I actully ended up really liking it. I think it was easily just as good as Mario Golf on the N64. I really like what Camelot did to the mechanics of the gameplay. The double taps to backspin and stuff...
Although, I will say that im partial to anything with Nintendo on the front of the box. =P
I doubt any stores near me got it today anyway, plus it's raining pretty hard, so I'll probably wait until tomorrow to pick it up along with Mega Man Collection for...PS2.
I actully ended up really liking it. I think it was easily just as good as Mario Golf on the N64. I really like what Camelot did to the mechanics of the gameplay. The double taps to backspin and stuff...
Although, I will say that im partial to anything with Nintendo on the front of the box. =P
It's not bad. Just has kind of boring level variations, some sketchy camera issues, etc. Basically (to me) it's a competent game of arcade golf with Mario characters thrown in. I think Hot Shots is a better series even without the tie-ins and their new game is coming soon so....Also, I bought it when it came out. At the time it seemed like the GBA version was going to be coming out somewhat near it. I might have kept it for the connectivity then, but honestly the handheld game gives you a lot for the platform whereas the console version shows up pretty predictably. It's not a bad game really, I tend to talk to negatively about it because it just seemed so average to me and friends.
This version sounds like a packed cartridge of love though, so it's all good.
The game is pretty fun so far, although I kinda suck. I don't like how the dialogue resembles Goldensun though (same talking sound effects, emoticons, etc.)
My parents in the States are picking it up for me so I can register the game asap. You never know when Nintendo will pull some small promo out of its bag. Remember the 1080 promo? Silent.
Toadstool Tour may be one of the most underrated games this gen. One year later and my entire group of friends are still playing the game more now than back then. And as a result of the game's appeal we've had many go out and buy the game because of it's cheaper price and obvious long-lasting appeal. Also, it's the only game where we get together and throw around some major money to see who is the best. It has far exceeded the worth of any game I've played this gen. Halo, Smash Bros, Mario Kart and many others have tried but failed within weeks due to burn out. Mario Golf is timeless. You can never master the game because of natural variations (like wind, rain, timing, angle, etc)but anyone can jump in and play. I can say my girlfriend would never give two-shits about Tiger Wood's analog swing or plethora of intricate options and you can be damn sure she doesn't care about some RPG quest (only I among my friends really care about that stuff). I feel bad for Toadstool Tour because people expected it to be about as good as the N64 version, which wasn't great, but just ok. And as a result it carried a stigma that it didn't rightly deserve.
Righto. And one of the very best games on the Gamecube. Of course, if you mention that in most threads about must-have Gamecube games, you'll get either laughed at or ignored. I don't know if I'd say it beats the mighty Smash Bros, but it has definitely trounced MKD in the long run - and that's coming from a huge fan of Mario Kart.
It should be mentioned, though, that even for all its greatness, the Minna no Golf series matches it in practically every way. Even the characters are pretty charming, if you go for the Japanese versions, and the 4th game includes every course from the 3rd and adds something like 7 more to the list. That's pretty impressive stuff.
Don't get me wrong I played the hell out of the N64 one, but it sorely lacked where the Cube version exceeded. Lots of fun options, much tighter control and an intuitive driving layout. The N64 version did have mini-golf, which I really missed in the Cube one.
Righto. And one of the very best games on the Gamecube. Of course, if you mention that in most threads about must-have Gamecube games, you'll get either laughed at or ignored. I don't know if I'd say it beats the mighty Smash Bros, but it has definitely trounced MKD in the long run - and that's coming from a huge fan of Mario Kart.
I've always struggled to get people to play MK with me. But with Toadstool Tour it is the simply act of turning on the game and passing around some wavebirds. I think the nice music, with the relaxing environments and slow methodical play works very well for multiplayer. Similar to Advance Wars. It lets you think your strategy out and watch and learn from others. I often find we are giving each other advice even though we're competing.
