I am your father"? Why, for the past 25 years, i have heard every damn person that ever said it say "Luke, I am your father". Shit baffled me. I was like a person pretending to know a song, trying to sing it but fucking it all up.
LUKE, wait.. Fuck. what.
Oh yeah, Where the hell did Darth Vader come from when the walkers were getting close to the rebel base? I didn't see a shot of him at all in a Walker, then poof, he's in the base.
So, yeah. This is the better film of the two. In my eyes.
Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
This one, I had no idea what to expect. The spoilers from this movie somehow avoided me. The only thing I knew is that there was another Death Star, which was revealed to me in this thread --- So, I am definitely biased on how much I liked it. So far it's my favorite. Once again, beautiful sets, except for the painting of the Millennium Falcon when Han is talking to Lando. It was as clear as day it wasn't actually there, although by itself it was a cool painting.
The Jabba Rescue was pretty great. I had a "Goku returning from the hyperbolic time chamber" feel from Luke. Came in, confident in everything that he had planned, and executed. Leia was a badass, choking out Jabba. One thing that felt really bad was the fucking Boba Fett death. The dude got jipped on a decent death. Flopped right on in the pit with a single pop to his jet pack. I was like, " Oh. That it for him?"
Luke in the emperor's place with Vader was awesome. Keep in mind this is the first time there has been a moment where I literally had no idea what was going to happen. The only thing I knew is Luke lived. I didn't know if he would be converted, if Vader died, if the Emperor died, but damn.. Vader "Andre the Giant" flung the Emperor over the ropes. I loved it.
I liked the exchange between Leia and Han that reversed the "I Love you".. "I Know" lines. Thought it was cute.
I dug the Ewoks, they were god damned adorable. I agreed with whoever in this thread was saying that Star Wars was lighthearted, all the way up until they showed the two Ewoks get blasted. One lifelessly adjusted from the gravity settling him into his final resting place, while the other twitched in agony. Finally he gets up and notices that one of his own died in the same blast he survived. That shit was sad.
I was kinda upset when Yoda died, as I realized that when he "There is another" that he meant Leia. I mean that's kinda cool, but I thought he was predicting the future, not saying "Luke it's your sister". Oh well.
I fucking died when Admiral Ackbar.. "IT'S A TRAP".
I have a feeling I'm going to miss this motley crew when I go to the prequels.
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
Well. Here we go.
The CG was hit or miss. Most times I had no problem with it, until they showed something organic, like Jar Jar. Then it wasn't good at all. I eventually adjusted to it. And begin to be able to ignore it completely. I didn't even think about it for the second half of the movie.
The Viceroy guy and his buddy were horrible. Their voices, their costumes, everything. I really couldn't bring myself to take them seriously as the villains of the movie. They seemed like they were just.. there.
The way they told R2-D2 that he did a good job. I can live with them getting on that ship, and him saving the day. That seems logical, and would seem to lead to why he was trusted by Leia. If it was any other R2, maybe that one would be the one that has R2-D2's story. I liked that I saw how he got included into the story. Just not that they took the time out to present him with some stupid award or whatever. Just seemed REALLY forced.
The only person on that damn planet that had the part they needed somehow could resist the mind trick. bullshit.
A couple things about the podracing.
The guy who pulled the thing off Anakin's racer was a little dickhead, and I didn't like how he was written. It was frustrating. There's what? 25,000 people sitting in the stands, focusing on the podracers? This dude is supposedly the favorite to win? Not enough people saw that he yanked that off of Anakin's racer? Didn't like it. Seemed extra lazy and dumb.
The fucking announcers. The most useless application of CG in the movie. They looked absolutely terrible. Put someone in an alien costume, or put a human announcer. Problem solved.
Anakin is annoying in parts. What're gonna do, kid acting.
The story was underwhelming. Taxes, oh boy.
Oh, I should say that I fell asleep last night while watching this one. I may have had a few drinks, but still. The attention grabbing wasn't fully there for me.
Actually got to see the lightsaber cut something instead of hiding the cutting.
