So we got threads for board games, and lot of RPG threads, but wheres the love for miniature hobby gaming? I know we got tons of 40k fans on this board, so lets get some discussion going. And not just 40k, but how about Warmachine/Hordes? Any old school fans of stuff like Battletech?
Post up your pics of your collections, paint work, conversions, battle reports, personal reviews. Got any questions about any mini gaming, lets hear it! What are your currently playing, any comments on said game, any gaming news of interest? Let's having gaming gaf represent. I love gaming as a whole and am a big fan of hobby gaming of all type. Building, painting, making terrain, it's all so good.
As someone who has been in the hobby for years and tries to get into as many games as I physically can I love to give everything a try and have a massive collection of different products. In the future the wife and me hope to also settle down and open a game shop of our own eventually, and have sold gaming products in the past myself. So I'm thinking of also going through various game experiences and posting up detailed reviews of games as this thread goes along. Lot of gamers only get exposed to few titles like the Warhammer products (which I love), but there is a huge variety of great games on the market that deserve more exposure! And not just hobby gaming, even stuff like CMG's are welcome here! So gaming gaf, what do you play?
And a great resource for table top gaming world that focuses on all aspects of the hobby for those looking to expand your horizons:
- Flames of War
- Wings of War
- Malifaux
- Dust Tactics
- Battletech
- The Uncharted Seas
- Heavy Gear
- Star Wars: X-Wing
Post up your pics of your collections, paint work, conversions, battle reports, personal reviews. Got any questions about any mini gaming, lets hear it! What are your currently playing, any comments on said game, any gaming news of interest? Let's having gaming gaf represent. I love gaming as a whole and am a big fan of hobby gaming of all type. Building, painting, making terrain, it's all so good.
As someone who has been in the hobby for years and tries to get into as many games as I physically can I love to give everything a try and have a massive collection of different products. In the future the wife and me hope to also settle down and open a game shop of our own eventually, and have sold gaming products in the past myself. So I'm thinking of also going through various game experiences and posting up detailed reviews of games as this thread goes along. Lot of gamers only get exposed to few titles like the Warhammer products (which I love), but there is a huge variety of great games on the market that deserve more exposure! And not just hobby gaming, even stuff like CMG's are welcome here! So gaming gaf, what do you play?
And a great resource for table top gaming world that focuses on all aspects of the hobby for those looking to expand your horizons:
- Flames of War
- Wings of War
- Malifaux
- Dust Tactics
- Battletech
- The Uncharted Seas
- Heavy Gear
- Star Wars: X-Wing