Its been a while since I have played an online rpg and I think i'm about ready to take the plunge again. But which one? I have to admit the most fun I have ever had with a mmorpg was FFXI with DAOC as a close second. DAOC is too old for my tastes now so its not an option. WOW was fun but everyone was too busy soloing to play groups and group play is what I crave the most. I bought D&D online but I never got a chance to play it because my hard drive crashed before I installed it so I have no clue about it but no one talks about it anymore so I am guessing it isn't too good. So my question is which mmorpg still has a friendly community with a healthy online population that is still FUN to play now. I only have limited time to play now a days and I can't really try out each one so some thoughtfull advice would be appreciated.
I had wanted to play PSOBB but eveyrone I've talked to said that its pretty much dead and if you are not part of a clan or have a high level character you better like soloing. Thanks!