Darji said:sure its not the first mario party but you must see it in realation with the other titles i just niamed.
Hmm lets see, Excite Truck and Donkey Kong Jet Race are brand new racing games which are exclusive to Nintendo. What is the exclusive PS3 racing game? Motorstorm. You see, both consoles have exclusive racing games. What the hell are you naming those two games for.
Fire Emblem? Why is that on the list, again It's and exclusive Nintendo game that is relatively new (outside of Japan).
Why is Zelda and Mario on your list? It's a franchise that's very old and still continuing, just like umm... Final Fantasy?
Why is Big Brain Academy and WarioWare on your list? Mini-Games is now accepted as a GENRE. It's like me listing a whole bucnh of xbox games coz they are FPS. If you don't like to accept mini-games as a genre, you can also call them party games or puzzle games to an extent. But accept that it is a genre.
Your list makes no sense.