Legit a blast of a game. They nailed it.
Magneto is my favorite. I also really like punisher but he will for sure get nerfed. My first game with him I popped off.
Loki is such a unique and fun kit to heal with.
I can’t wait for Wolverine to come someday. I hope we see Blade too. I’m also starved for more x men characters. Maybe we get lucky and we get x force version of Fantomex.
Overwatch population going to get nuked from this game IMO.
I can already see how Wolverine will play:
Q - A type of berserk rage, possibly maybe a tornado attack with his claws
LSHIFT - A leap that allows him to climb on walls and other suitable objects
E - A leaping claw attack
Right Mouse - Maybe a block/shied using his claws
Passive - Slow health regen
I need it NOW