Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?

Microsoft Flight Simulator Releases World Update VIII: Spain, Portugal, Gibraltar, and Andorra - Xbox Wire
Experience the stunning splendor of the Iberian Peninsula with the latest World Update from Microsoft Flight Simulator Start exploring the coastal nooks of the Mediterranean and Atlantic, the heights of the Pyrenees, and legendary architecture of cities like Lisbon and Madrid with World Update...

In Microsoft Flight Simulator World Update VIII, this region has been enhanced with a variety of new, high resolution geographic improvements, including elevation data, photogrammetry, and aerial imagery for a stunning experience. This update includes four handcrafted airports, 99 custom points of interest (POIs), four bush trips, four new discovery flights, and five brand new landing challenges.
World Update VIII: Spain, Portugal, Andorra & Gibraltar is available FREE to all owners of Microsoft Flight Simulator. Update your simulator, download World Update VIII, and take off to experience the treasures of this wonderful European realm from the heights! The sky is calling!