Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios
Developer: 4J Studios / Mojang
Platform: Xbox Live Arcade
Release date: 2012.05.09
Price: 1600 Microsoft points
Official website: http://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/Product/Minecraft/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d802584111f7

Minecraft is a sandbox construction game, inspired by Infiniminer, Dwarf Fortress and Dungeon Keeper, created by Markus Persson, the founder of Mojang AB. The game involves players creating and destroying various types of blocks in a three dimensional environment. The player takes an avatar that can destroy or create blocks, forming fantastic structures, creations and artwork.
The Xbox Live Arcade exclusive console version is based on the 1.6.6. beta (relead in May, 2011). 4J is planning constant updates, providing new features, new gameplay modes for the players. Mod and skin support is planned but will not be available at launch. Simultenaous multiplayer with the PC version is not possible: there are too many obstacles (for example: the difference in versions).

Optional Kinect support, but not available at launch: will be patched into the game later on
- New crafting inferface: console oriented GUI and controls
- 60 FPS
- Split-screen multiplayer: 4 players
- Online multiplayer: 8 players
- Skins and mod support: TBD
- Game will be updated with free patches

Into The Nether (40 points)
Construct a Nether Portal.
Dispense With This (20 points)
Construct a Dispenser.
MOAR Tools (15 points)
Construct one type of each tool (one pickaxe, one spade, one axe and one hoe).
Leader Of The Pack (30 points)
Befriend five wolves.
When Pigs Fly (40 points)
Use a saddle to ride a pig, then have the pig get hurt from fall damage while riding it.
Cow Tipper (15 points)
Harvest some leather.
Monster Hunter (20 points)
Attack and destroy a monster.
Time to Strike! (10 points)
Use planks and sticks to make a sword.
On A Rail (40 points)
Travel by minecart to a point at least 500m in a single direction from where you started.
Delicious Fish (15 points)
Catch and cook a fish!
Getting an Upgrade (15 points)
Construct a better pickaxe.
The Lie (40 points)
Bake a cake using wheat, sugar, milk and eggs!
Bake Bread (20 points)
Turn wheat into bread.
Time to Farm! (10 points)
Use planks and sticks to make a hoe.
Acquire Hardware (15 points)
Smelt an iron ingot.
Hot Topic (15 points)
Construct a furnace out of eight cobblestone blocks.
Time to Mine! (10 points)
Use planks and sticks to make a pickaxe.
Benchmarking (10 points)
Craft a workbench with four blocks of wooden planks.
Getting Wood (10 points)
Punch a tree until the block of wood pops out.
Taking Inventory (10 points)
Open your inventory.

Official Xbox Magazine UK
4J has turned in an accomplished port, boasting crisp, high-resolution visuals and a reorganised inventory...In terms of console sims, nothing touches it. Minecraft's world is one that everybody should experience. >>>
Minecraft on the Xbox 360 does an admirable job of reproducing the essence of its forbear, and on the strength of the local co-op, it also manages to improve upon it in a small but essential way. >>>
I don't regret the engrossing, addictive, and often boring adventure I've had. No matter how tired I may be by the end of a day's excavating, stone smelting, and undead slaying, I can say that, overall, it was worth the effort. Just about. >>>
The plethora of in-game tips and tutorials make Minecraft far less intimidating to gamers with little time or patience to stumble around blindly looking for the fun, much of the mystery and discovery of the original game has been stripped away by the very things meant to make it more palatable. >>>

On March 13, 2012, Minecraft avatar items were released on the Xbox Live Marketplace. They are priced between 80 to 240 Microsoft points: you can buy a pig, a creeper, a sheep, a sword, a shirt or a cape for your avatar!


OXM Introduction
OXM Trolling
Split-Screen Demo
Multiplayer demo feature
Minecon demo
Tutorial mode

Trial version
Full version

Thanks to Ape Gone Insane we have a universal GAF account. Feel free to add it so we can invite people via friends of friends:
Minecraft GAF
If anyone wants to post his/her GT individually, please let me know and I'll update the list!
1. eisnerguy
2. RebornYeti
4. BattingTITAN
5. pyr0
6. Yes Pringles
7. Raging Begal
8. BinarySquash24
9. Markew001