I had seen your link and have updated the OP but the question remains:Road said:When I posted the Google cache page it had the updated numbers. Google is too hasty to update their cache. =(
What's going on with the site?
I had seen your link and have updated the OP but the question remains:Road said:When I posted the Google cache page it had the updated numbers. Google is too hasty to update their cache. =(
shinshero said:My predictions: (First week/YTD/LTD)
[Wii] NSMB: 750K/990K/1760K
[PS3] Final Fantasy XIII: 1600K/1850K/2050K
PS3 December: 570K
Wii December: 500K
Stopsign said:This does bring up something interesting though: it'll be interesting to see the battle between NSMBW and FFXIII for the higher YTD. Should be pretty close. As for the LTD, I think it's pretty safe to say that NSMBW will crush it.
duckroll said:PSP2 - 202k
Sengoku Musou 3 - 81k
Nothing of importance was released last week on Wii. This week however, we have some key titles. We'll get the hardware numbers that lined up with these next week.Totobeni said:Wii selling just a lil more than PS3 with all the big hits on the Wii is something I can't understand :/
Totobeni said:Wii selling just a lil more than PS3 with all the big hits on the Wii is something I can't understand :/
hatchx said:but I can't BELIEVE how poorly Crystal Bearers did on wii. It did SO badly. Is the Crystal Chronicles title a stigma now?
Dragona Akehi said:So if we take that formula, put it on the Wii and add online multiplayer for instance... even if there is a need to use the DS as a controller (like the GBA was for the GC game), I think you'd see a much different reaction from the public.
But that's just me, what do I know?
schuelma said:Not to mention the one huge third party success on the Wii has online multiplayer as a big component.
schuelma said:Its all academic at this point..I have a feeling SE Wii support is going from barely there to non existent.
schuelma said:Its all academic at this point..I have a feeling SE Wii support is going from barely there to non existent.
Dragona Akehi said:Even better; online play with the ability for two or three LOCAL players to join with people online.
(ie: two people local can play online with another two people who are playing local. Keep in mind I have no programming expertise, I don't know how hard difficult that would be to achieve.)
GOT to have local play too, like the original.
Dragona Akehi said:So we're agreed that DQX goes back to DS?
I really don't understand how there wasn't a followup to DQSwords at all. Especially with the Motion+. It doesn't make any sense.
Dragona Akehi said:Even better; online play with the ability for two or three LOCAL players to join with people online.
(ie: two people local can play online with another two people who are playing local. Keep in mind I have no programming expertise, I don't know how hard difficult that would be to achieve.)
GOT to have local play too, like the original.
schuelma said:I'm not ready to say that yet....but if the next DQ project is another DS game I'd say the writing is on the wall.
I'm honestly shocked DQ Swords 2 hasn't been announced. I kind of thought it was a stone cold lock when Motion + was unveiled. Another reason I'm thinking SE is largely done with Wii.
Stumpokapow said:*puts on self-proclaimed expert programmer cap*
In general online+local co-op combos are only hard in games where the local game is split-screen. Split-screening in games takes an enormous amount of rendering and processing power which is why typically framerates suffer. If the local play is on the same screen and the online players are also on the same screen, no trouble at all to implement if you're already implementing local and online co-op modes anyway.
Parl said:They wouldn't buy it if they didn't have a Wii, unless that game became a system seller to them.
The point is that if this game sells well, it points to the either this game being a big system seller, or the Wii had a userbase makeup that allowed this kind of game to sell. With not many main iterations to games on Wii, it's difficult to show if the Wii has, or has had, the potential to sell major iterations of franchises like PS2 did (assuming the franchise didn't naturally peak in that era, and assuming the quality and marketing holds up). So far, there's been the major Nintendo franchises that have been a large success, the major iterations of third party products, which is MH3 and this, the former being a success, no so sure about Koei yet.
Parl said:Is the argument that this game would have a good opening because of dedicated fans (who own Wii's, therefore there's at least these who would buy such games), and then not sell very well because the Wii doesn't have userbase that would buy this game?
danielijohnson said:Were any of those multiple consoles the Gamecube, or the Wii? The series hardly has any kind of history on the Wii and wouldn't it be a safer assumption that the series' dedicated fanbase who'll buy musou no matter what is largely present in the Playstation family and not really elsewhere? I'm not saying it's not a disappointment, but there are factors at play here that shouldn't be ignored.
