<cranky old school MM fan rant> Aside from Mega Man Legends 3, I just want a new OC (original continuity) Mega Man game, either classic or X, that either retcons or rectifies some of the weirdness and outright stupidity in the Zero and ZX series. Gameplay-wise, I hold nothing against Zero. But from Mega Man to Mega Man X8 the series was all about the good robots of Dr. Light fighting the misused robots of Dr. Wily and the ensuing war between fully-sentient robots trying to coexist with and those trying to overthrow mankind; in the future of that very same universe that many of us drew pictures of and wrote stories about when we were younger, somewhere along the line there was a thing called...
My ten year old self would have promptly renounced Capcom games forever if upon reading the latest Nintendo Power, I would have read that "cyber elfs" would be a major plot device in Mega Man 7. If you don't get whats so horrible about the name and the appearance of these creatures, don't bother...it's probably just me. I'm probably the only one who thought it was the stupidest, most out of place damn things to put in a Mega Man game. Don't even get me started on X somehow becoming one as well as appearing to Zero in "ghost" form.
Oh, and back in high school did you ever envision the future of the X series, and what the eventual fates of the characters would be?
Did you think that the ultimate fate of Mega Man X and his ally Zero would be that their souls would be entrapped in something called Biometal so that Capcom could make a game with some shitty new character who possesses the powers of X and Zero, instead of, you know, just making a new X game. </cranky old school MM fan rant>
In my opinion, the whole series-wide story arc had gone down the drain. If there is ever a new classic or X series game, I hope there is some serious retcon work done because it was just getting ridiculous. I don't expect anyone to agree with me on any of these points, but that's just how I feel.
Just going to say, you are not alone. Even if I liked MMZero story, I still think the cyber elves stuff felt really out of place as a gameplay feature and as an important plot point, the games would been better without them