If we include sales through eShop as well, up to June, Famitsu has it at 635,290.
364,710 to go before reaching the 1 million goal!
Some? Almost everyone doubted it would cross the million mark LTD unbundled before its release.
Whipped is not the right word. The game bombed hard on both systems.
We really need to stop bringing install base to every discussion, especially when we are dealing with extreme niche games.Whipped the PS3 version on a far smaller install base though.
Wowza, that's a 40% bump for Wii U over the previous week and it's absolutely wrecking PS4. Sometimes I wonder if Nintendo execs just extrapolated the Japanese landscape to the rest of the world and thought they'd be just as successful (relative to the same-gen competition) in other markets.
Currently - Mario Kart LTDs so far via Famitsu
Super Mario Kart - 3,820,000
Mario Kart 64 - 1,711,661
Mario Kart Super Circuit - 938,175
Mario Kart Double Dash - 825,894
Mario Kart DS - 4,002,914
Mario Kart Wii - 3,701,492
Mario Kart 7 - 2,290,104
Mario Kart 8 - 635,290 (including downloads)
190,604 more sales needed to outsell Double Dash
302,885 more sales needed to outsell Super Circuit.
Hopefully we'll see the first Wii U title that's not the worst selling of the series later this year =).
Also for Wii U right now, the release schedule for 2014 in Japan is this?
Hyrule Warriors - 8/14
Zumba Fitness World Party - 9/4
Bayonetta 2 - 9/20
Fatal Frame V - 9/26
The LEGO Movie Videogame - 11/6
Fujiko F. Fujio Characters Daishuugou! SF Dotabata Party! - 11/20
Smash - Nov/Dec?
Captain Toad - Nov/Dec?
Kamen Rider Summon Riders - December
Wowza, that's a 40% bump for Wii U over the previous week and it's absolutely wrecking PS4. Sometimes I wonder if Nintendo execs just extrapolated the Japanese landscape to the rest of the world and thought they'd be just as successful (relative to the same-gen competition) in other markets.
Sorry if this place isn't the best place to ask but can somebody explain how NSMB Wii and MK Wii did so well? I mean they are in the top-10 list of best selling games ever, with little to no bundling as well.
MH Vita is still coming... any time now...
The wait is over!
Now available in all leading game stores!
it's probably not going to sell 15k
We really need to stop bringing install base to every discussion, especially when we are dealing with extreme niche games.
Wow, Shinovi Versus Vita sold 94k first week (120K if digital sales are included),and SK2 sells less than half that. I guess it wasn't the best idea to put SK2 on 3DS.
today is one of the worst days of my life.Don't you dare abandon your life and hometown ohlawd. Don't you cross that line! D:
We put Senran Kagura 2 Burst name to the DLC, so a "complete version" will not come out at all. As long as I am in this company, that won't happen.
Some? Almost everyone doubted it would cross the million mark LTD unbundled.
Also they both leveraged the family playing together aspect really well at a time when that was what consumers were looking for.Mainline games of two of Nintendo's flagship franchises on Nintendo's most successful console.
I think it would be safe to say it did. Theres not many other likely explanations.Hm, If MK8 outsells Double Dash and maybe others (especially worldwide), and the Wii U finishes behind the GC as it's trending to do, will that prove that the MK core audience actually did grow during the Wii/DS days? That's been a debate for a while.
fuck, I knew it.
disappointing on all accounts.
longest dev time and highest budget... fuuuuuuck. I didn't know that but you could infer it since SK2 looks freaking amazing and it's a 3DS game.Anyone who didn't think those numbers were disappointing (to say the least) were just being delusional. WORST opening week for the series - which includes a Vita 'spinoff' and an expansion re-release, and really poor sell-through figures (all the other games had healthy sell-throughs). It's not a good look in any way.
Not only is this not good for SK2 it's also bad for Estival Versus, assuming they are developing the game now on a budget that was supposed to be justified by SK2's performance.Here comes the bad news about the SK2 sales that people are saying to be "not THAT bad".
SK2 had the most budget (and development time?) amongst all SK games. :/
If this doesn't pickup in the following weeks, that's a rather bad situation.
longest dev time and highest budget... fuuuuuuck. I didn't know that but you could infer it since SK2 looks freaking amazing and it's a 3DS game.
I haven't cried myself to sleep in years.
Well it also cost 1000 more yen than the first senran kagura while selling 5000 less copies (first week). So even though sale numbers are disappointing, it is not a flop.
LOL, another "1000 more yen" post.
