2014 was always going to be a soft year for PS4, just looking at the announcements, and all the interviews with Japanese devs interested in developing for PS4. It was clear that PS3/Vita was a far, far higher priority, whereas PS4 is mostly a 'cool new toy, I'll try it later.' approach.
The Inafune video where he implied getting Mighty No.9 out on last-gen as more essential than next-gen should really tell you all there is to know about the Japanese mentality when it comes to these transitions. They're in no hurry to move over.
2014 was always going to be the year where Sony has to weather the storm of 'nogaems' for the Japanese market, and pray that a GTAV miracle happens with some of the 2014 games confirmed current-gen only. And it cannot be a cross-gen game.
Even if Destiny becomes a massive hit in Japan, majority of the sales will be PS3, so any western 3rd-party reliance needs to be on current-gen exclusives. No matter how well cross-gen western games do in Japan, as far as 2014 is concerned, PS3 will eat the bulk of the sales.
Really, Sony's main job this year is to make sure that PS4's weak sales this year will not cause a bad momentum that's irreversible even when hot software are released eventually, make sure Japan Studio has at least two compelling titles lined up for next year, go and beg Nagoshi to make Yakuza 6 into a current-gen only exclusive, and pray that Nomura finishes FFXV to be released in 2015.
The Inafune video where he implied getting Mighty No.9 out on last-gen as more essential than next-gen should really tell you all there is to know about the Japanese mentality when it comes to these transitions. They're in no hurry to move over.
2014 was always going to be the year where Sony has to weather the storm of 'nogaems' for the Japanese market, and pray that a GTAV miracle happens with some of the 2014 games confirmed current-gen only. And it cannot be a cross-gen game.
Even if Destiny becomes a massive hit in Japan, majority of the sales will be PS3, so any western 3rd-party reliance needs to be on current-gen exclusives. No matter how well cross-gen western games do in Japan, as far as 2014 is concerned, PS3 will eat the bulk of the sales.
Really, Sony's main job this year is to make sure that PS4's weak sales this year will not cause a bad momentum that's irreversible even when hot software are released eventually, make sure Japan Studio has at least two compelling titles lined up for next year, go and beg Nagoshi to make Yakuza 6 into a current-gen only exclusive, and pray that Nomura finishes FFXV to be released in 2015.