Natalie Portman is currently generating a lot of Oscar buzz for her head-turning performance as Jackie Kennedy in the appropriately titled Jackie but her recent turn to more drama-oriented cinema has not completely shut the door on a Marvel Studios return. This runs counter to her comments back in August and additional reporting which stated that Portman and Marvel had a falling out after the studio parted with Patty Jenkins on Thor: The Dark World. Well, according to Portman, she's now interested in figuring out the blockbuster/superhero tentpole genre, particularly because of her young son.
“It is amazing to get to make movies that become part of so many people’s imaginations because it really is so widespread and now having a little boy too, you really see how much this becomes part of play and imagination and your internal life as a kid. It is really an incredible thing to get to be part of. As an actor it is like a completely different scale. Because when you are making those movies you are working with so much blue screen and so much fantasy, your imagination has to be so much larger.
It is really challenging for me that and I don’t feel like I have gotten it yet. I don’t feel like I have understood it yet. It is something that I’m fascinated by, because I’m really challenged by it more than anything almost. Because when you are in a room that looks like a room and has all the things a room has in it, you can interact with all that stuff, and all that stuff does what it does in life. You don’t have to imagine anything. You are just in the emotional state of your character. When you are doing those blue screen movies, you have to imagine everything outside and within. You have to create the whole world. It is like being a kid again."
Back in May, Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige confirmed that Portman's Jane Foster won't appear in Thor: Ragnarok, and three months later, Portman herself said she believed she was "done" with the MCU. Even so, Hammond concluded his interview by asking, "So...more Marvel movies in your future?"
"Yeah, well, hopefully one day I figure it out," she replied with a nervous smile.
Would people be interested in seeing Natalie return? Or is this another "Jennifer Lawrence in X-Men" situation where fans collectively can't wait to see the back of her?
Although the character of Jane Foster was something of a non-entity in the Thor films and despite Portman's rather underwhelming performance in both films...I would actually really be interested to see Natalie return, more specifically in seeing her portray the current, Jane Foster incarnation of Thor. For one thing, I think Foster's Thor is a much more compelling character than Thor a gradually weakning cancer patient who must continually embody this figure of incredible strength, you would get the opportunity to tell some really interesting stories, giving Portman some much more meaty material to work with. It could always be an option to pursue once Hemsworth eventually decides to hang up his hammer.

CAST ME OUT if old.