Podracing was pretty dope. It finally provided some much needed action in the movie. And besides the announcer, was really good looking. Oh, and the sound design was awesome.
Darth Maul fight. *Doors slide open* *Music plays* *Darth maul looks up* I was like oh shit. Let's fucking go. (I knew about the double lightsaber so that didn't really get me.) It was the best saber fight so far in Star Wars for sure. Once my homie Qui-Gon got stabbed (Caught me off guard, I didn't know stabbing was a thing with lightsabers considering they cut through just about anything like butter) I was literally smacking my chest like "Get him Obi-Wan!!" I wanted him to fucking destroy Darth Maul. The flip over, and chop in half was the worst part, and then seeing his, clear as day, super bad CG body bounce around was dampening, but didn't make me dislike the fight.
Seeing Palpatine before he was the OT Palpatine was cool. He seemed like a cool dude. I'm hoping to see more of how he changes.
Jar Jar Binks was pretty funny. The worst part about him is that he's CG. Other than that, If you're not taking things too seriously, I found him to be so ridiculous that he was likable. Fucking "Exsqueeze me"? Misa didn't think Jar Jar was bad.
That Anakin made C-3PO, and seeing C-3PO and R2-D2 meet for the first time. Pretty cool.
Overall. It's not as good as the OT. For damn sure. It's not bad though.
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones
I'm going to do this one a bit different. As I watch the movie, if I see a part that I want to comment on, I'll pause and talk about it.. Each separate part will be in a separate quote... This idea came when I saw the first scene:
"Looks like we were in no danger after all"
All right.
*opens browser*
That was one of the single corniest beginnings to a movie I've ever encountered.
I gotta admit, I liked the line Amidala gave Anakin. "You'll always be that little boy from Tatooine". Fuckin got em. (EDIT FROM AFTER I WATCHED: Welp. Fuck me eh?)
Anakin's a little asshole. They couldn't really be more obvious what they're trying to paint him as.
Car chase scene, the purple power coupling shock.. Foreshadowing to when he gets fried by Palpatine?
How did Anakin go from being the starry eyed little boy in EP I to this dude is what I want to know.
That lady's face in the car while Anakin is hanging on (Still the car chase) freaked me the fuck out.
Pahahaha Obi-Wan's rehabilitation center at the bar. "You do not want to sell me death stick, you will go home and read the bible and volunteer at the community center" lol
Why didn't Boba Fett just take out Obi or Anakin instead of the changling he hired? Clearly they didn't see far enough ahead to see that she was about to get darted in the neck.. I'm assuming that's Boba. (EDIT: found out it's Jango Fett)
Amidala - "Seems you've grown up since last time" Anakin - "Obi-Wan won't let me do things, it's not fair!"*stomps feet in crybaby temper tantrum*
Wtf is this Yoda? Kindergarten Jedi school? I thought you could only have one Padawan at a time, right Yoda?
3D star chart is super cool
Can Anakin possibly be written to be more horny? Shit's annoying. Every scene with him and Amidala "I think unconditional love is critical to being a Jedi" or "everything here is soft, and smooth" *Rubs on Amidala like a creep*
She already said you make her uncomfortable when you look at her like a horny creep.
Anakin's half of the story is like a soap opera.
Jango Fett and Boba are leading Obi into an asteroid field when Boba laughs.
Laugh it up Boba you get eaten by a Sarlacc.
Ok well I couldn't be a Jedi, because I would have slaughtered all those Tuscan Raiders if I was Anakin. First time I liked Anakin so far.
Nevermind now he's whining about Obi-wan again.
Holy shit, not the kids and shit too. Yeah, the vader music queued was warranted right there. He's going off the deep end.
Why did R2-D2 knock C-3PO off that ledge, and how the fuck is C-3PO so damn agile now? Grabbing on to ledges and being swung around without letting go. Part of his charm is he makes it through all the danger while walking like a perpetual drunk person.
OK now R2 can fly though?
The part where C3PO getting his head switched with the other android was pretty good lol.
