Pretty much. Best thing to do now is get them onboard with Wii HD whenever it launches.charlequin said:Nintendo needed to start securing RPGs and bigger franchises two years ago, when every week I would patiently explain this fact to Media Create and everyone would lecture me about how currying third-party support was beneath mighty Nintendo. :lol What Nintendo needs to do now is cry about how they've ruined their Wii business in Japan through gross negligence and helped all the third-parties screw over their own business models in the process.
Eteric Rice said:Attempt to get other liked series. Two main games aren't going to cut it. They should be pushing for Persona, Suikoden, Kingdom Hearts, etc.
donny2112 said:Nintendo's methodology last generation of lending out characters and collaborating with second/third-parties in bringing games to their console is still a sound plan.
I think that flat out paying for it with money isn't the best way of doing that, however.
presumably holding back software for Motion+
schuelma said:I don't think Wii is "ruined" in Japan yet.
Y2Kev said:I don't know if I consider this "doomed," but if I were a developer, I'd probably just start greenlighting handheld games. And this will mean that the next two years are booked up by DS and PSP at the very least. So it will limit Wii's overall growth potential.
I'd probably give up on the console market. Let someone else take the risk. Like, say, Square Enix.
charlequin said:I really do think Nintendo just didn't bother to develop any meaningful software for last year because they got fat and lazy, and that there's no backlog of mysteriously delayed software that'll get crowded in to the back half of 2009.
schuelma said:I think there was bound to be a bit of a dry spell- Nintendo released Galaxy, Wii Fit, Smash Brothers and Mario Kart within what, 5 months of each other?
charlequin said:Which is where moneyhats come in! I feel pretty confident that some of the kinds of vanity throwaway projects we've seen development assistance bring in on 360 (stuff like Tales of Vesperia) could have already been boosting Wii sales for a whole year at this point if Nintendo had any concept of third-party relations.
charlequin said:I'm willing to say "ruined." We are now officially in "wait for X!" mode, except we don't even have an X to wait for. I'd say we'd need to see something like four major NoA titles announced by summer and four major third party efforts for 2009H2, and I think we can all agree that the chances of those two things both happening is just about 0%.
Yeah, probably. I'd probably be making a girl's fashion game for iphone.schuelma said:I don't see the PSP as that much better of a market, honestly. It has Monster Hunter and a few other high profile 3rd party successes, but overall its not like PSP software comes close to DS. And lost in all the Wii is doomed talk is that PSP hardware sales are way down as well.
schuelma said:I don't see the PSP as that much better of a market, honestly. It has Monster Hunter and a few other high profile 3rd party successes, but overall its not like PSP software comes close to DS. And lost in all the Wii is doomed talk is that PSP hardware sales are way down as well.
Star Ocean 1: 81.3871cesc said:First week sales for the Star Ocean series:
Star Ocean 1: ??*
Star Ocean 2: <400k**
Star Ocean 3: ~390k
Star Ocean 4: ~160k
First Departure: ~115k
Second Evolution: ~90k
*~235k total
**May be inaccurate, info from 2ch.
schuelma said:I don't see the PSP as that much better of a market, honestly.
schuelma said:But we were in "wait for x" mode last Fall and voila, Wii Fit caught on.
charlequin said:Nintendo needed to start securing RPGs and bigger franchises two years ago, when every week I would patiently explain this fact to Media Create and everyone would lecture me about how currying third-party support was beneath mighty Nintendo. :lol What Nintendo needs to do now is cry about how they've ruined their Wii business in Japan through gross negligence and helped all the third-parties screw over their own business models in the process.
I don't see how this is going to work, unless the Devil Summoner team will makes SMTIV or they do some reorganizing.Flying_Phoenix said:I've always felt that Atlus should put the Persona series on the Wii as the game seems very fit for it.
Persona series for Wii.
Numbered SMT series for PS3/360/PC.
