Mega Man 8? Maybe Mega Man 10 on Easy.
Mega Man 3 is pretty comparable in difficulty, too, at least up until Doc Robot.
MM5 was explicitly designed to be an entry level game for players new to the series.
Thanks all. I appreciate it immensely! Most of these are on 3DS eShop and/or Wii U, right?
Mega Man 1-7 and X 1-3 are on eShop (All on Wii U, 1-6 on 3DS. 3DS also has the Game Boy/Color games). X4 is on PSN. The Zero games are going to be on eShop in the future, with the first one already out, but you might want to get the DS collection, as it has all the games in it, and an easy mode.
Thanks a ton! Which of the GBC games are best and easiest? (Also, assuming all of those recommended above are not just easy, but also good!)
My last post was just about availability, but all the games recommended here are good. (Although how good is going to differ from person to person.)
The best GB/C games are Rockman World 4 and 5 (released in English as Mega Man IV/V). Those aren't the easiest of the GB games, but I'm never going to recommend RW2 to anyone unless I hate them. Of the actual GBC ones, I'd say Xtreme 2 is good, although not as much as the former games I talked about. (And sadly, not as original.)
Thoughts on this MegaGAF?
The TruForce Mega Man X figure is on Kickstarter, currently at $36,007 of its $200,000 goal. Backers can get a unique colour scheme as a high-level reward.
So what's the general consensus on Mega Man X5? I decided to go back to it after a replay of my personal favorite, X4, but I just couldn't get into it.
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I just wonder if we'll even jump in straight to MM4
I'm guessing we're getting at least one Emerald Spears arc, a filler arc, and a prelude before it. Maybe add one of the World games or even Wily Wars somewhere in there.
It took a long time to get to Mega Man 3 from 2 (Vol 3 to Vol 10, over two years of material) between original story arcs, Ra Moon and the Sonic crossover, so I'd say it'll be a while.
I just hope they cover all the games before it's cancelled. That time travel issues got me too hyped.
I can see them skipping or condensing 5 or maybe adapting the GB games with the Stardroids, since 4 through 6 all have the same story of "New guy shows up, turns out it was Wily, ad infinitum."
MM Comic wasted a lot of time with that Sonic nonsense.
Tiny images are tinyThe crossover was my fav. major comic event at the time and it had some really neat stuff like this spread
and a lot of great character interactions and humor, chief among them
I got MMX4 for a buck in the last flash sale and I'm enjoying this more than I really expected. I'm not surprised so many people put it just behind X1 on their rankings of the series. Plus it's got that great old Capcom art from the Saturn/PS1 era. Tempted to make one of them LTTP threads
So, I've been getting curious about the Archie Mega Man comic. I wouldn't mind getting into it, but what is the best way to? I checked their website, and while a lot of the graphic novels are on sale right now, the first one is sold out.Do they restock those graphic novels regularly, or do I need to resort to digital?
MM3 isn't very good, no.