I'm digging the execution gladiator action scenes.
Aww shit the Jedis are here.
Yeah, pretty much everything about this part I like. C3PO, Windu and his purple lightsaber, Yoda to the rescue, shooting down that starship was cool..
Dooku saber fight is awesome too, except for the part where they zoom in on both Dooku and Anakin's face and show them flailing the sabers above their heads like goofs. And the setup for Anakin's arm removal. Pretty clunky.
Yoda fights like a beast.
Ok, Anakin and Amidala got married? I don't know what to think about those two. Didn't convince me at all that they were in love. Whatever. This is the least rewarding ending to any of the SW movies yet.
I didn't really like this one. As you can probably tell from above. I can say that was a fairly bad movie. Not enough Jar Jar. I'm joking. Hopefully EP III is better than this.
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
This movie came a long way from Episode II's failed, cringeworthy jokes and acting. Anakin is SO MUCH BETTER in this one. He seems like he's actually comfortable with the people around him.. Him, Obi, and Padme have so much more chemistry. Much more convincing acting from every one of them. That little bit extra really went a long way. Even at the very beginning, while they were trying to rescue Palpatine, the way Obi and Anakin interacted was a sigh of relief. I found myself chuckling at R2, early. It was some of the best R2 in Star Wars, IMO.
The CG is way, way better as well. Everything looked not only acceptable, but good. They made it well enough that 10 years didn't age it too much. I found myself looking at things more like "wow that looks pretty damn cool" rather than it distracting me from watching the movie like Episode I & II did.
The saber fights in this were great. Grievous not only looks badass by himself, but with four lightsabers? Fuck yeah. I dig him.
This movie moves along well, always something being done, and always some kind of action. It helps a lot that 50% of it isn't horny Anakin having temper tantrums, and trying to get in Padme's pants.
Forgetting how they ended up together.. The story of Anakin learning the darkside to save Padme makes me like Anakin a lot more than what I thought was going to happen. In Episode II, I was under the impression he was just a dickhead, and would slowly turn without some noble motivation.
This movie was very successful at making me hate Palpatine. Extremely successful. Order 66 really had me feeling some type of way. All those Jedi. All the wookies. Killing the Jedi younglings. Holy shit yo.
Yoda vs Palpatine: I didn't like as much as I wanted to. I wanted it to be more of an all out war between them. It was just some floaty chair throwing, and DBZ kamehameha power battles. Sorta disappointing, when compared to everything else.
Now Obi-Wan vs Anakin. That was fucking awesome. Anakin losing his mind to hurt Padme. That really pushed the point of how far gone he was. The fighting was great too. Floating over lava, swinging off of shit while battling. Felt big. The cockiness of Anakin leading to him disobeying Obi, and attempting to attack him on high ground. Felt right. Didn't feel forced like a lot of PT parts. And oh my god was I happy to see Obi win that fight. I liked Obi's character.
The whole cut back and forth from Padme giving birth, and Vader being constructed. That was sick. Vader raising up through the smoke with the music playing gave me a bit of the chills. I really liked how they handled that.
Vader "NOOOOOO" lol
I can understand not liking Ep I & II, but III? This has got to be one of my favorites.
I guess it's time to rank them from most favorite to least. I'm probably gonna break some hearts here.
- Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
- Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
- Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
- Episode IV: A New Hope
- Episode I: The Phantom Menace
- Episode II: Attack of The Clones
I really do believe there are 4 great Star Wars movies.
I'm going to watch the animated series, but I won't update this as often. Maybe after each season. This has been an awesome experience, that I'm very happy I went through with. Star Wars has always been something that I've looked from the outside, and thought "That looks pretty damn cool", but was deterred by the OT being old, spoiler ridden movies, as well as all 6 being pretty long movies. After these 6, I genuinely am a fan now. Thanks for coming along my little journey with me! Let me know what you think of my order.
Please use spoiler tags for any information that is not in any of these movies:
Episode IV: A New Hope
Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
Episode I: The Phantom Menace
Episode II: Attack of the Clones
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith