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Movies You've Watched Lately |OT| - 2021

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Watched the irishman last night. Good movie. I'll score it by the measurement of the amount of time my phone was out of my hand. Film length 3hrs 24 minutes. Phone out of hand time : 3hrs 24 minutes. Lovely stuff. Would i watch again? Probably not. There is no need.


Currently without internet (router died) so I've been watching some movies on bluray.

The Fountain <3 Still need to look up what Aronofsky's intend was.

Commando <3 Killer OST and ofcourse..

Psycho mercenary dad bod leather scene and awkward mustache enthusiast Bennett:



I took Ahnuld 15 seconds tops to trigger Bennett into a state of blind emotional rage using reverse psychology that wouldn't work on a toddler for christ sake lol ..!!
He was also a character in 'the running man' with ahhnuld. Flamethrower guy i think. Did steroids. Looked like he had gone full retard.
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He was also a character in 'the running man' with ahhnuld. Flamethrower guy i think. Did steroids. Looked like he had gone full retard.

Lol; The Running Man; a bad trip in movie form.. Haven't seen it in a good while. And yeah those were the days huh...

(Wow, looked on giphy or whatever GAF is using to look for the Tropic Thunder "Never go full retard gif buy it's been removed/altered to say GOP... Jeez..)


Kingdom: Ashin of the North (~90 minute flick separate from the tv show) felt like it was ordered by Netflix to have a strong female lead in the Kingdom series. The finale basically grants her god mode for the purpose of
the revenge story and the other side doesn't stand a chance, it's more like toying with them.
The zombie scenes are still quite nice, I always loved that about Kingdom.
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Gold Member
last night watched Suicide Squad. watched it when it came out but watched it last night thinking maybe i'd go see the sequel today but never bothered. gonna watch Birds of Prey tonight.

today watched Blood Red Sky. was fun/interesting but went on a bit too long.


He was also a character in 'the running man' with ahhnuld. Flamethrower guy i think. Did steroids. Looked like he had gone full retard.

Fireball was black.....

He wasn't in running man, he was the crazy mohawk guy from mad max 2 tho, who also had a cameo i weird science playing basically the same character


F9: The Fast Saga

I finally got around to watching this, and....wow! First of all, I'm a huge F&F fanboy. I've watched every film in the franchise multiple times, some dozens of times. I thought F8 was the low-point for the saga, and F6 probably my favorite. F9 is a very mixed bag for me.

On the one hand, it continues the franchises excellent trademark of upping the ante with each new installment. I think that's how sequels should be done, keep ratcheting up the stakes and the action. In that regard, this is a really fun action flick. There's a lot of cool shit that explodes and gets shot up, and they pretty much fire the viewer out of a cannon from the opening frame. They also manage to slip in an actual street race, although it was possibly the worst in the franchise, and didn't even feature the main actors.

On the other hand, this is as far into science fiction as the franchise has ever been, and there doesn't seem to be a road back to reality. Yeah, Roman making the meta jokes helped to soften some of the shock, but we've gone full superhero Dom now. I mean, it's almost in poor taste, because it seriously lowers the stakes, and undercuts the tension. Dom pretty much Hulk'd a gang of faceless mooks in a tunner, before plunging hundreds of feet to a well below. Yeah, F5 had that crazy bridge jump, but at least they went feet-first, and it looked cool. This time, he backflopped, and it didn't even look nice. It's probably telling when the rocket car into space isn't even close to the most-ridiculous thing in the film. Han and the F3 callbacks were underutilized as well. I'm no fan of Lucas Black, but if you're going to have him in the film, use him as more than a glorified drone pilot.

I first became aware of the franchise's trip into the impossible when Dom launched himself across a bridge gap to catch Leti in F6. At that moment, I actually muttered to myself, "Come on! That's a bit much." But I was okay with the the flying cars in F7, as they actually did drop cars out of an airplane. F8 and F9 are a step too far though. I'll watch the 10th and 11th installments, but I'm really jaded with the franchise now. It's lost a lot of its charm, and is now just carried by the action spectacle. But in that regard, it could be any over-the-top franchise. There's nothing in this that makes it an actual F&F movie, other than the characters. In the understandable push to keep ratcheting up the action, they've left behind what made the franchise so memorable. I doubt I'll remember much about this film, years from now, other than they launched a Pontiac Fiero into space.


