Or, and bear with me here, you could try understanding that some people would rather see games made with the increased fidelity and other possibilities enabled by their higher end systems. It's lovely that you don't care about the difference between a pocket calculator and a powerhouse, but it's hardly obscene that others do.Does complaining about platforms you hate make yourself feel better? Because all I see are people who can't hold back their seething hatred for underpowered platforms hide for a single post in a thread about sales numbers.
Console warrior bullshit should go in another thread, if not in the garbage bin. And that's what you're defending, and of course peddling in the rest of your post I decided not to quote.
I really didn't want to get involved as I think it's been made clear that it's off-topic, but your militant insistence that only 'warriors' care about this sort of thing is intolerable.
I don't think it does loom large currently. Kart and Smash are about all there is on the horizon, and if they do squat, what larger cards can be played? Zelda? Metroid?I think the reason is because the Vita has been barely staying above Wii U this year despite it getting several relevant releases, while Wii U's first major release is Mario 3D World in a few days. The power of Nintendo's first party franchises looms large, though the droughts are definitely taking their toll on the system, and Nintendo seems to be doing bugger all to alleviate the problems.
They certainly have some fearsome IPs, but they're all on the 3DS too. Given that this year is starting to look like it'll be smaller than last year for the 3DS, and that next year may be smaller still, I think they will continue to focus their efforts on the handheld.