Do you think it was given more budget to aim lower than their very first release just because it has "1000 more monies"?
longest dev time and highest budget... fuuuuuuck. I didn't know that but you could infer it since SK2 looks freaking amazing and it's a 3DS game.
I haven't cried myself to sleep in years.
LOL, another "1000 more yen" post.
Do you think it was given more budget to aim low just because it has "1000 more monies"?
Currently - Mario Kart LTDs so far via Famitsu
Super Mario Kart - 3,820,000
Mario Kart 64 - 1,711,661
Mario Kart Super Circuit - 938,175
Mario Kart Double Dash - 825,894
Mario Kart DS - 4,002,914
Mario Kart Wii - 3,701,492
Mario Kart 7 - 2,290,104
Mario Kart 8 - 635,290 (including downloads)
| |Donkey Kong Returns| Luigi’s Mansion 2 | Difference |
| | [WII] (2010/12/09)| [3DS] (2013/03/20)| |
|Week| Weekly | LTD | Weekly | LTD | DKR – LM2 |
| 1 | 163.310| 163.310| 280.151| 280.151| 116.841|
| 2 | 152.990| 316.300| 110.840| 390.991| 74.691|
| 3 | 214.518| 530.818| 68.423| 459.413| -71.405|
| 4 | 107.487| 638.305| 56.562| 515.975| -122.330|
| 5 | 66.551| 704.856| 41.296| 557.271| -147.585|
| 6 | 29.412| 734.268| 38.884| 596.155| -138.113|
| 7 | 20.411| 754.679| 64.420| 660.575| -94.104|
| 8 | 19.214| 773.893| 31.345| 691.921| -81.972|
| 9 | 16.493| 790.386| 20.304| 712.225| -78.161|
| 10 | 15.971| 806.357| 19.079| 731.304| -75.053|
| 11 | 10.824| 817.181| 19.649| 750.953| -66.228|
| 12 | 9.913| 827.094| 15.759| 766.712| -60.382|
| 13 | 8.836| 835.930| 14.949| 781.660| -54.270|
| 14 | 7.919| 843.848| 11.859| 793.519| -50.329|
| 15 | 7.490| 851.339| 11.510| 805.029| -46.310|
| 16 | 8.526| 859.865| 10.813| 815.842| -44.023|
| 17 | 6.260| 866.125| 9.184| 825.026| -41.099|
| 18 | 5.120| 871.245| 9.366| 834.392| -36.853|
| 19 | -| -| 8.147| 842.538| |
| 20 | -| -| 7.595| 850.134| |
| 21 | -| 884.002| 8.110| 858.243| -25.759|
| 22 | 8.944| 892.946| 12.501| 870.745| -22.201|
| 23 | 3.356| 896.302| 7.639| 878.384| -17.918|
|Year| YTD | LTD | YTD | LTD | Difference |
| 1 | 638.305| 638.305| 878.384| 878.384| 240.079|
| 2 | 314.399| 952.704| -| -| -|
| 3 | 17.517| 970.221| -| -| -|
| LTD| -| 970.221| -| 878.384| -91.837|
| | Mario Kart 8 | Luigi’s Mansion 2| Difference |
| | [WIU] (2014/05/29)| [3DS] (2013/03/20)| |
|Week| Weekly | LTD | Weekly | LTD | MK8 – LM2 |
| 1 | 325.892| 325.892| 280.151| 280.151| 45.741|
| 2 | 73.051| 398.943| 110.840| 390.991| 7.952|
| 3 | 42.261| 441.205| 68.423| 459.413| -18.208|
| 4 | 28.112| 469.316| 56.562| 515.975| -46.659|
| 5 | 23.520| 492.837| 41.296| 557.271| -64.434|
| 6 | 19.386| 512.223| 38.884| 596.155| -83.932|
| 7 | 15.143| 527.366| 64.420| 660.575| -133.209|
| 8 | 14.992| 542.358| 31.345| 691.921| -149.563|
| 9 | 18.129| 560.487| 20.304| 712.225| -151.738|
| 10 | 18.067| 578.554| 19.079| 731.304| -152.750|
| 11 | 20.860| 599.414| 19.649| 750.953| -151.539|
| 12 | | | 15.759| 766.712| |
| 13 | | | 14.949| 781.660| |
| 14 | | | 11.859| 793.519| |
| 15 | | | 11.510| 805.029| |
| 16 | | | 10.813| 815.842| |
| 17 | | | 9.184| 825.026| |
| 18 | | | 9.366| 834.392| |
| 19 | | | 8.147| 842.538| |
| 20 | | | 7.595| 850.134| |
| 21 | | | 8.110| 858.243| |
| 22 | | | 12.501| 870.745| |
| 23 | | | 7.639| 878.384| |
| 24 | | | 6.854| 885.238| |
| 25 | | | 6.010| 891.248| |
| 26 | | | 5.352| 896.600| |
| 27 | | | 4.940| 901.540| |
| 28 | | | 5.007| 906.547| |
| 29 | | | 4.442| 910.989| |
| 30 | | | 3.882| 914.871| |
| 31 | | | 3.896| 918.767| |
| 32 | | | -| -| |
| 33 | | | -| -| |
| 34 | | | -| -| |
| 35 | | | -| -| |
| 36 | | | -| -| |
| 37 | | | -| -| |
| 38 | | | -| 943.459| |
| 39 | | | 15.051| 958.510| |
| 40 | | | 26.931| 985.442| |
| 41 | | | 17.746|1.003.188| |
|Year| YTD | LTD | YTD | LTD | Difference |
| LTD| -| 599.414| -|1.003.188| -403.774|
Lift the Wii U above the GCN in Japan, or globally? If the latter, then sorry but despite the success of MK8 and it's minor revival in the territory from awful to just bad, that's still coo coo for cocoa puffs.
