Stormy Grey

Going to be cleaning up and organizing shortly. Excerpts and scores will be posted. (Looking for the OT? It's that way.)

OnlySP - 9.5/10
Metro 2033 was an atmospheric gem, one that immersed players in a fully realised world and gave them a complex story with real characters. Metro Last Light is a refinement of the formula, delivering the same calibre of atmosphere and storytelling while improving upon many of the under-explained mechanics. It may have lost a smidgen of its difficulty to accessibility on normal, but that doesn’t detract from the overall quality experience 4A deliver with Metro: Last Light.
Gametrailers - 9.1/10 Doritos
Last Light creates a powerfully absorbing experience, but for all its refinements, there are still has a few lingering quirks. The world is immersive but not perfect with small glitches popping-up now and then. Slain enemy soldiers can get caught up in the scenery or slow-down issues that seem to occur randomly in some areas. That said, it's one of the best looking and most unique shooters out this year. The survival horror and scavenging elements bleed into the first-person shooter gameplay in clever ways, meshing with an incredible atmosphere that really sticks with you. It's a world you won't soon forget. - 9.001/10 children eaten
Tense střelba a inteligentní svět struktura zklamaly matoucí pohlaví mini-hry a nečekané Ellen DeGeneres Show svázat palce.
Gamespot (UK) - 9/10 Editor's Choice
Metro: Last Light is not an endless barrage of bullets and beasts. It takes the time to let you breathe in the choking atmosphere and allow the chilling fog to seep into your bones. And when it finally comes time to aim your shotgun at mutated fiends, the payoff is grander for the eerie silence that came before. Last Light is notably superior to its predecessor, merging storytelling, shooting, and sneaking into a remarkable and cohesive whole. And through this harmony of game design comes the caustic dissonance of a world so torn asunder that a single possibility can bring with it endless hope. - 9/10
Machine Translation:
And as such, it works really excellent: the atmosphere dominates almost every other competitor, the level and type design is among the best of what the genre has to offer. Gloomy catacombs, icy city ruins, dim Moore - constantly waving new environment details, the graphics on the PC is a visual treat. Although the AI ​​has some rough cuts, but it has also in Crysis. What I unlike Robin prepares little fun, is the eternal wait for the story. "Last Light" tells in moments when I'm waiting for the comments of AI comrades sometimes agonizingly long. While I was happy to discover the world and its characters and voluntarily "Bioshock Infinite," is forced upon me listening here - only if a monologue is completed, it goes on. This is backward narration, without which the story would be all that exciting.
Brainlazy - 9/10 <-- written by GAF's own Phawx!
Metro: Last Light manages to push the graphical fidelity of this generation into the next. Through screen shots alone you may be fooled into believing Metro: LL is a next-gen game. Though character models and animation quickly yank that thought decidedly back into this-gen like a bad case of whiplash. The combat is tight, tense and well developed without feeling repetitious. Sprinkled in-betwixt the great, poor, and solid, respectively are game mechanics that reinforce the narrative of a post apocalyptic future. Regardless of the overall small short-comings, Metro: Last Light easily commands itself as one of the best Cinematic FPS’ ever made.
OPM - 9/10
Despite these issues there are individual parts of Metro: Last Light that are easily the equal of Bioshock infinite, and sections that are better than COD. Scattered throughout the gameplay are beats as exciting and memorable as any top-tier shooter you care to mention. It plays like a first-person Silent Hill at times, and at others a version of Fallout made by Michael Haneke. True, the plot’s nonsense – but moment to moment this is a first-rate shooter that manages to do something refreshing with the template.
Gry-Online - 9/10
Machine Translation:
Metro: Last Light is certainly not a game for everyone, another shooting from the top shelf, specifically designed for a mass audience. The strength of this production lies in the fact, which are filled to the brim with her ​​guts - in a mature, brutal and ruthless content. No, I do not mean only the same story, which, incidentally, will soon see its implementation in the form of a book, but a whole lot of small elements that make this virtual world is so damn convincing. And that by the way looks phenomenal and the game is in a really good, well, it remains only to enjoy. After such laurce summary can not be other: compulsory purchase.
