Hcoregamer00 said:
They will likely see it as a sign not to develop for the Wii anymore.
I am not sure how would it affect me. If all they can offer is the extremely cutesy kiddie stuff, then they can GTFO, as far as I am concerned.
if they don't sell on wii, it is their fault and ONLY theirs. The excuses they've being throwing for the last 10 years about why not develop on nintendo consoles have been all proven to be bullshit by the wii.
.- 1st place, market leader, WORLDWIDE.
.- Ever expanding userbase with new or lapsed gamers buying the console.
.- Load and loads of documented data that the Wii is being bought by people of all ages, not just 6 years old.
.- Dragon Quest Swords PROVING that a 3rd party game can sell above 400k (japan only, for that matter).
Konami is stuck in the N64 era with their way of thinking and they shall pay for misreading the market.