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March WrassleGAF |SHOW-T| Big Shoes Mean Big Appetites


An interesting time to be a pro wrestling fan in 2001



The WWF is still riding high. They are by far the biggest wrestling promotion in the world right now. WMX7 is just around the corner. For the first time in a lifetime, a match will main event Wrestlemania for the second time.


Austin vs Rock: Once before, Never Again

The two biggest stars in the industry at the biggest show in WWF history. It will also feature the first ever Wrestlemania match between HHH and The Undertaker. Taker has quietly amassed quite the win streak at Wrestlemania, but HHH is young and hungry and ready to truly cement himself as a top star in the business. WrassleGAF's favorite wrestler, The Big Show, is currently dominating the hardcore division. Other top stars include a very healthy and dependable Kurt Angle, the internet's favorite wrestler Chris Benoit, the man with a ton of heart in Eddie Guerrero, and Kane who is STILL doing a fake brother gimmick years after the fact.



All but officially dead as Paul Heyman unexpectedly showed up on Raw to replace Jerry Lawer who left the WWF after an issue with his YAK, The Kat. ECW ran its final PPV in January. Former champion Justin Credible returned to the WWF in February. No other ECW stars have joined WWF or WCW, but Paul Heyman being a WWF contracted talent seems to be the final nail in ECW. Hopefully it's legacy will not be tarnished.



WCW is on very shaky ground. After a dismal 2000 where they posted a $62 million loss, WCW was sold in January. However, it appears the transaction hasn't been finalized and Time Warner is looking to boot WCW from its networks. In the past 2 months, WCW has put more emphasis on cruiserweights, even creating a cruiserweight tag championship. However, they are hurting for draws. Sting and Booker T have been out for months, leaving DDP, Kevin Nash, and The Cat as the top faces to fight off Ric Flair's Magnificent Seven heel stable. Ratings and attendance are as low as they've ever been.


In order to save money, WCW released nearly every female under contract, including the Nitro YAKS.


There are rumors that the WWF may purchase WCW, but that seems unlikely. However, if that were to happen, wrestling fans would finally get matches like Steve Austin vs Goldberg, Sting vs The Undertaker, Scott Steiner vs Kane, Booker T vs The Rock, and DDP vs Taz. Basically, no one knows what is going on with WCW. They have a PPV scheduled this month, Greed, that is to be headlined by Scott Steiner vs DDP.




A regional hardcore fed trying to take over the ECW mantle. They do stupid shit like this:




The West Coast, even shittier equivalent to CZW.



I guess guys in Japan wrassle too? Idk what they do. I guess they wrestle blow up dolls and pretend to be shoot fighters or something. When I yahoo search puro, all I find are cigars.




WCW got rid of all the Mexicans not named Mysterio and Guerrero, so all your favorites like La Parka and Silver King are still around in their homeland lightly bumping into each other and running past each other a lot.



Stars to watch for the future:









Man, 2001 sure is a great time for wrestling. I love tuning in to TNN every week and seeing a quality product.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Chris Benoit is the shit. After that whole Owen tragedy, I was scared to get attached to another wrestler, but I love the rabid wolverine.
From the latest issue of the Observer:

It was discussed last week that since Rey Mysterio vs. Sin Cara isn't happening at WrestleMania this year and thus they aren't going to do the deal where they try to set the record for the most people wearing masks in the same place at the same time, instead they might try to set the record for -- wait for it -- "The World's Largest Harlem Shake."




WCW Tuesday Nitro 1/22/2001

The New WCW can suck it.

LAST WEEK. Buff, Lex, Steiner, and Jeff were watching Sid's leg break over and over while eating chicken wings. They snap bones while watching it. I'm torn on this. It certainly would never happen today and it is offensive, but they're heels actually being heels and I like that.


We open with a news item. Tony announces that WCW has been sold, but that the transaction isn't complete yet. Man, they're really jinxing themselves.