Gold Member
finally saw A Quiet Place 2. had tickets booked for it when it was originally meant to come out but that was right before lockdown. the movie wasn't anything special i prefered the first one but it feels good to see this movie finally.
I'm watching a limited series called Dr. Death from Peacock.

It's the story of a Doctor (duh) who apparently has a stellar career ahead but suddenly start acting like a maniac and causing issues on basically all his patients. Some of them actually died. What's sad is that it's a real story. Real terrifying stuff.

I'd recommend it, just not for people with a history of medical errors. It's really bad.

Mr Hyde

Resident Evil Infinite Darkness

These animated Resident Evil movies do nothing for me. The whole time watching I´m just thinking that it would be more fun to actually play them instead. And the plot in Infinite Darkness brings out all of the tired tropes that we have seen countless times. We have Leon and Claire, zombie infection, military action, secret lab, some random guy transforming injecting some virus, Leon saves the day and everything blows up. It´s like Capcom is not even trying to expand on the lore in any meaningful way, they just churn out this shit and hope for the best. It´s just bottom of the barrel Resident Evil. I´d rather play RE6 on repeat than suffer through any more of these pointless movies.
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Mr Hyde

Mortal Kombat

Nice to see a big budget R-rated Mortal Kombat movie that doesn´t suck ass. It had all the hallmarks of the franchise although a couple of things irked me, such as Kano constantly dropping lame Johnny Cage one liners, too much CG blood and juvenile profanity (filmmakers just wanted to use that R rating to max, huh) and the new guy being kinda uninteresting.

But it does have a lot of things going. Casting was good, some of the fights were really good and the effects mostly delivered. The story, while nonsensical, wasn´t as contrived as the previous movies (and games) and it had good pacing overall. The highlight was without a doubt Sub-Zero as the villain, he stole the show being a total badass, and the final fight with him and Scorpion delivered in spades. Incredible coreography blended with cool special effects. Other memorable fights were Liu Kang vs Kabal, Sub-Zero vs Jax and Kung Lao just kicking ass with his flying hat. If you´re asking me, they should do a spin off with Kung Lao, he was very good in this movie.

Mortal Kombat from 96 still reigns supreme though. Nothing beats the Liu Kang vs Reptile fight in the Netherworlds and the music was and still is kickass. The lame remix in the credits for this new movie ain´t gonna cut it, too much dubsteb and modern garbage vibes.


Blood Red Sky - Netflix
Average to good vampire flick, didn't care for any of the characters at all but it was a bit of fun.
I was actually invested in the story until the bad guys decided not to jump out of the plane just because they realised the woman was still alive, made zero sense why they would care. Just jump out of the plan and complete what you planned to do. And why would they hired such a psycopath, the guy pretending to be an air hostess, actually the more you think about it the less sense it makes, he was a new air hostess but he did months or years of training just for that "mission"?
I know I shouldn't take it serious because it's a dumb vampire flick. I won't watch it again.

King: Ashin of the North - Netflix
I love season 1 of this show, thought season 2 was fine, this movie was just average. Zero characterisation so I just didn't care for the main character or her father. The twists and turns were nice but it means nothing when the characters are one note or none existent.

Jolt - Amazon Prime
Yet another average film in every aspect, I only watched it because Kate is so damn beautiful. My wife fell asleep.
Unlike the opinions on this film, I actually found the baby throwing scene insane funny because of how over the top it was
So yeah, over the top none sensical film with cheap productions values (everything looks like a set) and poorly choreographed action.

Average as fuck week all around unfortunately. The average Netflix movies don't surprise me but I was expecting more from Jolt.


F9. My God was this the worst of the lot. I had no problems with any movies prior, I had already accepted that these movies are going to be dumb action fun. But this just takes it to another level of absurdity, its no longer fun to watch. I'm sure I'll be watching whatever the next in this series, but man has this gone downhill.

Jungle Cruise. This was a surprisingly fun watch. Had Indiana Jones vibes right from the beginning. Thought the cast was great, jokes were pretty funny (given I love dad type jokes), and the action scenes were exciting.

