Naked Snake
I wanted to do this thread long time ago, the "best title screens" thread reminded me of it.
For some reason, when I think of memorable Game Over screens the following come to mind:
Wave Race 64 - The letters coming out of the water looked good for some reason.
Castlevania Symphony of the Night - the artwork with a line containing the words "the night is still young" (anyone remember the rest of the text if any?)
Pretty much any Street Fighter - The voiced countdown (fun when you repeatedly press a button to speed it up) then a voiced GAME OVER.
I'll add more if I think of any others.
I asked my best friend (who's stoned and laying on the floor listening to music right now) and he mentioned Resident Evil (a half a dozen zombies munching on you with the words "YOU DIED" written in blood from an overhead camera), and of course Metal Gear Solid - "Snake! What happened? Snake? Snake?! SNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE!"
For some reason, when I think of memorable Game Over screens the following come to mind:
Wave Race 64 - The letters coming out of the water looked good for some reason.
Castlevania Symphony of the Night - the artwork with a line containing the words "the night is still young" (anyone remember the rest of the text if any?)
Pretty much any Street Fighter - The voiced countdown (fun when you repeatedly press a button to speed it up) then a voiced GAME OVER.
I'll add more if I think of any others.
I asked my best friend (who's stoned and laying on the floor listening to music right now) and he mentioned Resident Evil (a half a dozen zombies munching on you with the words "YOU DIED" written in blood from an overhead camera), and of course Metal Gear Solid - "Snake! What happened? Snake? Snake?! SNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE!"