I used to play M59. In fact I was one of the Alpha testers, then Beta, then retail...
People complain about the cost of games now, but in it's hayday, M59 cost $30 a month to play, and lots of people gladly paid it.
Eventually I became a Bard for the game and worked directly with the developers designing my own in game events and helping to implement new storylines. I'd have to say that the events team that M59 had is what kept that game going. I have yet to see another game have a team so involved with the players.
Anyway...the game.
The game is still around, run now by NDS (Near Death Studios...has members of the original programmers from 3DO) and is about the undergo a graphics overhaul.
Oh, and the best way to learn about the game...PLAY IT!
Just go to
Skotos.com and sign up for a free account, download the game (84mb) and start playing. I think they give you a month of free play. The only downside is you don't get to experience the PvP of this game (which was one of the best things) as the free trial is on a non-pvp server.
Have fun.