Okay, I'm calling it in Japan. I have been hesitant, but with the Wii actually going up in sales with nothing coming out in Japan, It's now painfully obvious that its supply constrained.
I will go as far to state here and now that if this continues at this pace, and gets even worse for Sony, (This is my own personal opinion) that the up-coming FF game will, without a doubt be ported to the Wii within short order, or all-together moved to the Wii that may sound bold, and it may even sound ridiculous given the already extended dev time, but its not due to launch anytime soon, and S-E would be flat-out reatrded, and throwing hordes of cash/sales down the toilet by not going with the Wii on this one. You cannot send out a premiere title to die in the forest, and porting it to the 360 wont help matters either.
Japan is a lost cuase for Sony at this point. The trend is almost identical for that of the DS/PSP when the DS took off. I just cannot see how S-E would throw piles of money, and copies sold down the toilet. It's not even about moneyhas either. If a small % of people actully buy the game, as opposed to other FF games, you could actually hurt the luster of the series by having such low sales.
There I said it, and I am going to stick with it.