Gamezilla - 9/10
Machine Translation:
Last Light is exactly what I expected. This feature FPS where scripted storyline intertwines with more open moments. History draws a swamp, shooting brings great satisfaction, and work even more quietly. Developers also made sure the right amount of humor and horror, the diversity of the world, which only seems to be very poor and empty. If you not expect drastic changes in the mechanics of the game, it will be satisfied. The next game in the series Metro will have to go a step further forward. Otherwise we would not stand against allegations of secondary nature. Last Light more weapons from them, because both the "number one" and a sequel is in its genre in some way unique.
PSNation - 9/10 <-- written by GAF's own PJFJosh!
This game is definitely not for everybody. It can be brutally tough depending on how you play it as stealth is definitely rewarded over action. Story is king here and it’s given a lot of room to breathe with quite a few slow, expository sections in the game. The message can get a bit preachy at times, especially near the end, but you’re given a number of choices along the way that really let you make the story and character your own.
Things can get bogged down a bit with a few unnecessary boss battles and such, but overall, there’s a really good story here wrapped in some pretty tight gameplay in a fully realized post-apocalyptic world.
PixelEnemy - 9/10
Metro: Last Light improves on its predecessor in almost every way. The story is better, the A.I is actually competent, and all of the gameplay mechanics are much better handled though a more intuitive user interface. Yea, I ran into a few bugs while playing the game, and the last 10% of the story was lackluster, but Last Light is a fantastic game, and one you should definitely check out.
Polygon - 8.5/10 (May adjust based on twitter outrage)
4A Games has built a strange, complex world with Metro: Last Light. It's a grim vision of the future that still inspires hope. It's a hand-wringing, apologetic shooter that offers great gunplay alongside more peaceful options. Last Light has every opportunity to be bloated and inconsistent, but it never succumbs to the pressure of its own expectations — and that's worth tolerating a few frustrating technical hiccups.
Gamestar - 86/10
Machine Translation:
With the great Metro 2033 I have super understood me right away. The successor weaves a clever improvements such as weapon upgrades and simpler crawl, but not forgetting thank God, again to give off a thrilling atmosphere that immediately pulled me into its spell and tied to the end of the controller. Although nerve strict linearity and rigid faces, Artyom underground adventure is nevertheless a successful successor, who will make all fans of the predecessor satisfied.
VR-Zone - 8.5/10
Although the game itself is singleplayer only and has a defined campaign, it's easy to want to return to the wasteland and experience it all over again. The campaign is enjoyable from start to finish, offering a hefty amount of game time that's infused with plenty of gunfights, stealth, drama, political intrigue and of course that well-defined brand of post-apocalyptic flair.
Metro: Last Light is a momentous title in the franchise and is easily one of the most genuine and original titles of the year, showing how game adaptations of popular novels should be made.
PCGames Germany - 84/100
Machine Translation:
Metro: Last Light maintains the strengths of its predecessor, the great atmosphere, the gloomy, oppressive history, nasty monsters, rich sound effects. Plus there's plenty of action, which all fits. Whether you are in dimly lit underground tunnels or on the bizarre, beautiful, compared to Metro 2033 some free-roaming overworld move: the mixture of dazzling look, great effects and lovely details like water, blood and mud splashes on the gas mask creates a terrific atmosphere. She pulls you into the action right away and you can not let go until the end. Nevertheless, there are also a few things we would like to see improved.
Venturebeat - 83/100
Despite Metro: Last Light’s fairly conclusive ending, I felt like my work wasn’t done. I kept wondering about the other stations and the people living there. What are their stories and how can I help them? How did the mutants evolve so quickly? And what’s going on with all those ghosts? Technical issues might have marred my experience, but Glukhovsky and 4A Games built such a captivating world, and I didn’t want to leave. I might just have to read those books after all.