Do you remember when last year I was doing the Donkey Kong Returns VS Luigis Mansion 2 Race for the Million?
All Media Create's numbers.
I'm surprised that so many were surprised by the success. The first game was great and they left a huge gap between installments. I don't think the game lives up to the first one ultimately, but then I had to buy it to find that out.Luigi Mansion's 2 performance is still a big surprise to me. Not many would've guessed that it'd be one of the 3DS's best selling games. It'll get knocked down a bit after Pokemon and Smash though.
If you would've asked me beforehand, I would've said games like Kirby, Paper Mario/Mario & Luigi, and ALBW would outsell it, and none of them have (I think).
I'm surprised that so many were surprised by the success. The first game was great and they left a huge gap between installments. I don't think the game lives up to the first one ultimately, but then I had to buy it to find that out.
So according to this blog: http://nipponsalesage.blogspot.com/
Comgnet Hyrule Warriors- 33 (normal) + 20 (special)= 53 total
Are these preorders or sales btw?
When the 'winning' console is storming away selling faster than anything before and we see these numbers in this territory?
Yeah, I'm thinking Japan is about as relevant as a hamlet in Luxembourg.
i'm always paying attention to japan since it seems that at least for the last couple of decades, the major happenings there dictate what wind up happening in the rest of the world. this has been the only time there's been such a clear difference between first and not-first (3ds and ps4) between japan and us/europe.
i don't think it's a precursor to us and european gamers accepting mobile games as our lord and savior, but i do believe it's a sign that the traditional console market is on its way out. whatever steals attention away next time will be a killing blow.
I like this convo so I'm gonna chime in a little late.Aye, I always used to think of Japan as something of a miners canary. I reckon all that changed when MS put out a Direct X box and let Western PC devs run rampant. The territories drifted apart as the west emulated PCs and the east retreated to handhelds.
I honestly don't know what I think about the dedicated console market. I knew dedicated handhelds would take a pasting, but I figured consoles were sufficiently differentiated. The way mobile tech is steaming on and gaining audiences though, I don't think anything is certain any more.
So according to this blog: http://nipponsalesage.blogspot.com/
Comgnet Hyrule Warriors- 33 (normal) + 20 (special)= 53 total
Are these preorders or sales btw?
So according to this blog: http://nipponsalesage.blogspot.com/
Comgnet Hyrule Warriors- 33 (normal) + 20 (special)= 53 total
Are these preorders or sales btw?
I think those are just empty display cases? Also, it looks like the Premium Box is already sold out. Hopefully it'll do well.oh man so many copies of Zelda Musou
wonder if it will sell
I wish I could play Senran Kagura on the big screen looks like the series is taking a down turn but people also have to look at the more expensive price points for games in Japan right now not sure why we are comparing old sale numbers when the market has changed this much
<50k first week sales then? Probably closer to 30k.
<50k first week sales then? Probably closer to 30k.
Domination, hah.. in the land of the blind the one eyed man is king...
The problem is games like RE7, FF15, and KH3 have always done significant numbers in the west. If PS4's absolute thrashing of the Wii U in the west continues, I doubt PS4's Japanese malaise will be enough for these games to bother making Wii U versions.