The Magnificent 4 come to the ring. No Steiner, no Jeff. Ric says this is the greatest unit ever. Unit is probably the right word. He announces Alex Wright as the number one contender. Alex comes out, but Nash comes out right after him. Alex has the great idea to punch Nash. He gets powerbombed through the stage.


Cat comes out and says Nash is the number one contender. Steiner vs Nash for the title at Superbrawl. I don't understand why Flair can't just over rule Cat. He's the CEO. Flair wants a qualifying match. Nash has to beat Buff with Lex as the ref. Lex has already been booked against DDP! The winner will get to be the special ref for the main event.

TO THE BACK. Sanders talks with Chavo and Wall. Flair thinks Chavo can be a top guy. Even Chavo thinks that is silly. Chavo/Wall vs Lash/Hugh tonight. Jeff and Steiner arrive. Scott wants to watch the Sid video again. Flair wants to be the first to tell them about the bookings tonight.

Mike Modest vs Christopher Daniels


Oh shit. Hey, remember when Modest showed up before the reboot and actually beat TAFKAPI on the Spring Break Nitro? This is the first time he's been back since then. Daniels looks like such a goof with hair. Shaving it was a great idea. About a minute it, Daniels botches a moonsault and lands right on his head. Like, comically on his head.


He continues like nothing happened, though. Chris did a springboard splash on the floor. His left arm looks pretty dangly. I think he has a stinger. He tries another split leg moonsault and kind of fucked it up, too. Release dragon suplex from Modest. Modest does Trish's corner moonsault thing. Daniels again lands on his head. BME! Kryptonite Krunch, but Daniel's had his foot on the ropes. Angel's Wings! Kind of. It turned more into an awkward tiger bomb. Daniels could barely get his arms locked to even do the move. They both go to the floor and Steiner comes out. T-bones both of them right on their heads. He apparently breaks some legs and shit talks Sid. Poor Daniels. He gets his big break and breaks his neck a minute into the match, then lands on his head 4 more times, and then doesn't even get a finish to his match.

Kwee Wee vs Security Guard

Kwee Wee I guess was actually asking to be apart of Flair's group on Thunder and was made they didn't ask him. He made another open challenge. Kwee Wee attacks a security guard. The rest of security break it up.

Lance Storm vs Konnan

Why would have have Lance vs Konnan when you could have Lance vs Rey or Kidman? Both Konnan and Scott say Canada has never been in a war. Wtf? That's pretty offensive and I'm not a Canadian. Of course both teams fight on the floor. Konnan taps out to the Maple Leaf. Thankfully this was quick.

TO THE BACK. Shane Douglas talks with Totally Buffed. If Shane takes the Cat out, he's in the group. Gene is with Lash and Hugh. Hugh is all spaced out and crazy. Hugh discharged Lash from the MIA. Hugh Morris is back! Is this supposed to be some Mankind/Cactus bullshit? DDP and Lex head to the ring.

DDP vs Lex Luger

Winner will be the ref for Nash vs Buff. If Nash or Buff get involved, they'll be suspended. I still don't like DDP's new music. It sounds like a weird JHV of Paradise City, actually. I hate to say it, but that's a downgrade from Teen Spirit in this context. Why would you ever change DDP's music? Tony says Lex has always been an enigma in WCW. Not always. Just after he came back from the WWF. Lex Luger is a bad wrestler. DDP accidentally hit the ref while signalling for the Kanyon Cutter. Jarrett comes out and hits him with the guitar. Torture Rack. Lex wins and will be the ref in the main event. Of course.

The Mamalukes vs Jindrak/Stasiak

These guys reunited like a month ago and this is the first time they've actually had a match. Stasirak? Jinsiak? Jasiak? Sindrak? I think I'm going to go with Sindrak. Actually, Tony says they are "leftovers". I'll stick with that. The Mamalukes vs The Leftovers. A double pin happens and #hardbodiedref doesn't know who to count for. Palumbo and O'Haire come out and tell him to count. He gives the match the the Mamalukes via DQ.