Currently also going through the Transformers War for Cybertron trilogy, now at the latest season. I enjoyed seing Beastwars again. The series had always lacked in the action department. The laser gunfights are terribly dull, and even the fisticuffs are basic at best. I guess the whole point was character development for Prime and Megatron, but its average at best.
Watched Fellowship of the Ring and accidentally put in the theatrical cut, which I hadn't seen in 20 years... And tbh, it's really good! Some of the scenes feel a bit rushed but the rapid pace adds to a sense of urgency and I can do without some of the silly dialogue of the extended cut.
The color grading is great on the 4k Blu-ray and visually the movie hasn't aged a day (hah).
Some other things that stand out are costumes, masks and makeup. The orcs and Urukhai really look utterly convincing. That's one thing they screwed up in the Hobbit where I think they "enhanced" some of the faces with CGI, which is completely unnecessary.
Another thing I realized is that Peter Jackson has no business directing action scenes this good. Even the effects heavy ones like the fight with the cave troll feel extremely snappy and dynamic. And the gore and dismemberment also adds to the feeling that what you are seeing is really happening.

Still a masterpiece. 9.5/10.
Watched Fellowship of the Ring and accidentally put in the theatrical cut, which I hadn't seen in 20 years... And tbh, it's really good! Some of the scenes feel a bit rushed but the rapid pace adds to a sense of urgency and I can do without some of the silly dialogue of the extended cut.
The color grading is great on the 4k Blu-ray and visually the movie hasn't aged a day (hah).
Some other things that stand out are costumes, masks and makeup. The orcs and Urukhai really look utterly convincing. That's one thing they screwed up in the Hobbit where I think they "enhanced" some of the faces with CGI, which is completely unnecessary.
Another thing I realized is that Peter Jackson has no business directing action scenes this good. Even the effects heavy ones like the fight with the cave troll feel extremely snappy and dynamic. And the gore and dismemberment also adds to the feeling that what you are seeing is really happening.

Still a masterpiece. 9.5/10.
I prefer the theatrical cut. And so does PJ. Better pacing.


Pig was a very positive surprise. I went into this completely blind expecting maybe some revenge flick, but it turned out to be a very solid and ultimately sad drama. This is definitely going to end up as one of best Nic's flicks.


Eliza Graves

Never heard of this movie, but it came on one of the local channels yesterday. A psych doctor takes an assignment at a mental asylum, and finds that something strange is going on. It felt a lot like Shutter Island. The casting is impressive. Kate Beckinsale, Sir Ben Kinglsey, Michael Caine, David Thewlis, Brendan Gleeson, and Jim Sturgess. That's not to mention the notable actors playing side characters like Jason Flemyng. Kingsley is his usual awesome self. Sturgess and Beckinsale put in good performances as well. I found the story intriguing, eventhough it kinda follows a predictable arc. Definitely a surprise though.


What...the...fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck?!? I'd seen people refer to this movie in passing, and never gave it a second thought. Holy shit! Now some of those nonsensical comments make actual sense. This movie is fucked up, but in a good way. Florence Pugh is great in this. I saw her in Black Widow first, but she's better in this. Summer retreat gone wrong is about the best way to describe this, without giving away too much. I wish I could watch this while tripping on shrooms or acid. It feels like that kind of movie. It's so fucked up. One of those movies that hooks you early, and then proceeds to throw more and more fucked up shit at you, daring you to look away, but you can't, because you have to see what happens next. This jumped to the top of my wishlist. I own hundreds of digital movies in my Google Play account, but this will be one of those standout oddballs that I'll be drawn back to watch again and again like Bad Times as the El Royale, or Mandy.

Jungle Cruise

I'm a Rock mark...and what? I can't not like his movies. I'm also a shameless Emily Blunt stan. Blunt and Rock together is like a dream come true. I enjoyed the humor, although there wasn't enough of it. The romance between the 2 leads seemed a bit forced at first, but I found that they have pretty good chemistry. Edgar Ramirez gets very underused, but what was taken from him was given to Jesse Plemons whose German prince was a real highlight of the film. This is an attempt to create another Pirates-esque franchise, and I think the potential is there. Pirates got way over the top after the first movie, and I'm hoping that the next Cruise can remain relatively grounded, like this one. We need more of Rock's character telling jokes though. They only featured them at the start and the end of the movie, whereas it would've been nice to have them sprinkled throughout.

Black Widow

Never thought the worst Avenger (or would that title go to Hawkeye) deserved a movie. When they announced one, I never thought thought it would be good. Wrong and wrong. I'll own it. This was a damn good movie. One of the best Marvel flicks IMO. It strikes an excellent balance between story and action. Pay ScarJo her money, but Florence Pugh is the real star. Her and David Harbour steal every scene that they're in. This would've been so much better either right before, or right after Endgame, but it is what it is. They really gave Black Widow her due here, and we can finally understand why she deserved a place amongst the supers. She's a legit badass. I look forward to Pugh's character being worked into future films. She can carry on the superhero poses in honor of her sister.

