JareBear: Remastered
- First up, the like-begging is annoying. You can do better than that. As to the likes themselves - I was not present at the boycott meeting but on the grapevine I've heard that it's because your left tit hangs lower than your right. People don't like that kind of freakery.
On a more serious note, I will smash that like button in the following circumstances:
1. The post is funny.
2. I agree with the post, and it seems high-enough effort to be something that I would like to reward.
3. I disagree with the post but the post is well-argued.
4. I value the content for some other reason (these reasons do not include the name of the poster).
I do not like a post based on who posted it, on who liked it, or any other equally superficial bollocks.
A quick tangent. I turned off my notifications. I was on here too much. I reckon I'm getting fewer likes now, but I would struggle to prove that with stats. I'm ok with that. It may well be that turning off notifications (I now just use Watched Threads to follow ongoing conversations) has removed the dopamine cycle which rewarded the cheaper like-grabbing posts, in favour of more thoughtful content, and my posts have adapted to that. Or perhaps everyone now thinks I'm a cunt. Who knows. I'm here for the conversation, not the likes.