PCGamer - 80/100
When it’s all working perfectly, Metro: Last Light assembles a forlorn and beautiful world, and your journey through it takes in many poignant, delirious and terrible sights. When you get to wield some autonomy, the game creates brilliantly panicky, desperate gun battles and heart-in-mouth stealth escapades – but it’s worth it for the ride, even when your hand isn’t always on the tiller. We’ll just have to keep hoping for a game where the scenes of highest drama are played by you rather than before you.
GodisAGeek - 8/10
Metro: Last Light isn’t just a brilliant technical achievement; it’s also an enjoyable, bleak and visceral journey through a dystopian vision of the future. It doesn’t reinvent the wheel, but the budget-busting set pieces and stunning visuals will leave an almost incongruous smile on the faces of all who choose to delve once more into the darkness of Glukhovsky’s relentlessly grim world.
Eurogamer Czech - 8/10
Machine Translation:
Verdict: Metro: Last Light is clearly better than the first one. It has a great story, graphics, energizing, exciting and fun environment firefight with human fighters. Yet the result is not perfect, because kulantní told infamously hit AI mutants, the player is constantly pulling out of intensive experience unrelated animations and a few places nedoladěnými scripts. Fortunately, all the weaknesses of trumps unique atmosphere.
OXM - 8/10
Metro: Last Light is one big dose of more-of-the-same. It has the same mid-2000's flavour, and pulls it off once again by offering a varied set of locations and missions. It has no aspirations above being a linear FPS, and if you're OK with that, it's a treat. If you find your arse being handed to you, though - consider sticking to the darkness.
Gamesradar - 4.5/5
Indeed, subtlety is what makes Last Light such an exceptionally immersive game. It nails the core tenets of a shooter, then forces you to react to enemies in ways outside of simply taking cover. It plops you in a post-apocalyptic world, then fills it with tons of minor but substantial details, like the shadows of once-living people now permanently nuked into stone walls. It strips you of hope, only to dangle a tiny sliver of it ahead of you like a carrot on a stick. And once the credits roll, long after you've lost track of body counts and the volume of setpiece explosions, it's the subtle things--like the mother explaining to her child that people used to live in houses instead of cement tunnels--that will stick with you the most.
Giantbomb - 4/5
To be this far without having gone on and on about how well Last Light renders the end of the world speaks to the impact of everything else. Did I mention it has the creepiest spiders since Deadly Creatures? By its very nature of being a sequel, Last Light doesn’t feel as fresh as Metro 2033 did, but there’s still nothing else like it. Few games generate immersion through gameplay and transport you to their world the way Metro does.
DigitalSpy - 4/5
Metro: Last Light rarely feels like a revolutionary shooter experience, but it embraces the traditions of its genre and combines them with trail-blazing visuals and a gripping story.
With these factors in mind, it's difficult not to recommend the game to shooter enthusiasts looking for something with a little more imagination than the likes of Call of Duty and Battlefield offer in their solo campaigns.
Sidequesting - 4/5
Metro: Last Light is a game that is greater than the sum of its parts. The combat and the environment go a long way to cover up a lackluster story, and some questionable portrayals of the women in the world. The world of Metro: Last Light is one that should be viewed by as many people as possible, as it truly is a beautifully tragic place.
Rock Paper Shotgun - Favorable
In conclusion I can only recommend that you pick up Last Light and play when you can afford to. Perhaps don’t rush to the digital game shop, but add it to the list. It’s a linear shooter that kept me engrossed, and even genuinely thrilled at times. Placed next to Crysis 3 and Bioshock Infinite it seems like an equal, even outmatching those ultra-budget big names in some regards. It lacks their extreme precision and QA-smoothed balance, but nevertheless provides meat. It’s very much its own game, and I can only give it credit for its competence in playing with ideas that every shooter tries, and many fail to execute with any originality.
Awesomeoutof10 - Favorable
4A Games has taken quite the risk with Metro: Last Light. It should be commended by fulfilling its promise to provide a more polished, stable experience (I encountered a grand total of two bugs, and no crashes), but the drastic shift from survival to action will certainly upset some fans of the original. That challenging experience still exists within the Ranger Mode, but this is only available to those who preordered or purchased the special edition version of the game, thus I won’t judge it based on that. Instead, I experienced the game as most people will, on normal difficulty, and it’s something of a breeze, to be honest.
