Lukas said:Gameplay wise both the people at ESPN (the tv), Game Informer, and IGN all said ESPN is more realistic while Madden feels arcadey
bob_arctor said:is the "gameplay is king" mantra from our resident Maddenites.
bob_arctor said:All I'm saying is that all you'll hear in response to that pic (which is pretty funny btw) is the "gameplay is king" mantra from our resident Maddenites.
Tre said:Matrix and FMT are what you call EA whores.![]()
Lukas said:how the f*ck do millions of people plop down another 50 dollars for Madden right after they just blew 50 on NCAA
SyNapSe said:... So, your question is how can millions of people come up with the unbelievable sum of $100?
jedimike said:Honestly, I never really understood the obsession with mimicking real life in sports games... especially football. Everybody is looking for these lifelike stats for the gaming equivalent football star, but you only play 5 minute quarters??? With shortened quarters developers are forced to "fudge" the stats by including things like a ridiculous amount of dropped passes to keep scores and stats down.
If real life football was accurately mimicked in gaming football... it would be boring as hell to play.
FrenchMovieTheme said:lukas i'm pretty convinced you're retarded. humor me and tell me how ESPN 2005 is so different from ESPN 2004. because you know what? it's not much different. infact, lets go over whats changed in both games:
* Maximum tackle
* Improved graphics
* Improved franchise
* Improved AI
* Defensive hot routing
* Hit stick
* Improved graphics
* Improved franchise
* Improved AI
* Defensive hot routing
seriously, what changes SO MUCH about espn from year to year that you dont call it a rehash? it's running on the SAME GAMEPLAY SYSTEM AS NFL2k for dreamcast! the graphics are better, but you can TELL an NFL 2k game when you see it. so honestly let me know why madden is a rehash, and espn isn't.
Matlock said:Neither franchise changes all that much on a year-to-year basis, and their base gameplay is all referrent of the same eh. A $30 difference and better graphics is a damn good incentive, though.
FrenchMovieTheme said:lukas i'm pretty convinced you're retarded. humor me and tell me how ESPN 2005 is so different from ESPN 2004. because you know what? it's not much different. infact, lets go over whats changed in both games:
* Maximum tackle
* Improved graphics
* Improved franchise
* Improved AI
* Defensive hot routing
* Hit stick
* Improved graphics
* Improved franchise
* Improved AI
* Defensive hot routing
seriously, what changes SO MUCH about espn from year to year that you dont call it a rehash? it's running on the SAME GAMEPLAY SYSTEM AS NFL2k for dreamcast! the graphics are better, but you can TELL an NFL 2k game when you see it. so honestly let me know why madden is a rehash, and espn isn't.
Matrix said:I payed $39 last year for ps2 espn and was screwed over by shitty ass online servers and a horrible running game.
I have some bitterness towards them and Konex.
I admit ESPN looks great this year,but till we all play espn and madden for ourselves this year,this thread is nothing more than us going on pics,vids and other peoples opinions like FMT said.
Reviews are not always right...recent example Ncaa 2005.
FrenchMovieTheme said:lukas i'm pretty convinced you're retarded. humor me and tell me how ESPN 2005 is so different from ESPN 2004. because you know what? it's not much different. infact, lets go over whats changed in both games:
* Maximum tackle
* Improved graphics
* Improved franchise
* Improved AI
* Defensive hot routing
* Hit stick
* Improved graphics
* Improved franchise
* Improved AI
* Defensive hot routing
seriously, what changes SO MUCH about espn from year to year that you dont call it a rehash? it's running on the SAME GAMEPLAY SYSTEM AS NFL2k for dreamcast! the graphics are better, but you can TELL an NFL 2k game when you see it. so honestly let me know why madden is a rehash, and espn isn't.
Bog said:You left out all the running 'moves' being mapped to the right stick (ESPN). That's probably what I'm looking forward to messing around with most.