Patch notes! Mary Poppins y'all!!!
Patch notes! Mary Poppins y'all!!!
Changes have been made to Chaotic ISO-8's! You can now choose which ISO-8 you want to roll/combine, and the stats will be fixed based on the FIRST ISO-8 you select to combine. This means that you will now be able to control what the stats of your Chaotic ISO-8's are.
You can now select how many Black Anti-matter you would like to fuse using the +/- buttons on the screen.
Webbing on 3 of his 5 skills, even if he isn't the new king of speed ABX, he's going to be a major problem in Timeline and Alliance Conquest. He's also got a passively triggered guard hit, 50% chance when he's attacked (100% at tier 2!) with a 5 second (aka 2.5 second with max SCD) cooldown. That's fucking crazy, he's going to be impossible to hit when combined with the I-Frames on his moves (which judging by the GIF are craaaazy).
They fixed the bio levelling for native T2s, thankfully.
This update is basically loads of end-game content that I'm nowhere near powerful enough to tackle so not very exciting for me.
That's good about the T2 fix. I don't know if anyone else noticed, but sometimes the quick upgrade option for ISOs would bug and it would tell me I didn't have enough growth ISO materials. I had a bunch, though. It seems like that has been fixed recently, but I could be wrong.
I'm not sure I'll be able to finish SL or not with that new floor mode they added. I end up with extra T2's but I don't know if that will be enough. I'll probably have to start trying using more T1s than usual.
Not sure if the quick upgrade is a bug or not. They upgrade like this because ISO upgrading is using growth ISOs that are one star level below what you are currently trying to upgrade. So if you are trying to upgrade a 4 star, then quick upgrading uses 3 star ISOs and below.
And free 6* Urus, that's something.
Not going to lie, I'm terrible at min/maxing in this game (I never know what the caps are) and my experience with the post-T2 stuff (Uru, unis) has involved a lot of fumbling.
And free 6* Urus, that's something.
Not going to lie, I'm terrible at min/maxing in this game (I never know what the caps are) and my experience with the post-T2 stuff (Uru, unis) has involved a lot of fumbling.
Welp it looks like there's a sale for 500 Stones of Chaos..800 is a hell of a lot.
You can get about 30 - 50 a day if you can get all 5 world boss kills. Double that if you can handle World Boss Ultimate. Other then that you can hope for the Dimension Rift World Boss events to net you a bit more.
Only other way is...
This should definitely help me. As long as it accounts for alliance bonuses. Otherwise, yeah, it would be pretty pointless, if not misleading.After the update, maxed out stats will change color which should help a lot. I just wish alliance stats were added to your character sheet. For example, Skill Cooldown maxes at 50% but a maxed out alliance adds 14%. So if you are in an alliance, and you have 36% Skill Cooldown in your character sheet, you are maxed.
This should definitely help me. As long as it accounts for alliance bonuses. Otherwise, yeah, it would be pretty pointless, if not misleading.
By the way, how do bonuses stack? Do they simply add up (i.e. 10% and 10% nets a 20% bonus) or do they compound (i.e. 10% and 10% nets a 21% bonus from 1.10 x 1.10 = 1.21)?
Now that they made alliance bonuses apply in all modes maybe they will finally be reflected on the character sheet.
Event store is bugged, it's only give 1 bio per buy instead of 20, blew all my points and only got 8 titania bios instead of 160.
Event store is bugged, it's only give 1 bio per buy instead of 20, blew all my points and only got 8 titania bios instead of 160.
The new Unis worth buying?
Thanos looks damn cool but is it worth 1500 crystals?
Don't think I like the changes to the daily missions but I guess it was getting a bit stale.
Hold off on buying Thanos's. I need to do more testing, but first impression is kinda disappointing. It's more of a PvP uniform than anything else. And for those who haven't leveled Thanos, remember Apocalypse is coming next month, and he may very well take the universal villain crown.
Honestly, if you don't have a lot of money and bios on hand, don't worry too much about mats for Jean, as you'll need a lot of money and bios, which you can accrue while farming mats.Of course after I've been hoping for a T2 ticket to be put on sale, they put one up after the update for 3,500 crystals. I ended up buying that MRUT ticket package the other day and am down to 2,911 crystals.
I'm 1 day away from T2ing Rogue with materials. I'm somewhat tempted to get some crystals and T2 her with the ticket so I have more resources for Jean, but I'll probably just pass on it and not worry about the extra time it will take to level up Jean.
Guys I really want that Thanos Uni but I don't even have him. Heck I can't beat the WB guys at all. What am I doing wrong? Here is a list of characters I have
Sharon Rodgers
6 Star
Yellow Jacket
Jane Foster
Ant Man
War Machine
Spider Gwen
Guys I really want that Thanos Uni but I don't even have him. Heck I can't beat the WB guys at all. What am I doing wrong? Here is a list of characters I have
Sharon Rodgers
6 Star
Yellow Jacket
Jane Foster
Ant Man
War Machine
Spider Gwen
Are you actually paying attention to the fight or are you just mindlessly using your skills? To beat world bosses you need to actually move out of the way of attacks, use your invincibilities and i-frames as well.
I use the charcters that give me more damage and less damage from the bosses. As far as Gems and Obelisk I just have some random 5 star obelisk and I believe I have power of angry hulk on all three T2's somehow I rolled that on all three smhDo you have decent cards with good stats? What a about obelisks and gems? What assist characters do you use?
Because you have several T2s that should allow you to beat the world bosses. Infinity Thanos is damn hard but you should be able to 5/5 the rest with the roster you have provided you have decent stats.
What exactly is i-frames and invincibilities? I haven't gotten that deep into the game so maybe thats what I'm missing. Sometimes I do kinda tank the hits but my character moves but i can't get them to stop going towards the danger zones
Honestly, if you don't have a lot of money and bios on hand, don't worry too much about mats for Jean, as you'll need a lot of money and bios, which you can accrue while farming mats.