Okay, deep inside I always knew it, but man - the Wii U is a dead console.
"Dead" in the sense that it doesn't sell well at all and that it super low install base will be the reason why it won't last very long. I look forward to 3D Mario, X and all those other games, but yeah - that thing is dead, and hopefully this will finally make them drop the Wii brand and start with something really new. It breaks my heart seeing a fantastic game of one of my favorite brands to bomb so incredibly hard, like.. I don't know what to say :lol
And I don't want to hear shit from Nintendo apologists - the company itself is fine, yes, but don't act like there isn't a major problem in their homeconsole business. As biggest Nintendawg in the universe, this annoys me much more than people laughing at the Wii U.
That being said, the Vita drop is barbaric and probably proves that the VitaTV is a device for the west
The only good thing is that despite being placed at #1, LR bombed hard :lol