The Tomorrow War

Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb...fun. Dumb fun is what this movie is. I spent so much of the runtime poking holes into every aspect of the story, but still emerged on the other side with a smile on my face. This isn't the kind of dumb fun that I can watch a million times over, simply because the story has so many stupid plotholes, but it's worth a watch or two to soak up the action and monster designs. I think those were the highlights. It had solid action. Like a SyFy TV movie with a AA film budget behind it. I say that because the staging and setup of some of the action is low-budget, but they land the visual effects. Not sure how to explain it. The monster design is probably the best part of the movie. They nailed it IMO. Terrifying enough, yet still designed intelligently enough that it doesn't have to remain shrouded in shadow or darkness to instill fear and tension. A+ job there. The movie did sabotage itself literally from the opening credits, where they showed the pivotal time-drop. No clue why they did that, and it's not a spoiler, because they literally open the movie with it. Really fucking stupid IMO. It nerfed what would've been a really tense moment later in the film. Still, a solid popcorn flick.


Gold Member
Eliza Graves

Never heard of this movie, but it came on one of the local channels yesterday. A psych doctor takes an assignment at a mental asylum, and finds that something strange is going on. It felt a lot like Shutter Island. The casting is impressive. Kate Beckinsale, Sir Ben Kinglsey, Michael Caine, David Thewlis, Brendan Gleeson, and Jim Sturgess. That's not to mention the notable actors playing side characters like Jason Flemyng. Kingsley is his usual awesome self. Sturgess and Beckinsale put in good performances as well. I found the story intriguing, eventhough it kinda follows a predictable arc. Definitely a surprise though.


What...the...fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck?!? I'd seen people refer to this movie in passing, and never gave it a second thought. Holy shit! Now some of those nonsensical comments make actual sense. This movie is fucked up, but in a good way. Florence Pugh is great in this. I saw her in Black Widow first, but she's better in this. Summer retreat gone wrong is about the best way to describe this, without giving away too much. I wish I could watch this while tripping on shrooms or acid. It feels like that kind of movie. It's so fucked up. One of those movies that hooks you early, and then proceeds to throw more and more fucked up shit at you, daring you to look away, but you can't, because you have to see what happens next. This jumped to the top of my wishlist. I own hundreds of digital movies in my Google Play account, but this will be one of those standout oddballs that I'll be drawn back to watch again and again like Bad Times as the El Royale, or Mandy.

Jungle Cruise

I'm a Rock mark...and what? I can't not like his movies. I'm also a shameless Emily Blunt stan. Blunt and Rock together is like a dream come true. I enjoyed the humor, although there wasn't enough of it. The romance between the 2 leads seemed a bit forced at first, but I found that they have pretty good chemistry. Edgar Ramirez gets very underused, but what was taken from him was given to Jesse Plemons whose German prince was a real highlight of the film. This is an attempt to create another Pirates-esque franchise, and I think the potential is there. Pirates got way over the top after the first movie, and I'm hoping that the next Cruise can remain relatively grounded, like this one. We need more of Rock's character telling jokes though. They only featured them at the start and the end of the movie, whereas it would've been nice to have them sprinkled throughout.

Black Widow

Never thought the worst Avenger (or would that title go to Hawkeye) deserved a movie. When they announced one, I never thought thought it would be good. Wrong and wrong. I'll own it. This was a damn good movie. One of the best Marvel flicks IMO. It strikes an excellent balance between story and action. Pay ScarJo her money, but Florence Pugh is the real star. Her and David Harbour steal every scene that they're in. This would've been so much better either right before, or right after Endgame, but it is what it is. They really gave Black Widow her due here, and we can finally understand why she deserved a place amongst the supers. She's a legit badass. I look forward to Pugh's character being worked into future films. She can carry on the superhero poses in honor of her sister.

