The only two games that I ever found that even came close to what I want are these:
And sure, I guess there are some ultra low-budget games out there that sorta-kinda fill that gap by being very rudimentary hack and slash games set in a futuristic and sci-fi setting. But when all I have to work with is complete garbage like Space Hack, some forgotten Dungeon Siege clone, or a mediocre W40k game, then I'm not exactly being spoiled with the number of choices, you know?
Why hasn't anyone thought of making a game like this on a decent budget yet? Every hack and slash ARPG Diablo clone that's worth its salt is set in the same vaguely medieval fantasy setting, and while I don't have a problem with fantasy settings, the lack of creativity does grind my gears. It's like they're too afraid to be too different from Diablo, otherwise the game won't sell so they have to make it look exactly the same. All I'm asking for is that you replace knights with some space marines and have them fight Zergs on an alien planet.
In fact, Blizzard should get on the case and make a Starcraft ARPG. That's another idea that has been rattling around in my head for years now. They're not doing anything with Starcraft now, and it feels like it wouldn't even require that much effort for them because they already have the engine and assets from SC2. I would jump on a Starcraft-Diablo hybrid like a starved dog.

And sure, I guess there are some ultra low-budget games out there that sorta-kinda fill that gap by being very rudimentary hack and slash games set in a futuristic and sci-fi setting. But when all I have to work with is complete garbage like Space Hack, some forgotten Dungeon Siege clone, or a mediocre W40k game, then I'm not exactly being spoiled with the number of choices, you know?
Why hasn't anyone thought of making a game like this on a decent budget yet? Every hack and slash ARPG Diablo clone that's worth its salt is set in the same vaguely medieval fantasy setting, and while I don't have a problem with fantasy settings, the lack of creativity does grind my gears. It's like they're too afraid to be too different from Diablo, otherwise the game won't sell so they have to make it look exactly the same. All I'm asking for is that you replace knights with some space marines and have them fight Zergs on an alien planet.
In fact, Blizzard should get on the case and make a Starcraft ARPG. That's another idea that has been rattling around in my head for years now. They're not doing anything with Starcraft now, and it feels like it wouldn't even require that much effort for them because they already have the engine and assets from SC2. I would jump on a Starcraft-Diablo hybrid like a starved dog.