And no, I'm not talking about the recent Legendary Remake Edition or whatever. This is OG vanilla Mass Effect on Steam with all settings turned up. No mods. No BS. Just how I like it. Maxed out older titles with the creators' original intent in tact.
Also yes, this game dropped almost fifteen years ago. I'm calling it retro. Still... what a beauty eh?
I'm not sure whether or not to consider this an LTTP or RTTP sorta thread. While I've played a fair portion of Mass Effect prior, on PS3, when the console was current - I must admit I never had actually beaten it. In fact, I rarely beat any games tbh. Always getting sidetracked by various life events or other games which look neat to me. Believe me, I had a problem when it came to always buying new games before finishing what I had. I enjoy these open world RPG titles but never seem to play many of them more than 20/30 hours or so before moving onto something else. Even the ones I've been having a blast with seem to get dropped by the wayside as I jumped ship from Mass Effect to Fallout 3 to Skyrim to Red Dead Redemption 2 to Witcher 3 to Divinity: OS to Cyberpunk, etc
The worlds are so fun to explore and I love talking to the NPCs and learning about their backstories and the lore of their realities. Reminds me of being a kid and working my way through Chrono Trigger, FF6, Earthbound, andSuper Mario RPG or Deus Ex: IW, KotOR, Morrowind on my Xbox as a teen. It all felt so palpable and vast, and I'd just get lost in these worlds. The fact that these expansive experiences existed within the confines of these cartridges and discs was jawdropping at the time.
People who can see these sorta of games to their respective ends have every ounce of my admiration. It's been very rare that I've been able to to do this since my teenage years (Deus Ex: Human Revolution, I'm looking at you dude
Because of this, I've always felt out of place within gaming communities such as this. Like a poser or something. I enjoy the medium very much so, but I only ever experience 1/2 or 3/4 of the respective titles I claim to adore. I swear, I enjoy it though.
Nonetheless. Life has consumed me as of late. I'm spending more time working 50+ hours a week, trying to be more social, going to the gym regularly, etc. I thought I was over games for a while.
Yet here I am, playing Mass Effect. Shaking off some bad vibes after a hard week of work. Reminding myself why I like games like this. Hopefully I actually finish the game this time lol.
Cheers, GAF. Cya on the Citadel.
Also yes, this game dropped almost fifteen years ago. I'm calling it retro. Still... what a beauty eh?

I'm not sure whether or not to consider this an LTTP or RTTP sorta thread. While I've played a fair portion of Mass Effect prior, on PS3, when the console was current - I must admit I never had actually beaten it. In fact, I rarely beat any games tbh. Always getting sidetracked by various life events or other games which look neat to me. Believe me, I had a problem when it came to always buying new games before finishing what I had. I enjoy these open world RPG titles but never seem to play many of them more than 20/30 hours or so before moving onto something else. Even the ones I've been having a blast with seem to get dropped by the wayside as I jumped ship from Mass Effect to Fallout 3 to Skyrim to Red Dead Redemption 2 to Witcher 3 to Divinity: OS to Cyberpunk, etc
The worlds are so fun to explore and I love talking to the NPCs and learning about their backstories and the lore of their realities. Reminds me of being a kid and working my way through Chrono Trigger, FF6, Earthbound, andSuper Mario RPG or Deus Ex: IW, KotOR, Morrowind on my Xbox as a teen. It all felt so palpable and vast, and I'd just get lost in these worlds. The fact that these expansive experiences existed within the confines of these cartridges and discs was jawdropping at the time.
People who can see these sorta of games to their respective ends have every ounce of my admiration. It's been very rare that I've been able to to do this since my teenage years (Deus Ex: Human Revolution, I'm looking at you dude
Because of this, I've always felt out of place within gaming communities such as this. Like a poser or something. I enjoy the medium very much so, but I only ever experience 1/2 or 3/4 of the respective titles I claim to adore. I swear, I enjoy it though.
Nonetheless. Life has consumed me as of late. I'm spending more time working 50+ hours a week, trying to be more social, going to the gym regularly, etc. I thought I was over games for a while.
Yet here I am, playing Mass Effect. Shaking off some bad vibes after a hard week of work. Reminding myself why I like games like this. Hopefully I actually finish the game this time lol.
Cheers, GAF. Cya on the Citadel.
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