The Tomorrow War

Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb...fun. Dumb fun is what this movie is. I spent so much of the runtime poking holes into every aspect of the story, but still emerged on the other side with a smile on my face. This isn't the kind of dumb fun that I can watch a million times over, simply because the story has so many stupid plotholes, but it's worth a watch or two to soak up the action and monster designs. I think those were the highlights. It had solid action. Like a SyFy TV movie with a AA film budget behind it. I say that because the staging and setup of some of the action is low-budget, but they land the visual effects. Not sure how to explain it. The monster design is probably the best part of the movie. They nailed it IMO. Terrifying enough, yet still designed intelligently enough that it doesn't have to remain shrouded in shadow or darkness to instill fear and tension. A+ job there. The movie did sabotage itself literally from the opening credits, where they showed the pivotal time-drop. No clue why they did that, and it's not a spoiler, because they literally open the movie with it. Really fucking stupid IMO. It nerfed what would've been a really tense moment later in the film. Still, a solid popcorn flick.

haven't seen the first one. absolutely love Midsommar. from the moment Christian picks up the phone to Dani crying right through until the title is a god damn master piece imo. did you watch the theatrical cut or directors cut? if you enjoyed it then i highly recommend the directors cut!

the other movies i haven't seen but definitely considering watching them. can't say i'm a big fan of the rock (but love emily blunt <3). not a fan of Marvel but of course Black Widow has Florence Pugh + I do like Scarlett Johansson. and for Tomorrow War...i'll watch anything with Chris Pratt in it!
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haven't seen the first one. absolutely love Midsommar. from the moment Christian picks up the phone to Dani crying right through until the title is a god damn master piece imo. did you watch the theatrical cut or directors cut? if you enjoyed it then i highly recommend the directors cut!

the other movies i haven't seen but definitely considering watching them. can't say i'm a big fan of the rock (but love emily blunt <3). not a fan of Marvel but of course Black Widow has Florence Pugh + I do like Scarlett Johansson. and for Tomorrow War...i'll watch anything with Chris Pratt in it!
Not sure if it was theatrical or DC. Based on a comparison website, I think it was the theatrical cut. I'll keep my eye out for the DC, for sure. I really enjoyed the movie.


The Suicide Squad.


Lots of man-crotch shots but zero for Margot Robbie.

Gimme some camel toads, mang.
I just watched this. It was alright. Definitely had a James Gunn feel to it. Just makes me pine more for the Ayer cut of the 2016 film. It wasn't bad, but I wouldn't say it was good either. I don't expect it to be remembered, even amongst this year's limited number of films.

The characters were forgettable. Cena's Peacemaker was probably the highlight. Him and the Shark dude, who provided solid comic relief. This was somehow Harley Quinn's worst appearance. Not sure how that is even possible, given the 2016 film. Bloodsport, Polka Dot Man, Rat Catcher 2, and the totally misused Team A were all anonymous. Why even waste the casting? I don't get it.

The story was utter rubbish. Style over substance. What Gunn attempted with a series of mini-chapters ultimately fell flat. Rather than creating a creating a series of fun arcs, that would crescendo with the finale, it just felt like the movie equivalent of fetch missions, where the stakes were low, and you were just waiting for them to meet the big bad.

Fuck Warner Bros, and their pathetic attempt to ape the MCU. The Snyderverse was dark, and that was good. Ayer wanted to go dark with his 2016 film, and that was a good idea. I don't know if fans are going to find the final product good, but you have to be willing to try something different. Trying to be the MCU, when you don't have the tools for it, will just make you look lame. James Gunn crushes it with GotG. Suicide Squad is not GotG. Are we expecting Gunn to turn Bloodsport into Star Lord? Bloodsport is (a) not even a real DC character, and (b) literally faceless for half the film. Why am I supposed to care? We already saw this character in the first film, with Deadshot. At that time, we at least got a character people knew and cared about, and Will Smith played the role better than Idris Elba. Don't get me wrong, I think Idris is a better actor than Will, but when you've seen a good actor already play an identikit role first, the encore is going to come off looking stale and derivative. Elba was sent to die in this role...a fate his character deserved.

WB is going to have success with the millionth Batman film, and then peacock around like they did something brilliant. No, it's fucking Batman, a franchise you're only going to run into the ground because it's the only property you know what to do with. Even then, Batman thrives more due to familiarity with the character on the part of both viewer and director. It's hard not to do a good Batman film, thought Joel Schumacher tried his hardest. And that's the thing, we had the Schumacher Bats, so WB doesn't actually know what they're doing, they just stumble ass-backwards into success with that property. I guess I'm part of the problem. I keep watching the shit they pump out, so they have no reason to be good. But one day I'll reach my limit. That day is approaching fast.


