News: NOM Reveals New Details
By Ash - Jun 16th 2004 22:01
Nintendo Official Magazine has revealed some interesting tidbits about Mario 128 and Metroid Prime: Hunters.
Nintendo Official Magazine's latest issue has an interview with Shigeru Miyamoto which has a lot of interesting details about various games.
Miyamoto revealed that they plan on include a control scheme for Metroid Prime: Hunters that does not require the touch screen, due to several people worrying about having to hold the DS and use the touch screen. He also revealed that the touch screen may get dirty from playing, but a cotton swab is apparently useful.
Miyamoto also announced that Nintendo decided not to show Mario 128 and are experimenting with the game and deciding upon which system to create the game for.
The interview is an interesting read, but you'll have to pick up the latest of NOM to read it in full.
not bad