I still think Christmas and the week after will see some nice sales for the WiiU. People are actually talking about it now (not just us talking about how dead it is).
I teach Japanese kids. Kids want it. They will buy it with their New Years money. That and 3DS games.
Now those sales could generate good word of mouth and bring about other sales... or it could fall back off a cliff come the second week of January.
But I remain cautiously (stupidly?) optimistic. The WiiU is being talked about in a positive light for the first time since launch. I do Christmas lessons every year and we have kids write letters to santa. In these letters it is the second most requested item (3DS game in first place and smartphones a close 3rd).
I could be delusional. But I think while the hardcore gamer at this point has shunned the system, the kids and families will pick one up over the holidays.
Mario 3D World.. that is sadly another story. Only a few kids wanted this from Santa. Far more wanted the 2D one. Yeah. That game that came out LAST Christmas. I have no idea on this one, that game seemed to be custom made for Japan. Cute cat suits, lots of colors, non vomit inducing 3D.. I have lived here for 10 years but sometimes (read: most of the time) I just don't get Japan.
Same here. Heh, heh. My students think I'm crazy as hell. Still, none of them were talking about Mario World. I teach jr. high and high school students and they talk to me about games all the time, yet they have never talked about that game. No idea where the hype was, but I didn't see it on my end. Maybe that will change next week when I get back to school and have a chance to chat with them about some games.