°Temp. member
I finally had a chance to watch John wick ch 3 last night and it’s one of the best movies I’ve seen in a long time. Can’t wait for the next one too.

I don’t think I’ll be returning to movie theaters even after the pandemic though so I’ve been keeping a list of movies that I want to see once available at home. Some recent movies like fast and furious 9, or black widow are charging $20 just to rent the movie. I’ll wait for prices to come way down, or when the movies are available on UHD to buy for that price :(.


Can’t Git Gud
New Suicide Squad.
I don't know if it is connected to previous ones since I've not seen that crap but this new one was great fun! I am really surprised


just saw Suicide Squad 2021, had no expectations and what a surprise it was, I liked it a lot, 7th best DC live action movie, better than the 2016 one for sure and way better than recent movies like Black Widow, thousands times better, best movie of 2021(not counting Zack's JL), better than 95% of marvel movies, better than the guardians by far
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ChatGPT 0.001

The recent pandemic had movie theaters closed for the majority of 2020 and had movies like pictured above delayed, but F9 would have been one of my choices for a movie that year (officially released June 25, 2021).

F9 is a huge action movie that leans heavily on the directors set piece, thriller abilities.

The core of F9 is in the stars and how they navigate from driving, planning war and getting through enemies.

I think the movie has plenty of awe moments and has that classic Fast and Furious feel, overall I liked it.


If you haven't watched the avenger movies, you owe it to yourself. I found Black Widow really fun to watch and I couldn't keep my eyes off the screen. Black Widow's fights are unmatched and makes me hopeful for the next main line Avenger film.


The story is a service to historic cartoon lore (evil monsters with main character LeBron to save them through basketball) the movie is designed to be this generations Space Jam and I think LeBron gives us more acting than Jordan did in the original Space Jam.


Traditional action movie that plays in discovering the origins of Snake Eyes this movie was awesome.


Shyamalan is an incredible director prepare for a 55 on metacritic but probably worth a watch type of movie.


I don't know if I'd watch it again but I don't have a problem with the Rock doing this type of movie, with help from Emily Blunt. The rock makes movies look easy and it seems easy for him. You feel uncomfortable on the "jungle cruise" than they add classic disney elements like defeating evil jungle demons, awakening ancient artifacts etc.



The latest Matt Damon film, certainly an established actor but I don't know about this film. I think there was room for more Bourne like action scenes but they kept that short and sweet, with the romance areas being of more importance.


Hollywood has become incredible reliant on super heros and villains', increasing their numbers, putting them front and center. This isn't Dark Knight, this isn't Iron Man, this is a movie that leans heavily on dark humor and dependent on it. I'll be kind and give it a C+. John Cena very good.


Can’t Git Gud
Just seen SAINT MAUD
Holy fffff this was intense, beautifully shot thought provoking movie... And the ending :O


I watched Disturbia on HBO in my hotel room the other night. What a great movie that was. It's a shame LeBouf turned out the way he did because he was a likable young actor. His girlfriend in that movie was so gorgeous.

Cutty Flam

Just finished up The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)

It's a step down from the LOTR movies but it was great to see all the Dwarves, Gandalf, and of course Bilbo Baggins again. The Dwarves are great, the highlight of the film imo next to Bilbo. Gandalf is really good too but this performance was no where near as strong as the scenes of his in the LOTR trilogy. But he still has some strong moments. I didn't expect Gandalf to top himself from his work in the LOTR. It could have been done on purpose actually, to Peter Jackson's credit now that I think of it...Gandalf is definitely a force here and an excellent companion of course, to have come along during an adventure. But he's more powerful in the LOTR, which is 69 years after the final scene in The Hobbit (69 years when Frodo departs from the Shire, that is) so it makes sense that here in The Hobbit that his words and his actions would be a bit different from the films that take place in the LOTR movies, not as sharp and direct. After all, that's a lot of time and experience to be had in 69 years time. But still, Gandalf's acting was not as great. Bilbo is excellent in this film, very strong work here in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey by Ian Holm. Very true to the character and it's like Bilbo is entirely brought to life straight out of the book almost. Thorin Oakenshield is another great portrayal from what was in the book as well. The actor they chose is excellent and probably the best choice imaginable. Thorin in the book cannot be topped, but this actor does an incredible job portraying nevertheless. In the book you almost

