Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
)))))) @ Vita! Price cut needed! $150, do it!
Isn't this close to the lowest it has sold all year? It had about a 50% drop.
Worst week for Wii since launch.
so sony's just gonna let vita die a slow and horrible death
Starhawk sold 4 times more in its opening week in Japan than in the UK.
I know Vita is going to get a lot of attention (Groundhog day indeed) but hardware sales across the board, save for 3DS, are pretty atrocious. Even for such a slow time of the year.
Fire Emblem's LTD counts the first week bundles, right?
EDIT: Or not? Hm.
Vita basically cannot get any worse, so there is no room for it to go lower
Lowest week since the price drop.
Time for a Wii price cut, me thinks.
is it possible this weeks overall terrible numbers are just a post golden week lul and things may go up at least a little next week?
Well for the 3DS, the end of may is going to be big with Mario Tennis and DQM at least.
is it possible this weeks overall terrible numbers are just a post golden week lul and things may go up at least a little next week?
I don't want to declare Vita dead until after E3, but its definitely on life support right now.
Despite the drop, 3DS sold more units than any console during the same week these last 4 years. Not too bad.
Vita sales approaching x360 numbers... what is Sony waiting for changing the price?!?
Which means "Show me the worst performing top 10s since December 2004".SELECT SUM(SalesWeekly) AS s,Week FROM SoftwareWeekly WHERE Rank>0 AND Rank<=10 AND SalesWeekly>0 AND Week>='2004-12-01' GROUP BY Week ORDER BY s ASC LIMIT 0,25;
1 DS Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2 - Professional 17,995
2 3DS Steel Diver 16,900
3 PS3 Suzumiya Haruhi no Tsuisou 16,786
4 PSP Suzumiya Haruhi no Tsuisou 15,471
5 PSP Patapon 3 11,967
6 PSP Pro Baseball Spirits 2011 9,355
7 PSP Planetarian: Chiisana Hoshi no Yume (Charity Edition) 8,749
8 PSP Saigo no Yakusoku no Monogatari (Final Promise Story) 6,414
9 PS3 Pro Baseball Spirits 2011 5,595
10 PSP DokuSui: Doki Doki Suikoden 4,863
Wow, Vita.
Go Fire Emblem!
I get the feeling we are going to see this block for a long time.
Is the drop usual?
Hardware - This Week | Last Week | YTD | LTD
1. NDS - 163,824 | 285,192 | 3,052,216 | 17,057,895
2. WII - 52,544 | 101,320 | 1,504,716 | 2,424,359
3. PSP - 34,433 | 35,172 | 873,828 | 5,405,957
4. PS2 - 10,414 | 14,815 | 335,018 | 20,489,877
5. PS3 - 8,839 | 12,974 | 425,895 | 883,453
6. 360 - 2,105 | 3,205 | 95,655 | 360,357
7. GBA - 769 | 653 | 36,076 | 15,334,155
8. NGC - 315 | 394 | 7,078 | 4,176,546
Hardware - This Week | Last Week | YTD | LTD
1. PSP - 70,536 | 89,884 | 1,754,623 | 9,356,217
2. WII - 41,572 | 67,308 | 1,419,792 | 6,035,952
3. NDS - 34,905 | 51,228 | 1,378,157 | 22,551,208
4. PS3 - 7,701 | 8,054 | 408,602 | 2,050,278
5. PS2 - 7,022 | 7,464 | 221,294 | 21,148,331
6. 360 - 1,474 | 1,298 | 56,501 | 563,842
|System | This Week | Last Week | YTD | LTD |
| NDS | 39,040 | 63,203 | 1,365,355 | 26,484,990 |
| PSP | 28,683 | 43,009 | 991,371 | 12,349,474 |
| WII | 15,116 | 24,397 | 511,331 | 7,990,308 |
| PS3 | 11,605 | 18,483 | 524,727 | 3,147,195 |
| PS2 | 4,020 | 5,137 | 109,322 | 21,508,851 |
| 360 | 3,233 | 5,068 | 193,757 | 1,023,194 |