Thanks, where did you get your info? I couldn't find SO1 and SO2 sales on Garaph.Captain Smoker said:Star Ocean 1: 81.387
Star Ocean 2: 374.482
Star Ocean 3: 386.348
Star Ocean 4: 166.027
First Depature: 115.280
Second Evolution: 90.120
Star Ocean 1: (Rank 2)1cesc said:Thanks, where did you get your info? I couldn't find SO1 and SO2 sales on Garaph.
I don't think it's doing very poorly at all - or have we all forgotten that there was a time that the occasional sub-100K DS week would set off cries of "Nintendo am d00med" etc.?schuelma said:It is not doing fine- it is doing very poorly. It's down to almost PS3 territory which is never good. I think the only disagreement is whether this poor start to 2009 portends doom for the system in the long run. I don't think it does.
charlequin said:Let me put it this way: just because the Wii happens to have been successfully sustained for quite a long time by virtue of playing host to two of the... let's say ten most brilliant software ideas of all time... that's not a good reason to bet its future success on also playing host to a third.
Nah. GCN was much more unbalanced. It did monumental christmas spikes (160k first year, 140k in its third year, second hard to tell because Famitsu combined the weeks, but looks like >100k) but languished around (and later below) 10k weekly for most of the year. None of the current consoles are that extremely skewed towards christmas sales.viciouskillersquirrel said:I don't think it's doing very poorly at all - or have we all forgotten that there was a time that the occasional sub-100K DS week would set off cries of "Nintendo am d00med" etc.?
This slowdown is happening in the new year and through a very long release drought. No. 1 consoles' sales are much more seasonal (by ratio of total sales) than competitors and this has always been the case. GCN, for example, had steady sales with occasional spikes, as do the PS3 and Xbox 360 today.
That might still be true.viciouskillersquirrel said:Right now is a lull that affects the Wii's sales more visibly, that's all*.
Monster Hunter 3 (maybe not guaranteed, but I think it will). And maybe some other Wii games will be surprise hits...but that's much less certain.test_account said:I was thinking about something earlier today, are there any 3rd part console games (not handheld systems) this generation that are so to say guaranteed to sell at least 1 million copies in Japan? I guess Final Fantasy XIII and Dragon Quest X at least, but what about beside these 2 games?
Hm. Sinobi's first-day sell-through indicated a first shipment of ~165k. So either there was no second shipment and sell-through was not just "over 90%" but close to 98%, or else there *was* a second shipment, and it was ~15k units. Since the first sounds impossible and the second sounds insane, it'll be interesting to find out which is true. (Or perhaps sinobi was wrong about the first shipment.)bttb said:The sell-through for "Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope" is over 90%.
There are other questions about how much software Nintendo should be making. Are they already making enough? Would they be making enough if 3rd parties stepped in and helped fill out the calendar? Are they making enough to scare away 3rd parties but not enough to satiate their userbase? Should they run under the assumption that 3rd parties are unlikely to try and compete and ramp up their own production? Should they introduce bare spots in their own line-up well in advance, then make sure that the 3rd parties know that they're coming so that they can compete without having to fear the big bad Nintendo?bcn-ron said:I think one problem is that Nintendo, as a group of people, is just too small. They can't make enough software fast enough to support a large, diverse userbase, and they weren't prepared for hitting that problem.
icecream said:SO4 is 8925 yen, not 7182 yen.
charlequin said:Money for exclusives is proven to work, and what's more, it's easy
charlequin said:This excuse sounds more and more fanciful to me the more time passes.
charlequin said:and that there's no backlog of mysteriously delayed software that'll get crowded in to the back half of 2009.
charlequin said:if Nintendo had any concept of Sony/Microsoft's third-party relations.
viciouskillersquirrel said:* For the record, I see console sales as following this formula:
y(t) = Q(t) + A(t) + B(t) + C
Where C is a non-zero positive integer (representing a constant "background" demand throughout the console's lifetime), B(t) is a slowly decaying exponential decay (to capture the decline in "background" popularity as the product ages) and A(t) is a sinusoidal function (to capture seasonal events such as holidays) while Q(t) is a series of spiky exponential decays delayed by time to capture big releases.
matmanx1 said:Will the PS3 finally overtake the Wii on a weekly sales chart?