Dragona Akehi said:Yes, no DQS2 is absolutely mind-boggling. I'm wondering if Iwata has made those friendly noises about 3rd parties because of S-E's dwindling interest in the Wii.
cw_sasuke said:Since when does SE hate money ? i dont get it... its like iwata slept with wadas wife, even for the DS there isnt that much stuff in in pipeline for 2010 besides the DQ6R and Lufia...
wrowa said:Genius Sonority is unable to develop DQS2 due to the fact that they are busy developing DQX or a remake of DQ VII.
Well, probably not. But it's the only way I can explain why there's no sequel to DQS. Otherwise it just doesn't make any sense not to develop a sequel to a relatively low-budget game that is just SE's most successful console release of this generation (until the release of FFXIII that is).
wrowa said:Genius Sonority is unable to develop DQS2 due to the fact that they are busy developing DQX or a remake of DQ VII.
Well, probably not. But it's the only way I can explain why there's no sequel to DQS. Otherwise it just doesn't make any sense not to develop a sequel to a relatively low-budget game that is just SE's most successful console release of this generation (until the release of FFXIII that is).
schuelma said:Not to mention I just kind of assumed Iwata would line up some 3rd party support for Motion +.
To the best of my knowledge there still hasn't been a single 3rd party Japanese developed title announced using it.
The Western devs are actually supporting the add on better.
schuelma said:cvx- have you been out to the shops after Thursday? Curious how all the big titles are holding up.
d+pad said:All of this talk of a proper sequel to the GameCube FFCC has me sad ... as does the talk of no DQS sequel. What in the hell is wrong with Square-Enix these days?
Its handling of things this generation kind of makes Nintendo's semi-botching of the Wii look a whole lot better. Well, maybe I wouldn't go that far, but you get my drift![]()
Dragona Akehi said:You aren't going to include that Sandlot game? It is technically a third party game, even though NCL is publishing it...
gerg said:Regarding Japanese third-party support in general, I've been under the impression that next year's major (home console) releases are looking pretty slim. What's the situation like for all the home console?
Second said:Wow, I'm not really into sales-age. I didn't even know Crystal Bearers was released. Weird to see it bomb. I really liked the first Crystal FF game on the Gamecube.
But I don't think the Crystal Bearers flop should say anything about SE's Wii support. The game would've probably flopped on Ps3 also, or any other platform. SE should release a big game for the Wii to see how the huge userbase will react.
I'm really interested where Kingdom Hearts 3 and DQX will go, platform wise.
schuelma said:Well at least for Q1 it looks a lot better for the PS3.
Stopsign said:That has been announced for the Wii.
gerg said:PS3's always going to have the advantage of its assortment of Final Fantasy XIII titles, but I wasn't aware of much besides them. Anyone care to enlighten me?
Stopsign said:That has been announced for the Wii.
gerg said:PS3's always going to have the advantage of its assortment of Final Fantasy XIII titles, but I wasn't aware of much besides them.
Second said:It was? Guess I've missed the announcement. ;p
I personally thought the game would go to the DS.
Dragona Akehi said:During the press bonanza for DQIX's release, Horii "let it slip" that they were developing DQX for Wii.
Eh, my post wasn't meant seriously, but I kinda can't understand your arguments.Dragona Akehi said:Level 5 is as far as anyone knows, still in charge of programming new mainline DQ games. So they'd be the ones working DQX. As for a remake of DQVII, the remake of DQVI still hasn't been released. So... no.
Bebpo said:There was also a trailer though, right? I remember seeing screens of battle. Was probably just a target render, so it doesn't mean anything either way.
Dragona Akehi said:If you've been reading the M-C threads, you'll have seen that a few of us (including myself) have suggested that after the Wii's drop to Hell, and DQIX being the best selling third party game ever, even compared to multiple sku games, that S-E quietly is shuffling DQX back to DS.
Over four million sold to customers. On its first release.
gerg said:PS3's always going to have the advantage of its assortment of Final Fantasy XIII titles, but I wasn't aware of much besides them. Anyone care to enlighten me?
Stopsign said:I'm quite aware of this. Looking at the sales of the IX, it sort of makes you wonder why Square-Enix announced X for the Wii in the first place. The fact of the matter is, assuming the game is at least past the initial planning stages, it's hard to believe that they would scrap their work and simply start over on the DS (even though I guess they could use IX's engine again).
It also seems to me that behind the scenes somewhere Nintendo made a deal much like the original Crystal Chronicle deal. Nintendo told SE that if they wanted to bring Dragon Quest to the DS, they were going to have to make a Wii game as well. That's just my take on it though.
schuelma said:Nothing that massive for PS3 aside from Yakuza, but certainly a lot better than the Wii
Second said:From what I've just read on the internet, the DQX announcement seemed more like a brainfart during the DQIX conference. The project can go anywhere, really.