| DSi | 34,152 | 55,382 | 1,108,255 | 2,339,614 |
| DSL | 4,888 | 7,821 | 257,100 | 17,559,905 |
|System | This Week | Last Week | YTD | LTD |
| NDS | 28.564 | 46.498 | 905.526 | 30.184.606 |
| PSP | 25.346 | 36.697 | 933.496 | 14.676.584 |
| PS3 | 20.463 | 26.185 | 622.806 | 5.124.173 |
| WII | 17.570 | 31.399 | 680.474 | 10.285.673 |
| 360 | 4.370 | 4.278 | 64.551 | 1.274.223 |
| PS2 | 1.293 | 1.491 | 35.435 | 21.645.612 |
| DSiLL | 15.879 | 26.733 | 471.346 | 978.253 |
| DSi | 9.990 | 15.739 | 343.521 | 4.682.467 |
| DSL | 2.695 | 4.026 | 90.659 | 17.938.415 |
| PSP | 24.475 | 35.233 | 902.268 | 14.569.601 |
| PSPgo | 871 | 1.464 | 31.228 | 106.983 |
|System | This Week | Last Week | Last Year | YTD | Last YTD | LTD |
| PSP | 34.826 | 55.140 | 25.346 | 919.165 | 933.497 | 17.569.377 |
| 3DS | 18.324 | 29.149 | 0 | 996.019 | 0 | 996.019 |
| PS3 | 13.789 | 20.883 | 20.463 | 504.979 | 622.806 | 6.592.469 |
| NDS | 10.858 | 19.516 | 28.564 | 423.907 | 905.421 | 32.574.606 |
| WII | 6.336 | 11.520 | 17.570 | 272.725 | 680.474 | 11.552.360 |
| 360 | 2.763 | 3.419 | 4.370 | 47.774 | 64.551 | 1.468.271 |
| PS2 | 1.319 | 1.696 | 1.293 | 32.158 | 35.435 | 21.728.250 |
| ALL | 88.215 | 141.323 | 97.606 | 3.196.727 | 3.242.184 | 92.481.352 |
| DSiLL | 5.358 | 10.519 | 15.879 | 218.930 | 471.346 | 2.166.513 |
| DSi | 5.292 | 8.708 | 9.990 | 186.921 | 343.521 | 5.730.645 |
| DSL | 208 | 289 | 2.695 | 18.056 | 90.554 | 18.091.977 |
| PSP | 34.655 | 54.882 | 24.475 | 904.158 | 902.268 | 17.393.946 |
| PSPgo | 171 | 258 | 871 | 15.007 | 31.229 | 175.431 |
Despite the drop, 3DS sold more units than any console during the same week these last 4 years. Not too bad.
Vita sales approaching x360 numbers... what is Sony waiting for changing the price?!?
What are the upcoming (bigish) releases for 3ds and vita?
Damn, everything is so low. I hope WiiU and Orbis will kickstart Japan a bit... I remember seeing old NPD charts from the mid 90's, the market was much more dynamic and so many more sales all around. Hope it gets better soon.
Very low number all around, just like last year. I didn't expect the 3DS to drop that badly though...
Holy shit. What the hell happened? Is this normal?
Vita sales approaching x360 numbers... what is Sony waiting for changing the price?!? Sony don't actually have any confidence in the Vita:
- Sony drop price
- Sony sell a few more Units - "OH NOES, they make more of a loss!"
- Sony still can't change the Vita to be a success - "OH NOES we've made it worse!"
- Software doesn't move to Vita - "Oh buggering hell..."
- Some hardware sales, but little competition among software developers cuts Sony's margins - "OH NOES..."
Basically this 'magic' price drop will not necessary save the system from a financial perspective. Its a bad product.
Sony don't know what to do. So there...doing nothing - simple as that.
Lesson kids? Plan. Plan. Plan. Nintendo made mistakes in their planning. But Sony made the mistake of not making a plan.
Despite the drop, 3DS sold more units than any console during the same week these last 4 years. Not too bad.
Vita sales approaching x360 numbers... what is Sony waiting for changing the price?!?
Starhawk sold 4 times more in its opening week in Japan than in the UK.