I assume you have to level up a bit to be able to hit the ball that far and high. I can't hit it either
The game is pretty awesome so far. It may become my GBA GOTY shortly. The only problem is that the game doesn't seem that difficult once you get the techniques down. I'm only 3 hours into the game though but I remember EGM's review saying the difficulty doesn't really progress. Game is pretty fun though, lots of side games to do, lots of people to talk to. And most importantly, the actual golfing is excellent. And I hate playing doubles since my partner seems to make crappy shots once in a while
The game is pretty awesome so far. It may become my GBA GOTY shortly. The only problem is that the game doesn't seem that difficult once you get the techniques down. I'm only 3 hours into the game though but I remember EGM's review saying the difficulty doesn't really progress. Game is pretty fun though, lots of side games to do, lots of people to talk to. And most importantly, the actual golfing is excellent. And I hate playing doubles since my partner seems to make crappy shots once in a while
I echo your sentiments, especially on the lack of any sort of difficulty. It's a little bit disappointing, really, to see the lack of difficulty be so very apparent. I've been playing Mario Golf GBC lately, and I must be too used to the game or something. But I have yet to come even close to losing a tournament. I've completed the game in single player, tournament wise, destroying them at all turns. The Match Play events have been a joke, they're playing worse than my doubles partner. Really, I'm a big fan of the game because the golfing is fun, and look forward to unlocking more of the star holes, but at the same time I feel like it is even less of an upgrade over Mario Golf GBC than Toadstool Tour is over Mario Golf 64. Besides applying Toadstool Tour's gameplay, they re-use characters, re-use places. I like the added gameplay of Club Slots, Go-Go Gates, but it's not wowing me as I would be if I were playing a handheld Mario Golf game for the first time.
For those wondering, the GCN/GBA Linkup unlocks
Wario, Waluigi, Bowser, Luigi for play in Advance Tour, along with many Star Holes, basically giving you rewards you will gain at certain birdie badge levels earlier than you normally would. Also, it allows you to use Custom Clubs in the GBA version in the GCN Version, even playing as GCN characters. Thus, you can improves Petey Pirahna's Impact rating, and have the ultimate, amazing Golfer for TT.
A little perk, but nothing to write home about. Was hoping for something a bit more substantial, actually.
I assume you have to level up a bit to be able to hit the ball that far and high. I can't hit it either
The game is pretty awesome so far. It may become my GBA GOTY shortly. The only problem is that the game doesn't seem that difficult once you get the techniques down. I'm only 3 hours into the game though but I remember EGM's review saying the difficulty doesn't really progress. Game is pretty fun though, lots of side games to do, lots of people to talk to. And most importantly, the actual golfing is excellent. And I hate playing doubles since my partner seems to make crappy shots once in a while
Argh, why did I have to read this thread! It's just about the final straw and I'll have to pick it up. I would without hesitation if I had a Fry's nearby (re: $22)
Argh, why did I have to read this thread! It's just about the final straw and I'll have to pick it up. I would without hesitation if I had a Fry's nearby (re: $22)
I wouldn't say that, necessarily. It simply allows for you to download those characters from the GCN game to the GBA Game. If you didn't do that, you'd have to defeat them in Character Match (I think). As it is, I think you just play for the Star Characters, but I admittedly haven't gotten around to Quick Game mode much yet.
As Wario says, don't let our talk of a lack of difficulty scare you. In fact, that's the last thing it should do. For the most part, it is STILL amazingly addictive. Even just playing around with the Practice Range tasks can have you spending hours, and add this to the various overworld events (Club Slots, Go-Go Gates, some not even unlocked yet, etc.) and you've basically got a helluva lot of gaming. Plus, my ultimate goal is to create a good old 300+ Driver to rule over MG:TT, allowing me to grab all of the Birdie Badges. So, I've got a summer of Golf ahead of me.
Way ahead of you. I'm currently enjoying the beginning of the story mode.
BTW for those who are curious this game is the Golden Sun engine. Everything from design of the sprites to environments has such a Golden Sun feel too it. The character animations, little face bubbles, speech sound effects and even the Mode-7 overhead look is the exact same.
Hook Up Systems.
Turn on GCN
Turn on GBA
Get through MG:TT menu system, go to Link (New option)
Icons should pop up on GBA, use that to transfer characters and get bonuses.
Hook Up Systems.
Turn on GCN
Turn on GBA
Get through MG:TT menu system, go to Link (New option)
Icons should pop up on GBA, use that to transfer characters and get bonuses.
Double Status
Tournaments - Complete
Match Play - Complete
Singles Status
Tournaments - Complete
Match Play - Complete
Club Slots: Complete
Go-Go Gates: Complete
One Club Challenge: Complete
Coo Coo Course: Complete
Epoch Mini Park (Whatever it's called): Complete
Elf's Short Course: Fuck the hell off, you Elf. I hate you.