. The Thrillers argue. Flair wants a word with Sanders. He tries to give Sanders tips on how to calm down that kind of dust up. Sanders is the next Dirtiest Player in the Game. When I said Sanders was like Mr. Anderson before there was a Mr. Anderson, I was wrong. He was like Miz before their was a Miz. Even worse.

Shane Douglas vs The Cat

Higher ups were really down on all the cursing in WCW, so Shane's new thing is "You're going get your your *evil laughter* franchised!" It's stupid. He should just stick to "You're going to get franchised." Flair pops up on the screen and says it isn't a title match, but a no DQ match with the commissionership on the line. SWERVE! Can you imagine Shane Douglas: Commissioner? Yikes. Sanders comes out and Cat gets rid of him. O'Haire comes out and lays Cat out. Rick Steiner comes out and gets rid of Sean. He stops Shane from using the chain and Cat wins with the Feliner. Rick does a little dancing.


Chavo Guerrero/The Wall vs Hugh Morris/Lash LeRoux

MIA POWERS EXPLODE! They shouldn't have changed their names to begin with. If they had to, it seemed to make more sense to use their SHOOT names anyway, right? Last week, Hugh said he was sick of being the General and Hugh, so why isn't he Bill DeMott this week? His real name had been mentioned on screen multiple times anyway. At the start of the MIA angle, he said that he hated his "given name' of Hugh Morris, hence the Captain Rection change in the first place. Maybe he's taking back his slave name to have power over it. Wall does a top rope sleeper on Lash.


Chavo botches a Canadian back breaker and tries it again a minute later. Chavo pins Lash with a roll up. I don't think Hugh got in the match at all.

Buff Bagwell vs Kevin Nash Special Ref: Lex Luger

Buff and Lex have a pre match promo. What ref gets promo time before a match? Luger is the Fonzie of WCW. He calls it right down the middle. Allegedly. He gives very slow counts for Nash and helps Buff a few times. Lex low blows Nash. Buff misses the blockbuster. DDP comes in and hits Lex with the Kanyon Cutter. Jackknife to Buff. Nash does the "Austin makes the pin with Vince's hand" thing. Show again ends in all the guys brawling in the ring. 3 shows in a row with the exact same ending.



Neo Member
In this weeks el generico watch..

Somebody saw him at the last nxt taping..only he wasn't wearing his mask...and he was collecting tickets.

This person also didn't realize it at the time and was talking about how she came to see generico in front of him.

I'm sure he didn't mind too much.


Miz is on Conan tonight and he's fucking insufferable. He's somehow convinced himself that he's funny and entertaining. He kept trying to add in "Wooo's" at the start of the interview too. I was getting douche chills.
In this weeks el generico watch..

Somebody saw him at the last nxt taping..only he wasn't wearing his mask...and he was collecting tickets.

This person also didn't realize it at the time and was talking about how she came to see generico in front of him.

I'm sure he didn't mind too much.

Generico jobber status confirmed.


Austin vs Rock: Once before, Never Again

The two biggest stars in the industry at the biggest show in WWF history. It will also feature the first ever Wrestlemania match between HHH and The Undertaker. Taker has quietly amassed quite the win streak at Wrestlemania, but HHH is young and hungry and ready to truly cement himself as a top star in the business. WrassleGAF's favorite wrestler, The Big Show, is currently dominating the hardcore division. Other top stars include a very healthy and dependable Kurt Angle, the internet's favorite wrestler Chris Benoit, the man with a ton of heart in Eddie Guerrero, and Kane who is STILL doing a fake brother gimmick years after the fact.



So not worth it
March Wrasslin

March Wrasslin!!!

This is the third thread with the wrong title people! Fiiiiix iiiiit! Kudos for the OP though, good stuff.


So not worth it
So, canned crowd noise has been irritating me more and more each week.

I fear I might be completely unable to watch Smackdown and Main Event in a few weeks time, and I kinda like the wrestling matches on those. :(
So, canned crowd noise has been irritating me more and more each week.

I fear I might be completely unable to watch Smackdown and Main Event in a few weeks time, and I kinda like the wrestling matches on those. :(

Nothing happens on them.


Skip them.
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