"something like". ;-)
Whatever is up to Nintendo quality and promises success. I know the titles I would want to see again, if those are viable is a different story. Wave Race, Metroid Prime, Mario 64/Galaxy, some Agent game again, probably somone else as Bond, eg Bourne, Hunt or make something entirely up like Joana Dark, but, like with every other dev, I am more curious to see new IPs each gen. eg I would very much hope that Naugthy Dog isn't stuck with TloU or Uncharted, and that SSM will finally be able to bring something else than their usual Kratos game, even though the last two where somewhat different. I'd also would not want Prime 4 to be just a visually upgraded cotinuation but introduce some new shit. iirc Splatoon was the only new IP Nintendo did with the wii-u. And the rather mediocre Arms with switch. Which is imho not really much even if Splatoon is probably a great title.
Wii+ DS and now Switch again bring loads of money, invest that in growth so you don't have to announce sort of vaporware.
Which is exactly what "too few teams" means. eh? They are just too small for having years and decades of success. eg Sony only having Sony Japan (=Nintendo EAD) Polyphony (=Platinum) and Retro (insert one of the Sony western studios) wouldn't be enough for Sony either.
Well, first off, Sony is a MUCH larger company than Nintendo, so is Microsoft.
"Splatoon was the only new IP Nintendo did with the wii-u."
It wasn't though. If you ignore Nintendoland and 'saved' games like Devil's Third and W101, you had Pokken, Captain Toad and Tokyo Mirage. But the Wii U was a massive flop and didn't see a lot of games in the first place. You had more original IP for the 3DS, like Ever Oasis, Tomadachi Life, the massive flop that was Codename S.T.E.A.M. and Steel Diver.
But that ties into my point of people simply forgetting about the new IP anyway, and focusing on what they remember through nostalgia and the big franchises Nintendo already has.
Wii had a bunch of new IP that I rarely see people asking for a sequel to as well, I've never seen anyone asking for a sequel to that cutting up giants game, but that was a Japanese only release. Endless OCean, Another R, The Last Story, Disaster, Pandora's Tower, a host of Japanese only exclusives and stuff like eshop games like that cute puzzle game with the Kirby like protagonist, Dillon and Sakura Samurai doesn't seem to even register for people(well, The Last Story did, but Xenoblade was the only franchise that survived Operation Rainfall), it's mostly their big names and nostalgia fuel. So why even bother if they don't actually sell.
They still do them, but they are at least smart enough to prioritise. Devs available for second party development have mostly died off or been bought out or consolidated, so I'm not sure how much collaboration Nintendo can do for that shooter you want. They have Retro, but Retro ain't Rare, and I'm not sure if they can handle a shooter. Some of the staff I think come from some shooter games, but I don't remember them pitching much shooters to begin with. Wave Race team is, I dunno.