Flying_Phoenix said:Pretty much. Best thing to do now is get them onboard with Wii HD whenever it launches.
I've always felt that Atlus should put the Persona series on the Wii as the game seems very fit for it.
Persona series for Wii.
Numbered SMT series for PS3/360/PC.
schuelma said:It is not doing fine- it is doing very poorly. It's down to almost PS3 territory which is never good. I think the only disagreement is whether this poor start to 2009 portends doom for the system in the long run. I don't think it does.
Flying_Phoenix said:I've always felt that Atlus should put the Persona series on the Wii as the game seems very fit for it.
Persona series for Wii.
Numbered SMT series for PS3/360/PC.
Stopsign said:The Wii needs some mid-tier franchises to fill in the gaps in the schedule. The difference between it and the PS2 so far has been created by the irregular flow of releases from both third parties and Nintendo itself. The release schedule needs to be stimulated with anime games, low budget RPG's, sports games ect. There has been a surprising lack of these type of games on the Wii, and I think that is really what is hurting the system right now. The "wait for game X" mentality shouldn't be applied to a market leader, instead we should be looking at each week's release schedule and be able to pick out at least one game that will chart well. As of now, we just aren't able to do that.
PusherT said:Since Tri-Ace is pretty much done (IU/SO4/VP:Covenant of the Plume) Nintendo better hop on them and demand VP 4 made for the wii, tri-ace can use silmeria's engine that game still looks ace . If I were Iwata I would ask SE for a Wii Final Fantasy: Tactics game also
Eteric Rice said:I think they need to try to get all of it. Leave nothing for Sony or MS to take on. For so long we've all been thinking, "Well, this should go here, and this should go there." But if I were Nintendo right now, I'd be pushing to take everything I could possibly push for.
Pureauthor said:Why would such a niche developer kneecap themselves by splitting their fanbase? They know they've got a devoted following, the most logical thing to do is to stick with one platform near-exclusively so it's easier for said fanbase to buy their stuff.
Also, concerning Wii: I really wonder how Iwata is responding to all this.
[B][U]Hardware | This Week | Last Week | YTD | LTD [/U][/B]
NDS | 51,814 | 68,293 | 731,816 | 25,851,459
PSP | 29,552 | 34,256 | 441,334 | 11,805,353
360 | 25,334 | 9,833 | 99,072 | 929,612
WII | 16,973 | 21,016 | 301,990 | 7,780,891
PS3 | 16,149 | 18,656 | 195,488 | 2,817,916
PS2 | 5,029 | 5,332 | 50,797 | 21,450,321
DSi | 41,839 | 53,483 | 575,326 | 1,806,693
DSL | 9,975 | 14,810 | 156,490 |
bcn-ron said:White Knight Chronicles is the only proof of anything RPG on the PS3. Any other RPG on PS3 is either a late ports of an Xbox 360 timed exclusive (Enchanted Arms, Trusty Bell/Eternal Sonata) or an SRPG (Disgaea, Valkyria Chronicles) ... or Folk's Souls/Folklore. I have no idea why anyone ever classed that as RPG, but there it goes. I can't even think of any other ~RPG released for the PS3 so far. Nothing in the style of SMT in any case.
I think both traditional RPGs and ARPGs can do way beyond 100k on PS3. SCE is probably agonizing right now over their own low expectations for Demon's Souls.
mujun said:white knight doesn't seem to have gone down so well here. the second hand section is literally stuffed full of the game and the price has slipped considerably (3500 yen).
PantherLotus said:
gantz85 said:Level 5's strategy to prevent second-hand stuffing through the multiplayer didn't work well, did it? Was it because of the half-assed execution of the MP or is this just the character of the console market?
GaussTek said:Portable-only gaming is the Japan future.
The Wii is showing a steady decline, time to release some new colors.
EnthusiasTech said:Wii 16,973