The scenery is pretty strong, probably like an 8.6/10

OST for the movie could have been much better imo, but it's good

Overall, it's very good work and a great watch but for the 2 hrs and 50+ minutes that it runs for I would leave it at one watch for a while. It's not going to blow anyone away like the LOTR movies will, but it's definitely better than what I've heard others say about it. The amount of detail Peter Jackson has to cover is just insane. That, and this being one of the most beloved books of all time puts a ton of pressure on him to live up to it all with his work. He put a lot of work in too, very solid representation of the first third of the book. It covered six chapters and I think Peter Jackson did very well in some areas. Had the soundtrack been a bit more powerful, the acting tightened up some, and more attention to detail in some areas had been given, this could measure up to the greatness of any of the the LOTR films
Moments that take away from score IMO

-In the beginning is where you see that Gandalf has some less than desirable or weaker than expected acting moments tbh, he was much better in the book
-The Trolls were kind of annoying
-The Goblin King's last words were so stupid lol, great design though. Also, in the book I thought his head was sliced right off his body? Thorin's kin was beheaded in the beginning so why can't they show the dumb Goblin King's beheading? It would be very grotesque tbh given his looks, but still. I guess it would be overkill to put it into perspective. But at the same time, it was a huge moment. A statement moment in the entire adventure that will later impress Beorn greatly, which is some feat in and of itself given that it's Beorn
-The Necromancer shown when Gandalf's wizard friend caught a glimpse of him was very plain and just seemed like not much thought and detail was given to it. There should have been a lot more to that scene imo, a lot more effort
It's a really good film overall, I'll give it a fair 7.4/10 rating. Very interesting comparing the book and this movie. Fun watch and can't wait to see the next in this trilogy


I saw Slice and it was an okay B-ish movie. Kind of a weird quirky movie, that felt like it was made for straight to tv. If they toned down the gore and blood this could easily be a family film. Like a said weird. Chance is in the movie but he isn't the main character kinda. They made him the main character halfway through the movie. Honestly the movie was not well made. They had one of the older teenage actors from stranger things in this movie for a small role. I got it, this is basically a sci-fi channel horror movie with less bikinis. My official rating is that this movie is like a C- but for my personal taste I would give it a B-.



Was finally able to bring myself to watch Moneyball.

The premise always interested me, and I'm a fan of Jonah Hill, but eh...

Still too much Brad Pitt being Brad Pitt -- it felt like a complete contractual obligation, too, that he was even there onscreen. The focus of the story goes in and out, though you do still easily get the picture (though it's blurry). Wouldn't recommend the film, but it wasn't something I was frustrated by. That being said, I did spend a few minutes here and there playing Chuzzle on my phone through a few scenes.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
To live and Die in LA. An 80s crime drama with a cool story and some interesting turns. Close enough to the 70s that a character in it uses the word Groovy.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Just watched Unhinged on Amazon Prime. It's like a B movie thriller with more budget than you'd expect, since there's a lot of car chase stuff. Not bad really lol. Russell Crowe plays a pretty menacing psycho.


Just watched Unhinged on Amazon Prime. It's like a B movie thriller with more budget than you'd expect, since there's a lot of car chase stuff. Not bad really lol. Russell Crowe plays a pretty menacing psycho.
Watched this over the weekend. You're right, Crowe plays a great psychopath. Enough "oh shit" moments in the movie to keep it interesting. Some really dumb decisions by the main protag, but it doesn't get in the way.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Just watched Unhinged on Amazon Prime. It's like a B movie thriller with more budget than you'd expect, since there's a lot of car chase stuff. Not bad really lol. Russell Crowe plays a pretty menacing psycho.

A lot of popular actors make great villains but their agents/contracts/hubris prevent them from taking such roles a lot of the time.

For example Vin Diesel's contracts require him to basically always be the good guy (and never lose badly). Even though one of his more fun roles was as the antagonist in the OG Fast & Furious. Schwarzenegger is another such casualty of hubris. Arnold makes a fantastic hero, one of the most iconic, but arguably his most memorable role is the villainous OG terminator.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!


Not at all what I was expecting, and I was pleasantly surprised. Every actor in this movie was excellent in their roles. I can't really say much without spoiling things. 5/5


It could have benefitted from losing about 10 minutes of downtime in the plot, or at least compressed the events a bit, but overall a solid comic book movie. I think this is the best of the DCEU so far - even though I am not sure if it is in that universe proper or if that universe still even exists.
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