My review style is quick and easy to understand. Here we go!
Yankee Hotel Foxtrot - Wilco
Rox. Cept some of it sounds like country music, which makes it SUX. Mostly Rox tho, with a few sucky songs. Favorites: Im the Man Who Loves You and Kamera
Oh, Inverted World - The Shins
Chutes too Narrow is better, but this one has a few gems. My primary suxxor problem with this cd is that it lacks the vocal clarity of Chutes too Narrow cause its always fuggin echoing n shit. These guys write some clever stuff but if I cant understand what they say most of the time an issue will be had. Favorite track is Girl Inform Me.
Hot Fuss - The Killers
First few songs are the best on the cd, and strangely I like their sound a bit more than Franz Ferdinand even if they sound like Franz mixed with some 80s synth band. Just more oomph in their songs. However the part where he says some shit like I have soul but im not a soldier makes me go wtf shut up asshole.
Fever to Tell - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Love O's voice. Reminds me of whatsherface from the pretenders. Maps is easily the best song on the whole damned cd, the rest of the songs are energetic enough but the bands obsession with having O sing the same word over and over again gets TIRESOME to me. I think im just desperate for a legitimate female lead rocker type and im willing to listen to anything. Best buy only got 6 of my dollars for this one so I dont feel too bad.

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot - Wilco
Rox. Cept some of it sounds like country music, which makes it SUX. Mostly Rox tho, with a few sucky songs. Favorites: Im the Man Who Loves You and Kamera

Oh, Inverted World - The Shins
Chutes too Narrow is better, but this one has a few gems. My primary suxxor problem with this cd is that it lacks the vocal clarity of Chutes too Narrow cause its always fuggin echoing n shit. These guys write some clever stuff but if I cant understand what they say most of the time an issue will be had. Favorite track is Girl Inform Me.

Hot Fuss - The Killers
First few songs are the best on the cd, and strangely I like their sound a bit more than Franz Ferdinand even if they sound like Franz mixed with some 80s synth band. Just more oomph in their songs. However the part where he says some shit like I have soul but im not a soldier makes me go wtf shut up asshole.

Fever to Tell - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Love O's voice. Reminds me of whatsherface from the pretenders. Maps is easily the best song on the whole damned cd, the rest of the songs are energetic enough but the bands obsession with having O sing the same word over and over again gets TIRESOME to me. I think im just desperate for a legitimate female lead rocker type and im willing to listen to anything. Best buy only got 6 of my dollars for this one so I dont feel too bad.