Custom Club Sets: 5
Currently Using: Super POW (+45 Power, I believe)
Hole-in-Ones: 1
Albatrosses: 1
Time Played: About 13 Hours.
# of Days I've had the game: 2.
Average daily playtime: 6 1/2 hours.
# of GBA:SP Blisters on my pinky fingers: 1.
So, technically...I've beaten the game in two days. Beat all tournaments, beat match plays against all club champions...in doubles AND singles. It's likely because of the amount of Mario Golf GBC I've played recently, or the fact that I rock, but never lost anything, really. Just never happened.
On that bastard Elf's Short Course...
If anyone played Mario Golf GBC, it's identical to Golf Guru's Pitch and Putt. And that is the one thing I never completed in MG GBC. Thus, I swear at thee.
Current Rating: 8/10
I hate to give it an 8, but to anyone who has played Mario Golf GBC, I can definitely say this is a worthwhile game, but it REEKS of deja vu more than any other Nintendo sequel. Yes, I'm including all Mario Party titles. While it offers up a great golfing game, and it definitely is chock full of replay value, the quality of the game dips when it becomes obvious that it is literally identical to the GBC Game. Besides the inclusion of Doubles Play, which admittedly adds length to the game, what is there that is different? The styles of course are the same, they reuse the same characters. While I definitely don't consider it a bad game, I have to wonder if Camelot just wanted to get a game out there. The graphics, using the Golden Sun engine, are great, the quality overall is superb...but having played the GBC game to death, this game has no wow factor, and has no original experience. Plus, the game is inherently easier than both MG:TT and MG:GBC, as the use of backspin in hitting greens is much easier and putting is an absolute cinch. In MG:TT, when you have a 2 foot putt, any putt harder than 3 or 4 feet will pull out. Here, a 10 footer will still go in. It's too easy, it's too similar to the past title, and it almost seems like it needed another cut scene. As you head towards the end of the title, it seems like there is little in the way of accomplishment.
In Mario Golf GBC (I'll spoiler tag for those thinking about playing it, but I know it's kind of pointless. However, I'm also including MG:AT Spoiler, so stay away if you haven't gotten past the Links Tourneys)
you defeat the Links Tournament and then meet with the club manager and then he reveals that you've been invited to play with Mario. You get a sense that it is a large accomplishment. In MG:AT, it's more subtle. I mean, I never even realized that Kid was, in fact, the Club Champion of the Links Course, because it never told me. To me, it would have been great if we had a cutscene, even one where Ella comes running in with a newspaper announcing that Kid won the Links tourney. This could have been used to give a sense of atmosphere, and I feel like they dropped the ball on this one. I know it's just a golf game, but other than graphics and golf gameplay, there's been little additions to the formula. And that's disappointing
All in all? A great golf game, and an improvement golf wise, but I can honestly say I was expecting better. Still worth it for golf fans and fans of the original, but I think there was more potential...a lot more.
I have both characters at level 16 and 17, and it's pretty fun so far. I do feel the putting is a bit flawed though. I wish the camera were zoomed in more, because it's hard to make slight adjustments as is.
it's a surprisingly good representation of the camelot mechanics, but the toadstool tour swing system really does make it far too easy to drop your shots exactly where you want them. it's really addictive, and the rpg stuff is weirdly satisfying, but i wish it played more like hot shots.
edit: and i really hate doubles play, but feel obligated to go through with it, mainly because i'd feel bad about leaving my partner to rot in the clubhouse. i guess the rpg elements are working. doubles match play is a particular annoyance...it consists primarily of watching AI play badly.
Played it while the power was out for a few hours last night (was out from 9:30 PM till after 9:00 AM today) and some this afternoon and loving it! Beat the first 3 singles and double tournaments along with all of the club slots games and all but the final gates game. Looking forward to the mini-golf game that has yet to open.
The upgrading part is a bit confusing to me though.
I don't think minigolf is in this one D: And doubles isn't that bad if you raise/lvl your partner correctly. Neil was always pretty competent for all the doubles I've played with him so far.
i've been leveling my characters evenly. ella doesn't often botch shots, but neither is she aggressive...my doubles scores are always several strokes worse than my singles scores.