Not to go hippie or anything, but... Let's grant him the one special edition PS3 because he needs one to play. Now let's grant him one for storage.
3 PS3s is $1200 US, give or take. Oxfam Canada tells me I can buy a sheep for donating to an area with inadequate food for $58. A chicken for $15. A donkey for $120. A sturdy bicycle for $105. Emergency toilets for $100. 3 household emergency kits for $25. A radio for $15. 9 bags of seeds for $30. Solar panels for $110. A tool kit for $39. Safe water for $22. Mosquito nets to prevent malaria for $20. Training for ten workers who promote women's rights for $60. The SPCA says it costs $5 for a cat/dog rabies vaccination, $10 for Bordetella, and $15 for Leukemia. If you want to go local, $1200 donated to your alma mater would almost certainly be matched to provide an entrance scholarship for an underprivileged child. $1200 would provide hygenic items, pillows, blankets, and clothing for an entire women's shelter for the Christmas holidays.
Alternatively, $1200 would buy you _20_ full price new release games. It'd be a month and a half of rent for this chump. It'd be car payments for three or four months.
Yes, I have absolutely no problem calling a guy who bought 5 FF13 PS3s a dumbass, from no matter what angle. If he's a scalper, he gets some bonus dumbass points if this backfires on him.