Still, it’s a high calibre first-person shooter, and I enjoyed my time in the metro just a tiny bit more this time around. Would I have preferred more risk and desperation? Of course. And will I be replaying it with Ranger Mode? Inevitably. But, for now, I’m more than content with my journey through Moscow’s underground. Like its older sibling, it stands out from other examples of the genre, and I think there’s something to be said for its avoidance of the familiar and 4A’s attempt to craft something new, again.
Coin-Op - Favorable <-- written by GAF's own Deadly Cyclone!
Overall Metro: Last Light is a much, much better game than its predecessor. The gunplay is very good, the stealth option is now completely viable, and the atmosphere is among the best in gaming today. The story could have used a bit more depth, but it was by no means poor in any way. I think 4A Games really knocked it out of the park with Metro: Last Light despite a few minor complaints, and I really look forward to seeing the series continue. Deep Silver deserves big props for picking up the series (and Saints Row!) and 4A deserves all the credit for realizing what they had in 2033 and fixing all the issues to deliver one of 2013’s best games to-date.
VG247 - Favorable Impressions
Alongside BioShock: Infinite, this – to me personally – deserves a place as one of the best-written shooters of the generation. The streamlined core gameplay is, sadly, cause for another debate entirely. But then again I’m yet to finish the game, so maybe this is something worth returning to once I’ve beaten it?
SlasherJPC's Youtube Review - Favorable
Quote Forthcoming (probably not really)
TotalBuscuit's Rambling Shit - Favorable
Quote Forthcoming with a heavy accent
Rev3 Review - 4/5
Quote Forthcoming

IGN - 7.2/10
Metro: Last Light is a bold post-apocalyptic FPS adventure uniquely told from the Russian point of view. Last Light’s setting and presentation are its strong points, though the last third of its 10-hour campaign is weaker than everything that came before it. If you want a fun first-person shooter that doesn’t remotely rise to the greatness of single player-centric adventures like BioShock but is still fun in its own right, then Last Light may just be for you. Just be prepared to deal with some glaring AI issues and disappointing technical problems.
Destructoid - 7/10
Metro: Last Light is a disappointment in several respects. That simply has to be said. Its design painstakingly addresses criticisms of Metro 2033 to such an overzealous degree that it actually undoes many of the things 2033 was praised for. The fact you have to pre-order or pay to access a game closer to the original's heart is also damn near inexcusable, and again I emphasize that I will not review a mode that has been tacked on in such a fashion.
As a default experience, Metro: Last Light is a good game that forgets why Metro 2033 was a great one.
Videogamer - 7/10
It's testament to Last Light's qualities, then, that it manages to entertain despite these various flaws. Its world, story and survival gameplay create a unique first-person shooter, and Last Light is a worthy successor to the original game, even if it carries similar problems. In a pre-apocalypse world, Last Light's roughness would perhaps not be so forgiven, but it feels somewhat suitable here. It's also a game about mutants, communists and alternate reality Nazis in gorgeously creepy Russian tunnels, so there's that.
Eurogamer - 7/10
Some games seem bad because they are. With Metro: Last Light, it's more a question of expectations: what do you want from the Metro series? For me, it's a scary and dark post-nuclear Russian underground, a first-person survival horror-slash-shooter with scarce resources and terrifying scenarios. There's a bit of that, to be sure. But if you also want tits, QTEs and hand-holding companions, then congratulations - you're part of the wider audience this game is looking for.
Flesheatingzipper - 7/10
So we have a nice multi-faceted shooter with good graphics, a good story (this one picks up where Metro 2033 left off, in a post apocalyptic world in which the surface is toxic and all kinds of nasties roam around trying to kill you) and plenty of action to keep you busy. Unfortunately for the PC version, we also have a terribly inefficient engine which needs a lot of optimization to reduce its truly ridiculous requirements.